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Posts posted by Toly369

  1. I don't think anyone realizes how risky it is to merchant something. Nowadays, you have a greater potential for loss than for gain, unless you go in on something with a bunch of your buddies with a combined buying power of a couple hundred mill or 1b+. Some people say it's a lot easier now, I agree in a sense, it becomes a lot easier to buy up and sell vast quantities of an item, but you are however limited on your profits. A good merchant back in the day did everything him or herself as in finding suppliers and buyers and as a result reaped vast profits. Now it's not even merchanting anymore, it's just price manipulation by attempting to force an item up or down in price. I honestly blame GWD for flooding the game with so much easy money that inflation is through the roof and everyone and their mother has enough money to "try," notice I said "try," to merchant, when in reality they don't really know jacksquat about merchanting and just end up losing money and messing up prices. Not to mention GE penalties and limits. A limit on buying a certain quantity of an item along with a 4 hour penalty until you can buy more. I heard the penalties have gotten even stiffer up to 10 of a weapon or armor every hour. Jagex killed pking and dueling, they pretty much killed TRUE merchanting with the GE, and now they're trying to put the nail in the coffin on ALL merchanting. I'm all for killing monsters for items and skilling, but I dont see why we have to play the game jagex's way....

  2. Yeah, they are making it easier for people who are new. Why? They want to draw new players in and make as smooth of a transition into a new game for them as possible. Is that necessarily good? Well, no, not really since it draws in a crowd of people who expect an easy button for everything and when they don't get it, or something doesn't go their way, they complain to jagex about it.




    I'm about as veteran as it gets nowadays. I started playing before tutorial island was implemented, back in the day where on f2p you couldn't even see each other's combat levels and when you started out you got to choose whether you wanted to be a warrier, mage, ranger, miner, etc and your choice determined the gear you started out with. I'm not trying to say this was better, it was probably worse, in fact, since it gave you the impression of having a class whilst none existed, but there was no tutorial whatsoever. The result? A lot of potential players were lost because they couldn't figure anything out. But, the players who stayed and DID figure things out were much less nooby than today's "noobs."




    Now, I've noticed that myself as well as all of the other "veterans" deal with everything jagex dishes out, because we know that's just the way it is and there's no need to change it (in most cases). I honestly do feel that jagex has "noobed the game up," since every single skill and everything in general is much easier than it was to do in oldschool rs. As a result, with their newly noobed up system, jagex has drawn in a new crowd of players who can not "deal with it." Mountains of never-ending complaints from these new players would flood jagex mods, which gave jagex an unrepresentative image of the game. I mean, let's face it. Veteran players do not go complaining to jagex when something doesn't go their way. Who really knows anything about game dynamics? Veteran players or the new players? Can you see the problem that arises when veteran players are able to deal with it and keep silent, whilst new players who know absolutely nothing about which they constantly complain, go blab to jagex? Jagex has grown so tired of these complaints that they actually caved in to the "new players." The result? Well, I think anyone can answer that question for me. Just look around. The wild is gone. The duel arena is gone. After I got hacked once for over 120m+, I borrowed around 11m from friends so I could get back on my feet. The result? I paid everyone back within a week, but more importantly I was back to where I wanted to be in terms of supplies and gear. With today's conditions this would be impossible for me to do. I appreciate all of the new things jagex has added to the game. But what I don't appreciate is that jagex got so tired of the neverending complaints that they caved in, gave some of the "new players" what they wanted, and then created such a system revolved around their precious knowledge base, that it's literally impossible to directly contact any jagex staff now. Just some of my thoughts in rant form. I applaud you if you've read everything up until this point. And who knows, maybe someone might even agree with some of the things I've said.

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