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Posts posted by oegly41

  1. Women instictively want sexy sons, its basic evolutionary science. Nerds don't give off phenotypic traits that would allude to them having the genes for that. So baring the fact that nerds are amazingly socially awkward, women aren't naturally driven to get with them.




    So no, not until the day that all tall, good looking musclebound men are hobos with limited social skills will nerds have a chance of taking over the gene pool. Sorry for ruining the pipe dream.


    Evolution is the keyword here. If the offsprings of nerds or geeks manage better than other, evolution will eventually favour those who get attracted to nerds.




    Also, I've read all of those as well, and I'm not what you'd call a reader. I also know java and matlab, but I'm not what you'd call a programmer. So either make a better case for why you think you're a nerd of merit, or try to attain my sexual attractiveness to compensate, as impossible as that may be.


    I'm not calling myself a nerd of merit, I'm just wondering what category I fall into. I consider myself to be a nerd, but I think it has a slightly different meaning in Norwegian.




    As if the teenage mindset think about having a family. It's high school, no one cares for their future families only the best score for getting laid.


    Do you mean that people stop being nerds after high school?


    Ulitmately, no. This all still boils down to sex. A geek/nerd twig isn't sexy. A muscular man is. All it is, all it will be.


    O rly?




    Throughout the history of human kind, women have been attracted to men who are likely to be able to take care of them and their future children. As the human culture is evolving, nerds are becoming more useful than muscular men. If that male dominance and that bloody market will continue to rule the world, it will mean that nerds will be more capable of taking care of families, and evolution will eventually favour women being attracted to nerds. This is not necessarily true, since women are getting higher positions in societies, the term "family" is not the same as it has been for thousands of years, and neo-liberalism is being brought to an end as we speak. However, I consider it to be an interesting hypothesis.




    What am I? I know about 3 programming languages and 2 markup languages, I use Ubuntu, I have read the entire series of Hitchhiker's, Harry Potter and Animorph. Also, I have an average grade of 5/6 without putting any effort into it. I manage quite well socially, with a few exceptions.


    Seriously, the whole "because it's easier and more logical" argument could be said for many things, including languages and laws. Should all nations switch to the easiest to learn and most logical language (which by the way isn't English)?


    Why are we speaking English on these forums? Because it is more convenient if we all use the same language. When you are already speaking the "World Language", I don't think you have the right to complain when the rest of the world try to implement a new measurement system.

  4. Why does everyone bring up the Norse mythology? I've been to Valhalla, and I can assure you it's not all it's cranked up to be. Þórr always get to decide the fighting teams, and just sets up his strongest friends against the rest of us, which leads to his team beating us by miles every time. Heiðrún's beer tastes foul, and you have to look at Sæhrímnir slowly coming back to life as you eat his meat.




    I don't really like any religion that I know of, because they all involve free will to a great extent. If I had to pick one, I would probably go with Buddhism.


    seriously... i mean if you're going to get something that any random schmuck can get, then get her name engraved on it in case some one steals it which will probably inevitably happen because it happens to every one. (run on sentence but idfc)



    You can probably get a lot for the Queen's iPod on eBay.

  6. I like the Norwegian welfare system, but I don't feel proud of my heritage.




    If I would give an ode to another country, I think it would be Venezuela. If the Progress Party wins the election this autumn and gets to form a government, I'm moving to Venezuela.

  7. Long time, no see, TIF!




    Economic: -10


    Social: -7.23


    [hide=My compass]pcgraphpng.php?ec=-10&soc=-7.23[/hide]




    It seems I am the one furthest to the left again. I do want to gloat, but as Lenin posted out last time, that wouldn't be very communist of me.

  8. Is psychology considered not science or a sub-branch of biology?




    Still, I think I must give my vote to biology. I find it interesting how life works. Math is quite interesting as well, it is useless on its own, but everything is useless without it.


    As for your answer of yes to my question, what to you is fair about a doctor doing years of hard study to earn $X a week if a grocery bagger can earn the same on a little bit of relatively easy training? You can see what I'm saying here, can't you?


    Don't forget that in communism, the doctor would get a free education, and provided with necessities while studying. Now it's the bagger who is doing all the hard work, while the doctor is going to school.


    A sense of fairness has everything to do with human nature. Regardless, it doesn't matter. If a society takes a perspective and says no to Communism, then pointing that out isn't helping your argument any. As you said, it just so happens that many in the West think that the prospect of everyone earning the same is unfair.



    Fairness is a great part of human nature, but the definition of what is fair is not. Some mindsets say it's fair that everyone can use their abilities to do whatever they want, while some mindsets find it fair that everyone have the same living standard.




    Capitalism/neo-liberalism is based upon the principle that everyone have equal opportunities. However, it leads to the ones with greater abilities and the ones who come first can gather enough resources to dominate over the less fortunate. It's good in theory, but it just won't work in reality.




    Let me ask you the question: do you think it would be fair for a bagger and doctor to earn the relative amounts of money you suggested? What about if they earned the same amount of money?







    I'm also interested in this sentence you wrote:

    It is true that most societies are neo-liberalist, but that doesn't mean that communism must accept a neo-liberalist society.
    Communism is an ideology. It's not in the business of accepting or rejecting other ideologies. It's the people (societies) that accept or reject it. I suppose you meant to say that Communists don't have to accept neo-liberalist society. That's fine, so long as you can find a country that will have you. I think you already know that you're on the back foot in that sense.


    Culture is dominated by the ideologies a society is based upon. I apologize for the unclear formulations, but it seems that you got the meaning out of what I tried to say.

  11. * Drumroll! *




    We present the awesome receivings of Ceaserian Øgly:




    One t-shirt


    One Sweater


    One "Nerd Mind Game" (A puzzle with a ball between a lot of sticks)


    A troll


    The book Young Stalin (Did you know he used to rob banks? :-k )


    Aaaaand... A 4 GB 2M Memory Stick for my phone.

  12. People who bash communism do so from a neo-liberalist prospective. It is true that most societies are neo-liberalist, but that doesn't mean that communism must accept a neo-liberalist society. ("Neo-liberalism" basically means "free trade", and is associated with people like Reagan and Thatcher, people who would allow governments to control trade.)




    You claim that communism isn't fair, because people wouldn't be rewarded for harder work. This is completely cultural, and has hardly got anything to do with human nature. Let's say that a bagger, who spends his days putting groceries into a bag, gets a minimum wage of 100 (just to take a number) quid (just to take a currency) per week. A doctor, who has gone through eight years of education and spends her days working hard to save lives get a maximum wage of 150 quid per week. This might not seem like a big difference, but this is because you are told so by culture. If these people are told that one of them is poor, while the other one is rich, that would be accepted. They both have enough to survive, but the doctor can get that extra snicker (or some socialist chocolate bar) on pay day, and she is told that that is what being rich is.




    Even if we say that everyone get an equal pay, people would still take the more difficult jobs out of interest. People would become scientists to discover more, lawyers to serve law and doctors to save lives. If someone would become a doctor because of the social status or the wages, and doesn't care whether the patient lives or dies, I wouldn't like to be treated by that doctor.





    Personally, I think that Communism is entirely unfair; people are not inherantly equal, and should not be treated as such. People should have equal oppurtunities, but not equal status, and that is essentialy what democratic capitalism tries to acheive. It dosen't, in many circumstances, work, of course, but it's still alot more "fair" than Communism.


    Isn't "Everyone is created equal, if you are unable to work, too bad" the base principle of capitalism?

  13. "Communism is a nice theory, but..."




    But what? Have you noticed how many people keep saying this? They believe it's nice, but they think others will make it fail. It is this attitude that makes it fail. If people were less realistic, we would have a lot better reality!

  14. The guy who doesn't have any friends and doesn't have much going for him
    Quit that negative attitude. If you'd like, I can ship you to Africa. You won't feel so sorry for yourself then.


    I live in Zimbabwe. the reason i dont have any friends is because my dad is a missionary. i am the only white boy in an unwelcome village.


    Hah, guess you do have it bad. But think about it - YOU HAVE A COMPUTER WITH INTERNET ACCESS!


    Does that mean "You don't live in Zimbabwe, Africa hasn't invented internet!" or "You have internet, so your quality of life is high! Stop whining!" ? Either way, I don't see how your statement makes much sense.




    I'm known as the smart one or the communist. People tend to accept the first one, but for some reason they get surprised when they discover the second side of me. It's cool when I can help people with their homework, but it's not so cool when I want to free all victims of oppression and establish an utopia for everyone. :roll:

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