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Posts posted by ryno258

  1. I just got back from seeing it and I have to admit it was pretty damn good though there are a few parts that annoyed me.


    [hide=Spoilers]Especially the fact that they sent the whole film trying to bring Optimus back and when they do he kills the Fallen in like 10 seconds.


    Also the first fight where Optimus puts 4 bullets into Demolisher and he dies I was like :roll:


    The last thing is probably just because I wanted the film to be like Generation 1 but the whole Megatron following the Fallen seemed very unlike him I mean even when Unicron turns him into Galvatron in G1 he fought against him and stresses throughout the whole series no one was the boss of him.[/hide]


    Also adding to the Megan Fox talk when there was the slow-mo of her running I just heard this guy behind me go 'Woo Yeah'

  2. Just out of interest how many GB's of downloads do you guys get each month as Nadril said really casually that he downloaded 3 anime series in a day which made me really sad as my brothers would probably kill me if I did that.

  3. fansub drama is the bane of anime. I swear to god, Koda just needs to stop her bloody PMSing. Nobody gives a crap about her. I just want my goddam K-ON, and if some [bleep] [wagon] girl gets between me and the last episode I'm gonna be [bleep] pissed.




    Source of rage.




    Hasn't Coalguys stopped subbing as well?




    Also where did you get subs for Haruhi Season 2? Because I was gonna go with Coalguys but now this (cabbage) has happened and I don't know whether to go to A.F.K or Yuki




    Dattebayo are doing it. And as trolly as they tend to be, they do release quick and high quality subs.




    Yuki are apparently very good, but appear to be lagging by an ep or two, and AFK are just slow as hell.




    Thanks for that though have Dattebayo released the second episode of Season 2 yet? I checked Tokyo Toshokan, Dattebayo and Live Evil's sites but can't find it :(

  4. fansub drama is the bane of anime. I swear to god, Koda just needs to stop her bloody PMSing. Nobody gives a crap about her. I just want my goddam K-ON, and if some [bleep] [wagon] girl gets between me and the last episode I'm gonna be [bleep] pissed.




    Source of rage.




    Hasn't Coalguys stopped subbing as well?




    Also where did you get subs for Haruhi Season 2? Because I was gonna go with Coalguys but now this (cabbage) has happened and I don't know whether to go to A.F.K or Yuki

  5. Okay as I explained to Gallade I don't think I explained myself clearly in my post I meant AMV's that used more than one anime in it like Magic Pad (the AMV I posted) that used 41 different Animes/Games



      * Ah! My Goddess (TV)
      * Ai Yori Aoshi
      * Air
      * Amazing Nuts! (OAV)
      * Baldr Force EXE (game)
      * BALDR FORCE EXE Resolution (OAV)
      * Black Cat (TV)
      * Bleach
      * Brave Story (Movie)
      * Chrono Crusade (TV)
      * DJMAX (game)
      * DJMAX 2 (game)
      * Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two (Game)
      * Eureka Seven
      * Fate/stay night (TV)
      * Genso Suikogaiden 2
      * Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (Movie)
      * Gunbuster 2 (Aim for the Top! 2)
      * He is My Master
      * Jigoku Shoujo (TV)
      * Kanon (TV - 2006)
      * KARAS
      * Loveless
      * Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV)
      * Naruto
      * Please Twins! (TV)
      * RahXephon (TV)
      * Samurai Champloo
      * Shakugan no Shana (TV)
      * Shuffle!
      * Shuffle! (PC)
      * Stellvia of the Universe
      * Tales of Eternia
      * Tales of Legendia ( Tales of MelFes) (PS2)
      * Tales of Symphonia (game)
      * Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
      * To Heart 2 (PS2)
      * Wild Arms 3
      * Wind: A Breath of Heart (Game)
      * Witchblade (TV)
      * Zegapain (TV)



    So yeah while I think those AMV's were good they're just not what I was looking for.

  6. Hey can anyone suggest some good AMVs? I'm looking for multi-anime just random fun/dance something like this one:


    Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click here.


    I do know about Animemusicvideos.org but when searching there you don't really know what you're going to get



    May 29, 2009 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released




    Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:




    Team Fortress 2






    Added Sniper/Spy milestone achievements as an additional way players can get the new unlockables




    Arena Mode




    Added tf_arena_use_queue server convar. Turn this on to get the old queue behavior. Default is off




    Added tf_arena_round_time to set a timelimit on the round




    Added the userid of the player who built the teleporter to the "player_teleported" event




    Fixed player killed event causing server crash




    Fixed Spies not being telefragged when standing on an enemy teleporter exit with the Dead Ringer enabled




    Fixed attackers seeing the mini-crit particle effect for full crits if the victim has the Jarate effect enabled




    Fixed the Ambassador not doing damage to buildings




    Fixed Spies disguised as their own team not drawing blood effects




    Fixed players killed by flaming arrows not showing the appropriate death icon




    Just copied and pasted from my TF2 updates pop-up so may look dodgy but you can check and they are actually there.

  8. Albums I've gotten from 2009:


    Franz Ferdinand - Tonight: Franz Ferdinand


    Gomez - A New Tide


    Lily Allen - It's Not Me, It's You


    Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix


    Silversun Pickups - Swoon


    Passion Pit - Manners


    I'm also about halfway through downloading Bob Evans - Goodnight, Bull Creek! and Phrase - Clockwork




    The only band I know that's bringing out an Album soon is Karnivool and their album comes out next week I think. I might go search and see if I can find any other bands that I would consider picking up a Album from


    AFI - Crash Love (I might pick this album up not really sure yet)


    After The Fall - [in] Exile


    Architecture In Helsinki - Vision Revision


    Arctic Monkeys (currently untitled)


    Ben Folds - Stems & Seeds (depends how much he changes the songs as to if I pick this up or not)


    Bon Iver - Blood Bank (EP)


    Death Cab For Cutie - The Open Door (EP)


    Hilltop Hoods - State of the Art


    Jebediah (apparently they're bringing out an album)


    Klaxons (untilted)


    Pendulum (It may come out early 2010 but hopefully late 09)


    Placebo - Battle for the Sun


    Say Anything - Say Anything


    Vampire Weekend - (untitled)


    The Wombats (Magnetic Rock)

  9. I have to agree with you guys that GH3 set list kind of sucks. I would prefer a list like this 3's & 7's,Cherub Rock,Cliffs of Dover,Cult of Personality,Helicopter,Knights of Cydonia,La Grange,Lay Down,My Name is Jonas,Reptilia,Welcome to the Jungle,F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X and Through the Fire and the Flames.




    Also I got my first FC today even if it was only Monsoon

  10. I'm trying to keep up to date with 6 Animes but failing pretty badly because of a capped internet last weekend so I couldn't get them :cry: I'm only up to date with K-ON! and Eden of the East which is pretty amazing I especially love the OP and ED and which while I haven't seen a lot of Anime must be one of very few that uses a pretty big western band in its OP. I need to pickup the episodes that aired last weekend from the other 4 to be up to date(The 4 are Basquash!, Saki, Shangri-La and Valkyria Chronicles if anyone cares).

  11. Hmm while they didn't change anything in game this update is actually interesting. I mean the backpack even if you add 3 new weapons for the classes that don't have them there's 23 spaces left to fill, but then because this new head gear slot on the class sheets they will take up 9 more spaces but you still have 14 spaces left :-k




    Though wtf why would give an option to permanently delete unlockables and no way to get them back I mean seriously why would anyone do this?




    Oh and one more thing I think I'm having a bit of a glitch with the new loadout sheet as every weapon when I put the mouse over them and it comes up with information about it most have changed to the Heavy's minigun and the rest have changed to his shotgun



  12. Yeah I watched Shangri-La last night and I have to agree it seems pretty awesome I mean I wish I had a boomerang that can cut through a tank.




    Downloading Valkyria Chronicles currently so hopefully that's good as well like the other new series I've watched this week.




    Thinking about watching Eden of the East when it comes out as well.

  13. Has anyone else watched Saki? I watched the first episode and thought that it was pretty meh, I mean it's pretty good but I kind of just thought it was trying to make mahjong(sp?) something that it's not by adding lightning and flashy lights to it. So currently I'm a bit iffy about watching the rest of it :?




    Also another new show Shangri-La has anyone picked this show up I was thinking about watching it but wanted someone else's opinion on it.




    With the new Fullmetal Alchemist is it a completely new show or a remake that follows the manga more? If its a remake should I still watch the old Fullmetal before to know whats going on?




    The new Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya a rerun, a new season or a mix of both?

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