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Posts posted by 1alebcay

  1. Well... For me it would have to be built by me in a custom case built by me...




    At any rate


    Dual 3.0 Xeons at... Well the highest they could go with TECs


    16GB RAM


    A 680i mobo with 2 sockets


    Quad 8800GTXs liquid cooled. (Yes it does exist.)


    2 128GB SSDs in raid 0


    6 1tb Spinpoint f1s


    Soundblaster X-Fi Extreme


    External 3KW power supply (It does exist, it was demonstrated at one of the computer shows)


    Custom liquid cooling system. (using 2 quad 120mm fan radiators and a huge pump and custom water blocks that have TECs incorporated)


    I also want a couple of 30 inch LCDs and maybe a projector or two. No, I know one of those movie theater projectors that are supposed to project 8mp images...


    Oh yes audio... Well I will have to have a completely[/code] custom system here too...


    That will be it for starters.




    Oh wait I want a couple of these one drives that go in a PCIx slot and hold around 640GB and have record shattering times...




    The point is, if you go for the best of the best you are talking a cabbage load of money.

  2. As far as just strait out of the box goes, AMD is better price to performance in the lower end. For me personally there is no choice I say intel all the way (currently) because you can over the clock the cabbage out of the low end intels on air cooling and have an $80 processor with air cooling performing better than a $300 processor.

  3. If the monitor is that resolution then you won't need a GTX, unless you want this to be lasting you 5 years. (But at the rate things are changing that wouldn't be a good idea.) Then also another thing to considder is all the rumors about 9800s... No one really knows (Yet) how good their going to be but there are different rumors floating around. But if you get the EVGA 8800GTX you can use their step up program and turn in your old card and pay the difference between it and the new card.




    Also as far as the motherboard goes, the one I suggested is a newer chipset (The P35 is newer than the 680 chipset by the way. Read the first sentence of this article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NForce_600 ) Also really, you don't need the 680i unless you are overclocking or using SLI. It doesn't really look like you are doing either.

  4. Personally if I were you I would go with an Antec 900 posted earlier. It's a great case with tons of cooling for fairly cheap. Don't get a p180 unless you want to take out the middle HD rack.




    Also as far as the motherboard goes I would get this motherboard. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6813128050


    It's significantly cheaper and it would still have all the features you would need and you could over clock on it. The only reason to go with the other one is for SLI.




    Also as far as the memory goes, you could downgrade some with out a noticeable performance drop, unless you are overclocking.




    Also if you do go with multiple cards, I would go for dual HD2900s, they perform the best when it comes to dual card solutions.




    Really truly though, most of the graphics horsepower will be wasted unless you are gaming on a moniter with a resolution higher than 1600x1200. If you are gaming at that resolution or lower, you might as well scale down to a 8800GTS 320mb.

  5. I would like it if you added collapsible things to the sub menus that are already there. For instance have skill guides collapsible, to show all the guides, that is what I would like. (also have it link to the current page, and have the + sign expand it)




    By the way, collapsible menues would be more to load, not less, because there would be more code.

  6. What I am suggesting is to make sub catagories for blogscape. Currently there are over 100 threads that have been replied to less than a day ago in blogscape. Most other forums there are under 50, or even under 25 threads that have been replied to in the last 24 hours.




    What I would like to see happen is for some more sub forums in blogscape. Say, one for f2p, one for skillers, one for normal p2p mains, one for pures, and one for other things such as clans and groups.




    One of the biggest problems with something like this is splitting up the current threads. What I would suggest is for the mods to Private message all of the authors of threads that have been replied to in the last week and ask them which forum they would like their thread in, and move it to that forum. I know this would be a fairly large undertaking, but it would be alot easier to find blogs that you are interested in and it would be easier for people blogs to be seen.




  7. Kill toz jad, or however you say his name so he respawns in lumby... Oh dang that would be nice.




    Or if you could force a NPC to do anything you wanted him to do, it would have to be thurgo. He is the last of the Imacando. You could make him recreate the shield of Arav for me. (It was impervious to every type of attack.)




    Plus since he's a master of making things it shouldn't be to hard for him to make me a couple of paper hats...

  8. Except the fact that there is no one currently alive to testify to aliens building the pyramid, but there are people alive that testify that they have experienced abnormal things in the Bermuda Triangle. True that is only anecdotal evidence but it is still evidence, unlike the pyramid.




    And I will agree with you that a lot of people are making this out to be something bigger than what it really is, but there has to be something there. There are multiple different things that suggest that there is a disruption of the earth's magnetic field there. It is only one of two places in the world that compasses point to true north. Also piliots and captian's have reported compasses going haywire. True that is anecdotal evidence again, but the thing is if your going to choose somewhere to say your compass messed up, wouldn't it make more sense to choose somewhere where compasses actually mess up? In some area's compasses can be off as much as 60 degrees.

  9. I agree with dtbrehm, if you made the random clothes accessible through Diango it would solve alot of problems. Another thing is, alot of people say to just junk the random clothes, the only problem is if you do that you can't get the emotes from things like grave digger and mime.

  10. I think you miss understood my point, I was talking about points others had made, how many of those points are from just watching the discovery channel and then make some remark that they heard and taking the remark out of context and making it a different thing.




    The point I have been trying to make is that both sides have taken something and over-emphasized it. In my opinion there has to be some truth at the back bone of this to get this all started and that truth has just been over-emphasized.

  11. Your ignorance is leaking, highlander.


    First of all, I did not personaly attack you. If I did point it out.




    I found that to be quite interesting....




    At any rate....




    There is a lot of truth in the paranoia thing, but also if you agree that that is true, that people can be swayed by just one story, then it would be nearly impossible for people not to be swayed by just one story in the opposite direction also. What I am saying is what both sides have already said: People are swayed into believing something by the media. One group has been swayed one way, another group has been swayed the other way by the counter attack.




    Now if I might make just one question to prove my point? Has any of these points come from one's own personal research or just watching a TV show, or reading a book?




    Now then, if this is a tall tale there has to be some truth to it. We know there is freak weather in the area, which accounts for some of it, but it doesn't account for all of it. My question is how do you explain the electronics messing up? Now again, some of it may be exaggeration, but for it to start it the spark had to come from somewhere.




    Edit: Hey look, now both sides have reason to attack me... I just love being neutral.

  12. If you actually enjoy a good read that takes alot of thinking.... Then Tolkien's books are for you. As far as fiction goes he has probably one of the most thought out fictional worlds... Just read the Samarillion.




    The other thing is it depends on your reading level. I know that I was reading 300 page books when I was in 3rd grade and finished reading a series with 15+ 300-400 page books 3 times by the time I was out of 5th... (by the way, if you can't tell I'm sort of a nerd...) Why I wouldn't suggest that series to you is they are very jovial books. (And about 5 use the same plot dressed up differently)




    As far as books I've read go (The books that are on Jaziek's list are a very good starting place by the way...) If you've read Harry Potter then you shouldn't have a problem with books like Eragon. I personally haven't read the Harry potter series, but I believe Eragon takes a new different feeling to magic... As far as fantasy, but still conected to our current world books go I would suggest Artemas Fowl. With Lord of the Rings (The books) you will probably either love them, or get bored to death with them... (I personally love them....)

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