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Posts posted by lazerus_Shad

  1. The main thing i am seeing here is they realized that the bots actually do bring in money and other players. Sad to say a lot of people who bought gp and broke rules also paid for membership, and when free trade and wildy was taken away they left the game. The company that now owns Jagex wants that money back so they bring back free trade and wilderness, and all the bots and gold selling that went with them came back. However they also have to give those people what they wanted wich was a way to cheat and get away with it. So now we have weak rules against it....the question is at what point do they bend even further and allow people to macro and to what extent. WOW has several built in Macro's as well as a lax policy on creating your own. It seams Jagex is moving in that same direction. In my opinion i feel that some macro's should be allowed basic macros that help automate certain simple tasks while still requiring the player to actually be in front of the computer. The problem is some of the current bot programs can be set up and will keep working long after the player has left the computer wich is not fair as that player is not actually investing time into the charecter they are off somewhere else while they gain levels. Now do not get me wrong i have allways followed the rules and have never used bots macros or gold selling sights in rs as it is against the rules. If for no other reason i have not wanted to risk an acount i have had for 10 years now, and invested huge amounts of time in. However i also see other players botting and feel it is more than unfair that they get away with it while i have had to work my Butt off. The rules should be either enfoced with a total scorched earth policy or rewritten to allow people like myeslf to compete on the same level as the bot users.

  2. nachalo.




    Ok #1 money asside these items indicate how long you have been playing. I am sorry for that 13 year old who couldn't join a couple years ago to get a scyth, but the fact remains he wasn't playing, and that item shows that i was playing. I have been in this game since late febuary of 2001, and up untill the point that these items became untradable i had no way of prooving that i have played that long with out hunting down some one who i played with back then to back up my claim. The untradable holiday items are an achievment to show hey i was playing way back in october of XX year. Each year that becomes more of an achievment so the idea that if you play for 5 years you can get an item messes things up because in 5 years i will have been playing for 13 years, and suddenly every one is asking hey did you just get that scyth? or did you get it back in oct XX? Sudenly i am back to squar one trying to convince people that i come from a time period in this game where things like "members worlds" didnt exsist.




    #2 These items help the economy of RS a great deal. There are simply not enough items that you have to spend money on over and over again to balance out the amount of money coming into the game. Flooding the market with billions of GP in exchange for these items would raise the price of other items in the game greatly causing people to whine even more about how they cant afford that super cool new bow/sword/plate/helm with the optional can opener utility because Joe blow who used to have a full set of all the party hats and other holdiay items now no longer has his money tied up in those items and can outbid every one. Later on after Joe blow has spent his money it will continue to move through the game exchanging hands over and over causing even every day items to increase in price.




    Lastly why do these items need to be changed? The fact is the items you can buy are available to every one, and the items you can not buy are proof that you have played since a certain time. Asside from the rare person who invents time travel so they can go back to 200X to create their account at the proper time i see no reason to dimish the commitment that us long term players have shown to Jagex. Honestly in my opinion if Jagex were to take this suggestion they might as well stop doing holiday events all together because they will have 0 meaning.

  3. This made me chuckle if for no other reason then I have been around long enough to know that some of the first high levels in the game actually got things like combat 126 on the oh so high level monster we call the chicken. This has been an issue since day 1 to be honest. There was a time in the very early days when I first started playing that chickens oddly enough were the best combat training. They required no food, you could kill them much faster (mind you back then you got exp for the kill not each hit) and you could mindlessly kill them for hours on end. This back then was the best way to power level. Now then Jagex did make some changes a while back to put an end to this by making it so you got exp based on how much damage you did. Now this did mean that a lot of the extreme lower level monsters like the chicken were now nearly useless to higher levels. However it didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t totally fix the problem. 2 major things still effect high levels choice to fight lower level monsters.




    1 Drops some of the lower level monsters have much better drops on things like cockatrices are still one of the best ways to get limpwurt.




    2 does the monster still auto attack? If so then it still makes for excellent training.




    I think if Jagex were to open better resource collecting monsters at a higher level, and make it so monsters stop auto attacking at a much lower level say instead of the current monsters level times 2 + 1 if they just did say monsters level + 20ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæyou would see much less of this issue.

  4. Who: Gladz, apps, friends




    What: Monthly Trawler trip




    When: Sunday, April 1st - meet at 2 PM EST (7 PM GMT)




    Where: Meet at Yanille - if you're late, meet at Port Khazard




    Why: Because trawling about with Friends is fun




    Hosted by: Events Team








    What you'll need




    - 10 bailing buckets.




    - 500 swamp paste.




    - A smile.












    Wear whatever you'd like to this one, there's no set theme. If you want to come dressed to the 9's, be my guest. On the flip side, if you want to come in some ridiculous, mismatched outfit, that's also completely acceptable.








    The Event




    Yes, it's that time again! Time to pull out your bailing buckets and swamp paste and get ready to have some fun!








    Trawler is very straight forward. If you've never been to a trip before, you're missing out. I don't say that because it sounds nice - I say that because it is 100% true. Even if you're one of those people that hates fishing, there's always bizarre conversation going on while we trawl along.








    Now, if you've been on trawler before but haven't gone since the update, you'll be happy to know that you can now deposit your fish to your bank.








    Also, for anyone that comes and is below 79 fishing, I will give out all the mantas and turtles that I catch








    We'll do the normal 4 trips - 3 where we actually try not to sink and the final trip where we sink and then swim around in the water. Who wouldn't want to swim with clanmates afterall?








    Other info




    Brief explanation of what you do on a trawler trip:








    Leaks will appear almost immediately. Simply fix these (with swamp paste) and you're good to go. Sounds easy, yeh? The leaks don't just go away because you've fixed them Then again, that's part of the charm of the trawler.








    As the trip continues, the boat will also start to fill up with water. This is where you'll need bailing buckets. Simply click on them in your inventory and you'll begin bailing. These need to be emptied once full of water though, so it's good to have somewhere around 10.








    Final thing that needs tending are the nets. I usually take care of these as it's a horribly boring job. If anyone else would like to step up for this, I'll trade on and off with you. People doing nets need a better portion of their inventory devoted to ropes.

  5. The Gladiatorz Flame Fest








    Who: Gladz, apps, everyone.




    What: A firefest.




    When: Sunday, April 15th, 2007; 2 PM EST - 7 PM GMT




    Where: Varrock, World 65




    Why: Because burning things is fun of course!




    Hosted by: The Events and PR Team








    What you'll need




    Regular logs and a tinderbox. If you have gnome firelighters we encourage you to use them as well.*












    Come in whatever you like. If you feel like showing off, by all means, do so! If you feel like dressing up in those itty bitty dwarf outfits, well.. go for it ^_^








    The Event




    Come one come all, and meet our clan. This is an official invite to everyone to come share in the fun. On the 15th of April we will be having a firefest. It'll include dancing, singing, getting to know new friends, and just down right pyromaniac fun. Maybe we'll sneak in a few kegs as well, who knows?








    We'll start off in Varrock, lighting normal fires. We'll do a [garden tool]/freak train to Falador after sufficiently burning down Varrock. Falador will be burnt down as well and then we'll continue on our way, straight to Ardougne.








    *When we reach Ardougne, I encourage everyone to light colored fires if you have colored firelighters. If you don't have any, normal fires are more than acceptable :)








    Somewhere along the way we'd like to spell out words in fires. If such a thing appeals to you, please let us know so we can get you prepared for it and explain further.








    All in all, if you are a fire bug, or you just want to hang out with a bunch fun loving fools then this is the event for you.








    Other info




    Here's the route we'll be taking
















    Hope to see you guys there!


    If your planning on joining an NH clan, don't. For the first few weeks, you appreciate the novelty of it, and the "fun" they have. But after, you realise that if you run into a half-decent clan in the wilderness, your dead. You get flamed on forums, and over Runescape. Pretty much the only thing you can do is crash a war to get maybe a couple of kills, but you realise that this can hardly be called a fight. The reason most people join clans is because they want to win fights, all NH clans do is wreck them.











    Ty for warning, but i dont really care if ppl in runescape doesnt like me, its just a game played by mostly teenaged kids. And this whole "honour" thing is so lame, in real life for example "farshooting", "praying", "safing" etc would be great tactic, in fight/war only thing that matters is win, not "honour".








    ...and i have many characters, if one has lost his "honour" i can use another one :P








    But im not really sure how nh-clans work, if all they do is crash wars etc the im not interest, i just want to get kills and have fun, without having to remember all stupid "honour" rules.








    ps. Sry my bad english, isnt my first language.








    Consider it this way. If you like to get into....Wars...DM's...Mini-wars...Or even general PK trips. Are you te type of person who gets upset when DM'ing someone if another player comes along kills you at last second, and takes your stuff? Or while having a great time fighting another clan to have a third group come in kil both teams while they are weak and running off with there stuff?












    If you dont get upset by those types of actions then you are probally all ready NH in which case the next question is do you look forward to being in a clan that when EVERY SINGLE RS CLAN hears they are in the wildy immediatly suit up to go kill them? If you do not mind constantly being out numbered out gunned and hunted every where you go. Then feel free to join a NH clan.












    Other wise most of the honor rules you seam to dislike are really nothing more than basic guidlines on how to give other people basic respect in the widlerness, and you should consider looking into an honor clan.





    You pick a name thats going to be used often, expect it to happen there was a clan called pk masters in early rsc for your information.




    Think of something original and your problem is solved.








    I made my clan on October 25, 2002. That's very early RuneScape-Classic :wink:




    Yesterday I got rid of another clan, one left :D




    Got any proof whatsoever that your clan existed in 2002? Didnt think so.




    You managed to get 80 combat in 4 years play time..




    If you had played 1 hour a week for that 4 years you would be about lvl 105.




    Judging by your spelling in 2004, you were about 10 years old back then.




    Your requirements are pathetically low, any clan that has lasted since 2002 has reqs over 90 comb, most are 110+ why would yours be the exception? lol.




    Why make stuff up?








    In 30 seconds, I found out that the current forum they use is 2 years old. Of course, the possibility that they switched forums is very high, but aside from that, 2 years is enough time to prove that your standards mean nothing.








    Not everyone spends their time training to be 110+? You don't have to be 110+ to pk. Bigger isn't always better, and not EVERYONE wants to waste their life clicking and clicking. Maybe some people just want to play the game? That's what a LOT of pkers on RSC did; just creating different pures with different stats.








    I'm not saying he started at 2002, but I'm saying that you have no reason to run your mouth.








    Think about it.




    Becouse i played in 2002, and the clan scene wasnt very big, and i had never heard of this guy.




    Its not like now when you have 8,000,000 players, in 2002 there was more like 20,000.




    I hate people who pretend to be oldschool, expecially people who have like 3 numbers in there name, back in 2002 it wasnt hard to make an original name :wink:




    The pk masters i knew of in rsc were formed in early 2003 by a friend and there was no contestation over the name back then.




    Edit: read about the clan member cap of 25, i belive its more possible now, but i hardly think they count as a clan, 25 people? my pk team is bigger then that.












    Calm down there bud I could say the same about you I have been around since April of that year just after p-hats were dropped, and I certainly do not remember your name either. So does that give me the right to accuse you of being an old school pretender? Didn't think so. Some times you just have to take things on faith.
























    Back on topic not unheard of for people to steal names like this i know for a while we had a small PK team within my clan named myrmidons for our elite members (120+) About 3 months later found out that some clan had come along, and snagged the name as there clan name. So if a off the wall name like myrmidons can be used like that i am sure this will not be the last time that a common name (really anything that includes the word PK) will be used. good luck to you.

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