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Posts posted by Arctic

  1. Homer don't shun jpegs, they're great.


    As are GIFs.




    Just because paint saves horrible quality JPGs doesn't mean a $600 quality image-editing program with highly customizable saving options does.




    I usually save as PNG-8s, since they're not too large, and keep good quality, though JPEGs are very handy, and GIFs are ok-ish.




    (JPG, JPEG, whatever, they're the same to me.)

  2. Mitchel, it's fake... =\




    I quite like it, not an original idea, though it looks ok, and well done for a first. As pointed out, the cloak and foot are cut out a bit in the first one, and the stats dont match up. Try (more advanced faking by) reconstructing some of the whip to give it a different viewing angle, so it looks more realistic, althugh the current one isn't too noticable, and isn't wrong perspective.




    Is it just me, (I havent played RS for quite a few months now) or is the rune plate not from the same picture as the legs?It doesn't seem to join properly...




    Anyway, quite a good job. Well done.

  3. not to bad rather basic, quick feathering and de stat. try, TRY, to have a different font in every manip, it makes them more interesting and gives them personality.




    did you also up the stat on the flower its self?








    Ehhh... Stat? I think you mean Sat? (Saturation)

  4. The text placement and TO being in caps is what I think people find wrong with the text. It stands out too muh and TO draws your attention when it shouldn't. Go rotate it, manipulate it and hide it to a certain extent.

  5. Don't like the negative space being white... The first ne is good, render fits, good smudging, text is pretty good, render colour fits.




    Second I don't like so much... Text not as good, colour doesn't fit, though the texture of the smudging is nicer.

  6. Hehe, you were determined to use that stock somewhere, weren't you? :P




    It's ok, but once again, not your best... Can't see much differences inbetween versions. What happened to you adding on to the image? Splatters, patterns, other stocks and whatever else?

  7. never understoon why people called them renders. why not just here dar teh image i r put in teh sig kay




    Because they're rendered.


    Rendered in 3D programs.




    'Renders', such as this is not a render; it's just a cut out of a 2D image, and isn't rendered, however the name Render stuck to it, and so it's generally known as a render.




    That's my understanding of it anyway.

  8. spatter/sprayed strokes. i wanted to bring the focus onto the middle of the sig, or her.




    Meh, still doesn't look good, and doesn't draw my attention towards her, the opposite if anything, I'm looking at it and tihnking it looks weird and not attractive as it should.

  9. and amateur = not payed to do something, not necesarily bad




    pro = payed to do something ;o




    Amateur = Looks like you just stuck a filter over it without much thought. Which it does look like.




    Amateur = Looks like somethng soemone new to PS did. Which it does. (The Background only)

  10. Spatters are too visible. They dont' fit. You're really trying to do a spatter... Why? Just because all of CGFX Are, doesn't mean you should. In fact you shouldn't if anything; you're just trying to be the same as them, sure they make good tags, but that's not because they do spatters, it's because they have skill; and you have skill, but not in spatter tags.




    It's good, I like it, mystical, good deep tranquil colour (Blue owns hard, kai?)




    Not fond of the pastel effect. Looks rather amateur.




    Text too visible too. Lower opacity, as well as the spatters.




    Background is a little plain; it's flat all round, doesn't amount up to a focus point.

  11. Urg, it should work. PM me what it says, you know there's spies everywhere who are wanting MY MSN. :-w


    Also, add me in-game. I need to eat you. ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì_ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì


    [russianaccent]I stole your cat. Your MSN has been leaked. Kthxcatstoled[/russianaccent]








    Not fond of many of the Other Peoples' signatures, but the ones for yourself are rather nice. ^_^




    Cad r pwn inspire.

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