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Posts posted by Zachcorp

  1. An honest thesis from a nonstaker, nonpker, etc.




    1) Most of you people have no idea what this honestly has done to so many honorable people in the game. I'm not supporting massive amounts of money being exchanged so quickly by such a small population, but a lot of people used the duel arena for FUN! 3k is such a horribly small amount, it disgusts me.




    2) I don't think this is funny at all. Normally, i don't post, just read, but this required my attention. You can't say 'oh hahaha i lol'd in real life!' without actually coming to the conclusion that about 500,000 accounts just became worth crap. These people spend just as much time leveling their stakers as you do your skillers, your pkers, whatever. I don't see anyone laughing when they take out the bottom half of the wild, used by goldfarmers killing green dragons totally destroying pking.




    3) Jagex has been around for a while. For about 5 years, I've watched them grow. Never have I seen them do anything to take away from players who are dedicated to a cause, especially by taking away the cause itself. To take away staking in general would have been a blow to the community even more than this. This way, stakers are still given a strand of hope, because Jagex may change their decision. I support maybe 25k max on a stake. Even if you can only fight in 3 (good) duels in an hour, I've always loved duelling, and now I find myself almost addicted to the tournaments. Hooray for making my homeworld a tournament world!




    4) Staking> in threat of cheaters to Pking? Since when?

  2. Excellent speech




    I agree with you completely. Jagex still treats the autoer problem like you would treat a mosquito. But in truth the autoer problem is like a termite colony. And when you find a termite colony, you don't grab a flyswatter and get all that you can see, you hire the terminator to take them all out, right? Jagex has consistently mistreated the macroing problem in Runescape.

  3. Wasn't Herblaw and Fletching released at the same time, then Agility, then RS, Slayer, Farming, Construction, and finally, Hunter?






    Herblore and fletching were both released at different times. If I'm correct, thieving was released with members also




    If I'm right, the order FROM THE BEGINNING is:






    (banks <3: )


    Woodcutting (firemaking)


    MEMBERS (Thieving)




    Herblore (The Old Nite was first for that one =D)


    and ya'll know the rest

  4. I think that it should be changed.


    I remember when I was f2p i stayed away from 7 because of merchants.


    I don't think it should be 17 either. Pick a server that has 1100 at peak times, not almost full. that's why i stay on the swedish servers

  5. I run a football/basketball blackmarket betting club in my school. Somehow, (my parents can't figure out why) I always have $$ :XD:












    ok not really, but i do bet $5 on the dallas cowboys football game every once in a while












    Also, volunteer for laundry "duty" as quarters or even bills always pop up.

  6. Personally I think it would just be cool to have a cape for all skills 99.








    that might come later








    Cape design: Slayer or mining




    Skill symbol:attack










    Does anybody feel that the new changes to the dragon wc axe justify the 2.8m difference between dragon and rune?








    Think of it this way:








    Just say you wanted to cut 5000 magic logs, you may only see a little time difference between the rune and the dragon hatchet when cutting a single log (just say 2 seconds, im not sure on the actual rate). But that 2 seconds piles up when doing large amounts of woodcutting. You save alot of time and you could pump out magic logs into the market faster = more money.








    That still doesn't justify why i don't have one <.<








    But yes, in ALL mmo's (wow, everquest, runescape, guild wars, etc.) something that gives a slight boost over everything else IS worth much more. Explain the cost difference between full adamantite and full rune? personally i haven't worn full addy since runescape classic, but then the armor bonus difference was not too much.








    In my opinion, I'd just stick with the low costing item (rune hatchet) until it's earned it's worth and I've saved up for the higher costing item (dragon hatchet)

  8. hmm, a lot of them are gone








    they were there for like 10 minutes, but never showed back up








    Anyway, I think I want to put together a team to just rampage on some autoers... anyone want to come?

  9. I think I posted no less than 3 times on your slayer blog, and I saw you at magic trees near seers several times. It's always sad to see someone go, especially one as charming and cheerful as yourself. I think that life without runescape is moving on to better things, and I hope you find something filling to, erm, fill the gap of time that you used when you were bored. (hope that sentence makes an ounce of sense O:) )








    Have fun in life

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