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Posts posted by mmmchips1

  1. A while ago someone (I believe it was compfreak) tested it and the outcome was that a whip was better while soloing graardor. Make sure to use a defender and the whip will be slightly better. I don't know how true this is btw, and I always preferred a GS over a whip, but I haven't soloed him in a while and never really tested it myself.


    I've used both a whip and a saradomin godsword, and I found that the whip was actually better. I would advise taking an obsidian shield as opposed to a rune defender though, you get ravaged without a shield.

  2. 287


    I couldn't be bothered reading people replies so I don't know if this has been covered, but I'll voice my opinions anyway.




    Firstly I'd like to disagree on your view that slayer is a bad way to make money. Yes, the odds of getting good drops like whips, d bows, d boots etc is low enough that you would make more money by training at the monkeys for the equivalent amount of XP then spend the rest of the time making money in the usual way. However, you're not taking into account the drops that people don't talk about, the more command and less valuabale drops. For example, by training slayer you will get a lot of mystic and rune drops, and plenty of runes and herbs/seeds. The other thing that you don't take into account is the vast amount of charms that build up in your bank after training slayer for a few days. Albiet charms are worthless in monetary terms, but because you have to gather them yourself it gives them an a value worth more than money.




    I agree with you that slayer xp for ranged is terrible, but slayer was always really made for melee. However, xp in general isn't too bad. Sure you get less xp for melee than you would training at monekys, but the fact that you train 3 skills at once makes it worthwhile imo. Also, if you like skilling in runescape, then you can enjoy slayer for the extra total levels.




    The other point is about fun, and like you say it's a matter of opinion. I personally think that training slayer is more fun than training at monkeys, because I enjoy the variety in training as opposed to training on one thing constantly.




    In conclusion, I'd like to say that I enjoy slayer a lot and I do most of my training through it, but if you want to train effecient way (for example you want to achieve some sort of combat goal quickly) then monkeys is much better.

  3. It's silly when people say there are less than 50 in the game. I'm a big staker, and most of my friends are. I own a cracker, and there are probably about 10 more between the people only on my friends list.








    A couple of weeks ago, two of the biggest stakers in rs were banned (seemingly for no reason) and they had about 15 between them.








    If there are this many crackers between such a small number of people, its probable that there are a few hundred in-game.




    The only reason it seems so few is that you cant show off a cracker like you can a phat, and most of the people that have them right now are keeping hold of them.








    PS. Take a look at the RS forums, theres normally about 5 crackers on there.




























    We know where one is. :P
















    Only just saw that!!!








    Thats my frigging cracker!




    Spice is one of my best mates lol




    Ask him where he got it, he wll say he borrowed it from woot gnomes.


    It's all about the guitar man! People don't understand how amazing guitar can be..




    I mean yeah, lyrics are great, but that's not why I listen to music. I listen to bands like Trivium and As I lay Dying, not because of the lyrics (although they are good), but because the the music is insane.




    For those of you who don't know what I mean... check out this vid of me playing a Trivium song, Detonation.















    Just wanna say that your videos are impressive. Good stuff.








    OT: For me it'd probably have to be 70% instruments and 30% lyrics. But that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I play an instrument myself. A good guitar riff and/or a good solo but with pretty bad lyrics can still be a fantastic song in my ears. Good lyrics can be the same, but that is rarer.








    Thanks :P I've been playing for 9 years.

  5. It's all about the guitar man! People don't understand how amazing guitar can be..




    I mean yeah, lyrics are great, but that's not why I listen to music. I listen to bands like Trivium and As I lay Dying, not because of the lyrics (although they are good), but because the the music is insane.




    For those of you who don't know what I mean... check out this vid of me playing a Trivium song, Detonation.








  6. I have just been enlightened upon a new idea, from in-game.








    Many people have already reached the room limit on their house, and have spent millions getting there. They don't want to delete their rooms that they have spent so much money and time on, and therefore cannot get the new costume room :shock:








    Maybe increasing the room limit by one would be a good idea.

  7. I originally posted this on the official RuneScape Forums, but people decided to copy my ideas, and now there are lots of threads all saying the same thing. Then some mod decides to hide my posts about people stealing my ideas :cry:








    Anyways. When the costume room was introduced to POH's, it got me thinking. The room saved me a bit of bank space, but the whole idea of a house has the potential to save so much more.








    For example, in the garden why not have a shed? or a greenhouse? These could hold farming and herblore supplies. And why not make the kitchen able to hold food?








    This would make Player Owned Houses much more useful, and would probably get a lot more people into the skill. Many people currently see it as a waste of money, but it has a lot of petential.








    Post your thoughts and opinions :D








    Constructive criticisms and new ideas are always welcomed :D









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