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Posts posted by Devilsdragon

  1. I think the name of that game is harry its a 2 player game.






    And the rules are split the pack into 2, give half to each player,




    then each player turns over a card more or less at the same time until he turns over 6 of them, both the players do that at the same time, now if you see a pair you have to grab it first and put it to your side, this continues until the 12 cards on the table ain't pared up, then you take them and put them at the back of your deck. The winner is the person with the most cards as the losers cards will all run out.






    EDIT: have a look on here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_games




    pretty nice list of games at the bottom




    the game I'm thinking of is very similar to egyptian ratscrew but there is nothing in there about the card stealing=/.




    i remember there was slapping the deck to get cards i just cant remember the situation where we would fight for it




    slap jack?




    I like to play spades, freecell, and [wagon] hole

  2. Making an American Citizen - This was a silent/b&w film from 1912. I'm taking a course which boils down to what makes americans american and what qualities are american, and of course, we started from the beginning. It has an eastern european married couple who are moving, and the man beats his wife and forces her to do the labor. This was probably the culture of E.Europe as portrayed in the film b/c they didn't seem to mind. But after he steps off the boat it all goes down hill, and people begin to use violence against him to show how it is done in america. 7/10
  3. Stardust - I thought this was an excellent movie, and proof of that is that I"m making a post about it :P


    I guessed the ending very early on, but it's not the ending that mattered, it was the journey(as we have learned from many, many fantasy novels/movies). You should all see it :)




    other stuff that i've seen recently but didn't care to post about are:


    The Simpsons Movie(eh)


    Transformers(worth a watch)


    The Fountain(which was good but confusing at the end)


    and a few others that I can't remember so they must not have been important :-w

  4. America sucks in general


    Economy, Education, and legal system.


    only thing that this country is good at is making a fool of it self, and breeding a large population of idiots which are oblivious to anything thats going on.


    I say execute bush, not impeach.. thats to soft.


    then MAYBE we'll be on our way to recover, but I'd still doubt.




    America has most of the top colleges in the world..

  5. I just finished the book and i was a bit disapointed. There were no deaths that affected the storyline in the last book, (i won't say the names) but the final battle with voldemort was poor too, it was such a lackluster ending to what was meant to be a decent duel. Ron and hermione didnt do much at the end and i dont think rowling made good use of the big battle, it could have been much better IMO but i suppose books that are hyped up as much as this would never live up to expectations.




    I agree; the epilogue felt tacked on, and I still need some for respite to finally be able to put this series to read. I don't think 40 more pages of clearing up could have killed Rowling... :notalk:




    She sad in an interview that the epilogue she had at first was much longer

  6. When I want to make eggs, I usually make them with ham or bacon. The trick to aesthetically pleasing eggs is patience. I usually turn the stove way up, then drop the meat in when the pan is hot. Sear for just a few seconds to make sure it doesn't turn too dry, then drop in the eggs and immediately turn down the heat about halfway down. Then just wait until the eggs solidify. Nothing ruins eggs like moving them too soon. It should take a few minutes for the eggs to solidify enough. Once they're done you can flip them over for a few seconds to sear the other side shut or just remove it from the pan completely.




    I'm going to try that, i assume i usually don't wait long enough for them to cook, but i find that a little bit of uncooked white makes them taste a little better.




    Looks tasty. =P~




    I tend not to worry about how food looks. It's all about the taste.




    looks tasty? noone has every said that about my eggs :P




    What the hell is it lol, looks like a scrambled omlette, I'm good at making omlettes now, and I've only made 2, he he, all you need is 2-3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, mix it up, add to a large frying pan with a bit of oil, have the heat about medium. Wait until the top starts to go solid swirl it round a bit so some sticks to the side (helps when you fold it) then once its all solid put it under the grill for a while. Perfick.




    I don't use oil to greese my pan, I use butter, I find eggs taste better if you butter the pan vs using oil

  7. So I was hungry and it was late(3am), and I realized that we didn't have anybread in our house.. so I decided to make eggs. I've never been good at making good looking eggs, but they always taste awesome. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? And how you do make good looking eggs.




    here's what my eggs look like


    they have ham and cheese in them and salt and pepper on them








    And btw, she DID fill in loopholes, and she was also quite good at detail in the books aswell.




    [hide]Like for example: She didnt forget to mention the goblins name who took Harry down to his vault in the philosophers stone (Griphook), because this is someone who re-appears in the deathly hallows.[/hide]




    Also about the snitch.




    [hide]Harry could only open it with his mouth, and couldn't open it with his hands when thiknesse was at the Weasley's house and suspected it had a hidden message. Which there actually was. O:) [/hide]




    [hide]Yeh, J.K Rowling didnt forget that Harry caught the snitch in his mouth in his first year at Hogwarts.[/hide]




    You guys seem to forget.. writers keep notes on what they've written before, and notes on what they're writing currently, they don't memorize every detail of what they write

  9. PROBLEM UNDERLYING THE PRESENT STRESS -- Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. Is therefore seeking a relationship providing peaceful and understanding intimacy, and in which each knows exactly where the other stands.




    DESIRED OBJECTIVE -- Seeks success. Wants to overcome obstacles and opposition and to make his own decisions. Pursues his objectives single-mindedly and with initiative. Does not want to feel dependent on the good will of others.




    CURRENT INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR -- Demanding and particular in his relations with his partner or those close to him, but careful to avoid open conflict since this might reduce his prospects of realizing his hopes and ideas.








    seems right =\

  10. (in response to the posts above)




    The Harry Potter series focuses more on plot, rather than displaying an accurate, detailed world and covering up every loophole. J.K. Rowling focused more on the characters and what happened to them, rather than the magical world and all its components. To me, it seems like she made up a lot of things as she went along, which caused her to want to change her mind later, or just make careless mistakes. Whereas someone who was more devoted to creating a magical fantasy world and planning every last detail, would probably have figured everything out before proceeding to finish off the series.




    Just my thoughts on it and interpretation of her writing style :P




    this is what I think too, a lot of the time it's like harry or someone pulled a rabbit out of their [wagon] just because jkr had a certain ending she wanted, and needed some way to have that happen





    Kerry Bingham had been drinking with several friends when one of them said they knew a person who had bungee-jumped from a local bridge in the middle of traffic. The conversation grew more heated and at least 10 men trooped along the walkway of the bridge at 4:30 AM. Upon arrival at the midpoint of the bridge they discovered that no one had brought a bungee rope. Bingham, who had continued drinking, volunteered and pointed out that a coil of lineman's cable, lay near by. They secured one end around Bingham's leg and the tied the other to the bridge. His fall lasted 40 feet before the cable tightened and tore his foot off at the ankle. He miraculously survived his fall into the icy water and was rescued by two nearby fishermen. Bingham's foot was never located.




    but he didn't die..


    I thought the darwin awards was for stupid deaths..




    yeah he shouldn't be allowed that high, but you can also win a darwin award if you are sterile(or sterilize yourself in the process)

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