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Posts posted by rho421

  1. One of the better times. I think you do better with fewer articles.


    The second article was confusing, though, I agree. I read through it until the charts, then I was like, "What?" All I saw was the mass of µ's.


    I kinda missed a fictional article too. I enjoy those usually.




    µ=greek letter "mu" = the mean (average).

  2. Having taken a few courses in statistics, I didn't really find the second article to be all that complicated; in fact, I found that the writer did a pretty good job of explaining what all the numbers meant. (I.E., that his study proved with 95% confidence that there IS a statistically significant difference between the two bows).




    Both were a nice read! \'

  3. Here's another, just came up.










    he added this to the first post...




    1. Do Not flame


    2. Do Not Fight


    3. Do Not fix my spelling, or anyone elses. oops...


    4. Do Not come here looking for a fight.


    5. I dont want to fight with you, so dont try and fight with me. - threat much?


    6. You dont know how I think, dont try an change what I say, or how I say it - clearly not...


    7. Respect other posters, if you want to be treated like an adult, handle things in an adult manner...


    8. If you dont agree with my idea, just say so, dont write me a book. oh, ok. that clears things up nicely.


    9. Do not call me or my supporters Insecure because we dont want our guts to hang out...that is not the point of this rant, and saying that will result in being reported. what??


    10. Have fun I'm trying my best, believe me.

  4. This is a tough question.




    (I've been playing since Spring of '05, just for the record.)




    (Wow, it's been a long time...)




    At times I feel like to do anything I have to grind, grind, grind, which I never seem to have time for, what with real life and everything. But at others, when I'm doing a fun quest or just hanging out with other players, I remember why I started playing Runescape in the first place, which was primarily to have fun.




    I think that there's a bit too much of a focus on skills and raising them; I (almost) wish that there were no level requirements or xp rewards for quests, so that people could just do them and have fun with them...




    Sometimes I just walk back into Lumbridge, and walk from there to Draynor, and seeing the trees there bring back so many memories. Maybe it's only a grindfest if we make it into one, and that's the whole point...

  5. i got to say this!




    dragon skirt for the f****** win!! :thumbsup:




    why waste 1m on legs? when you can can get 2/3 of a whip for the money ot wasted that? :-k




    so thats why i only wear dragon skirt even though i can afford dragon legs ::'








    This would be my reason for wearing d skirt instead of d legs. It's NOT sexist.

  6. Removing skilling would be saying "OK Autoers, we get it, you win. We have no choice but to remove wooductting, fishing, mining, and runecrafting, because you've ruined them."




    Removing PK-ing, on the other hand, was like saying: Since you've abused your ability to do A, we're taking away B to make sure A is no longer abused and can return to normal. (A = skilling, B = Pking.)

  7. I really DON'T think Jagex is actively trying to control item prices. (and besides, price control IS NOT THE SAME AS








    That may be the result of the actions they've taken, but I don't think it was their intention in the first place.




    If they could just get it together, fix some prices, make the grand exchange gap wider (10%...), and make the trading cap 50-500k instead of 3-30, then I'd be a lot more convinced of my argument. I just wish they'd ever make needed changes to their updates in a TIMELY fashion.

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