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Posts posted by dpunkplayer

  1. Is luring scamming? yes. Luring is decieving another play for personal gain. You are lying to a person in order to get thier stuff. In my mind, lying is not only telling someone something untrue, but it is also not telling someone the whole truthin the first place. To say that its not is just a cop-out by technicality. And to say that its the victim's fault is completly stupid to me. Some lures aren't as obvious as others, and as for the ones that are, everyone has a right to play this game, the gullible, the less-than-intelligent, and so on. This game was made for people to have fun, and ruining someone else's day by tricking them out of thier most valuable items isn't following the purpose this game was made for. Whether its against the rules or not, luring is still a dispecable, rotten thing to do to another person. Where are everyone's morals at???? Can anyone of us just have fun playing RS without being a total jerk about it? I believe that we can. I don't think there is anything wrong with playing this game honestly and being courteous to others while doing it.

  2. hmm lets see ive been called a noob for:








    not giving my whip away for free




    for brining entange to caste wars for flaggers




    for not leaving a training spot when i got there first




    for not buying 1k flax for 1m




    for telling a mod off for offensive language




    for using the runescape forums and telling people that posts are against forum sepcific rules




    and for wearing a rune pl8 instead of d chain

  3. lol i had no part in half of this, but i witnessed it. ok, i was f2p pking in edge world 3 when a lvl 97 in monk comes up to me, note: im 83 at the time,








    97:no armour me




    me:...if i wanted to fight armour off i wouldnt have worn armour




    97:noob you know youd lose




    me:lol ur 14 lvls higher than me, does that make a difference?




    97: fine ill fight u with armour brb








    he never comes back








    heres a different one, same setting, maybe the same lvl 97, and theres a 106 in there. 97 in monk, 106 in rune








    97:no armour me




    106:no noob, go buy armour
















    lol i found this hilarious, then i fell out of my chair. then a 98 walked up and killed the 97 while he wasnt paying attention

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