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Posts posted by sonowar

  1. For people who dont have acient magic: Port sarim food shop is much much closer than canafis.




    Plus if you buy more than you need to get to the next familier you want to make, you can sell them for 1k each down at the alter to recoup your losses from all the spirit shards you have to buy.




    In fact you could probably sell em for more than that - I had people biting my hand off for unnoted chickens at 1k ea. - of course there were also idiots who had never heard the phrase "things are worth only what people will pay for them" calling me a noob for not selling them for 20gp or something - but mostly people cant buy enough of them.




    TIP - when you reach your trade limit selling chickens, give away your pouches. Although you cant realy sell them for much, the trading window recons they are worth 200gp - so give away 100 every time you fill up your invent at falador bank and thats another 20k profit you can make in under a minute.

  2. people are saying it will lower prices - but I think it will increce them. Think about it - there will be the same number of items for sale (as it dosnt speed up production) so there will be no deflaton.




    As well as this - skillers won't be in as much rush to sell. For example - I am abut to mine 10k coal to get my mining lvl up. Previously I would have sold them quick for about 150 - 160ea - so I could then go off and kill some chaos druids to get some herbs.




    With the new exchange, why would i do that when I can post up my coal and hold out for 200ea, and then get an extra 400k - 500k profit?!?




    I dont think we are seeing a point of deflation - I think we a seeing a rebalence of power - where skillers finaly get a payoff for all they bring in to the game

  3. im sorry if someones already mentioned this, as I havent had time to read the entire thread but:




    This update could actually be very good for people who prefer gathering suplies and killing monsters to merchanting. Personly :evil: I HATE :evil: having to spend an hour or so in world 2, or trawling the forums looking for someone who wants to buy 500 rannar weeds - when i could be spending the time training herblaw with the irits ive colected while gathering ranars. How better to post them up on the exchange, and get on with doing something usefull while they sell themselves!

  4. more bank space??? but even thats to much for JaGeX




    Let's assume there are 6mil RS players, and about 5mil of them are F2P. These F2P players have about 60 bank spaces each, or 300mil bank spaces altogether. Now I think Jagex uses long integers to store bank spaces and their contents. Long integers are 32-bit (I think). This means:


    9600mil bits used for F2P bank spaces, or:


    1200 bytes, or:


    More than 1 MILLION gigabytes, all on the Jagex servers, storing our worthless pots and cabbage.




    For Jagex to add 1 F2P bank space would take 20mil bytes, or around 16667 gigabytes. For 1 more cursed bank space. God, most computers have, what? 20 gigs? Imagine how much space every new player from tutorial island is using? Not to mention inventories, stackable items, notes, etc.




    umm i dont think they would use 32 bits - sounds abit excessive to me. 32 bits can store a number up to 4294967295 - and i doubt anyone has that much of somethin in there bank :shock:




    As for the rest of your post - youve hit too many 0s on your calculator :P




    assuming 5 million people with 60 spaces each (that sounds too few to me, but o well ill go with it till someone posts a correct figure) is 300million spaces.




    even assuming each of those spaces needs 32 bit - 32 * 300mill = 9.6bill bits = 1.2bill bytes. Assuming 1kb = 1000bytes (it dosent - i think im right in saying 1kb = 1024b - but 1000 is easyer to see where it comes from - someone plz correct me if im wrong about this :) ) then that is 1.2gigabytes - about a million times less than your "working out" :P - so no - if jagex wanted f2p to have more bnk space its easily doable even to double it for them :thumbsup:




    BTW - i dont know when you bought your computer - but 20gig :shock: - my LAPTOP is 160gig - and laptops (like for like) have allot less HD space than computers! - my com upstairs is 320gig (2*160 drives) - and even my ps3 is 60gig - are you saying that a game console has 3 times as much HD as what your saying is the "adverage" COMPUTER?? - what are u smokin? :P :wall:


    People who are f2p should be MORE THAN GLAD THAT JAGEX EVEN HAS f2P. i dont see xbox 360's with a "free to play setting". be happy with what you have and quit asking for more!




    i think thats a fair point. and if f2p get new stuff all the time, then theres no reason to even be p2p because you'd always be busy anyway. a few things here and there is probably good, but not too often.




    i spose its like sony's ps3 store - u get the demos and concepts for free but wen u get bored u have to pay to get the good stuff.

  6. yea i hate those too ^^^.




    What i also hate is those peeps who dont bother to check up what they say by reading the entire thread THEN PRETEND THEY HAVE. (cant be bothered to find the quote but if u go up a few posts ull find the rough words "$60mill was just made up". no it wasnt. you obviously havent read the thread.




    In the fist couple of pages someone 'worked out' that was how much jagex made from adds. scince then some peeps with some common scence worked out (notice the absence of inverted commas) that this was complete rubbish. - if your going to post your opinion as a fact - then support it with proof - something that statement clearly didnt have.




    o - and to the person who tryed to discredid someone for there sig - yes it is cool and funny. dosnt mean its ment to be taken seriously. The guy said he wasnt for degrading f2pers - stop trying to find an excuse to say he is. :evil:

  7. I think f2p should get the elder stuff of p2p


    That woudl be about the same as with movies, when they are new, you pay to see them in a cinema and see it once, after some time you buy a DVD, which is more expensive, but you can watch as much times as you want, and after 3 years, you get to see it for free on your television (and you can record it of you want).


    With that system, p2p get stuff for their money as they get it immediately when it is released, and after some time, p2ps get a bit bored of the stuff, and they dont do it anymore.


    maybe we could have a cat, I mean, everything is placed in f2p world, except where the old cat if Gertrude is, but that is just a little place.




    exactly the point i was making but everyone ignored a couple of days ago. If f2p people want to know what members is like it would surly be better to give them something that IS members rather than something members have never done?




    This would also stop the problem developing of p2p becoming f2p and f2p not becoming p2p. - if you relase the updates a couple of years later (and perhaps slower? maybe 1 a month not 1 a week?) then people would still become members because theyed want them quicker.




    dont belive it? - have a look around the market square in whatever town u live in next time ure in town on a sunday mourning - odds are you will find a stand selling pirate dvds of things only just coming out at the cinima. why? because people like to by illeagly made dvds? nope - because people dont like to wait for things - and the same principle would work for jagex.

  8. for the people who say that f2p ads earn more money than p2p - how stupid are you? - they earn more money as a BULK - not more money each. while you may be thinking "so?" at the minute think about it - for the CURRENT f2p players jagex has to PERMINETLY keep running 74 (rough count - may be slightly off) servers - whether or not your playing!. that must be a huge cost to jagex - hence why the adverts are there - not to give you free stuff - but to keep giving you what they are already doing. do you expect miniclip to update there games? - or onemorelevel.com? - no. The only reason you get so upset that jagex isnt giving you updates is because other people are getting them.




    sorry if that was a rant but i get realy annoyed if people expect free stuff just because they clicked on a hyperlink. :wall:

  9. no, no, no, and no. If they want an update they can fork out 5 bucks a month. Why should my money go to someone who doesn't pay?















    NOOOOO! - plz people if you are like this guy DONT POST! Have non of you seen the Southpark episode where the clu clux clan decide to help some people in a debate and they have to launch a desperate attempt to drive away the clu clux clan to the other side so that people dont hate them?? - the people like this guy are unreasonable and people are going to hate us if we let these guys be our voice!








    In case you havent realised it im against jagex developing updates for f2p players. What you may not know is i am mostly a f2p player. I have been playing for 2 + (1/2) years and during that time ive had about 9 - 11 months of membership.








    Anyway - enough about my background and my rant about loud mouth people trying to drown out others opinions - heres my suggestion.








    I think that jagex should draw up a list of all the members updates that have ever been produced. Then for every 2 or 4 members updates that are released they should dig through the list and find an old members update to release to f2p. That way all the updates being developed are for members, f2p players are getting new content, and people wanting to know what members are like to see if they want to buy it will get to know what members is realy like rather than some tight bujet f2p dedicated update as jagex tries to satisfy both arguments by giving the f2p an update, but a half assed one.








    what do u think?

  10. Hmmm - don't moan at the editor just because you didnt like it. I and many others thought it was a great artical - personly i thought it was much better than the interveiw articals (I mean - just because i play the same game as them don't mean i want to know about how they got into runescape and such). Basicaly if u want to voice your opinion do it politly, and preferably backed up with reasons.

  11. A couple of posts up someone mentioned the future of runescapes developement in relation to its survival among other MMORPGs, and while not strictly part of the topic, future runescape updates are interesting to think about. Personly I think runescape 2 has reached the end of its run - just as clasic did a while ago (shown by the graphic updates, which while brighter and more colourfull, are no way better quality in terms of resolution or quality). therefore the logical step would be RS3 with a better graphic engine. In terms of runescapes enviroment, i think that these 1 island increses are getting abit old, and RS3 would have to be quickly followed by a new continent about the size of the F2P map to explore. As for gameplay i think that most people think its perfect already, althogh I personly seriously hope they stop with this 'makeover mage' spree, and launch a crusade against the god auful message 'Nothing interesting happens'. Yes it dose, the game just dosnt know what happens, and jagex needs to fix that. With the amount of programming that goes into a quest Jagex could probably create several hundred of these tiny changes. take a month out of giving us baby updates and that could add up to over a thousand situations without the horrible phrase 'Nothing interesting happens'. :wall:

  12. I think it was a great artical, well written and making a realy good point. I am 17 and have been playing for almost 2 years. Im currently studying for A-levels and have found I have much less time on my hands. As such, I am having to decide weather runescape is worth the effort. In the beginnig I would have shouted 'Yes of course!' - as would quite a few in my classes. However with these progressivly more child orientated updates (one of my persnal OMG! moments was the security dungeon - If that wasnt aimed at the thirteen year olds, then jagex obviosly thinks the rest of us are senile and need reminding) everyone I know in the RW has dropped out, one by one. I hope jagex sorts out their prioritys and decides weather they want to atract the younger audience, or to keep us older players. And come to think of it, if they avoid the younger audience, not only do they keep the maturer audience happy, but guess wot, young people grow up! - and when they do, they will join in. And realy, the older people are more likely to devote time and P2P money to the game, as older people tend to be more consistant with there opinions.








    p.s - sorry about the spelling - im rubish at english :D

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