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Posts posted by game_proffy

  1. SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    If crush and stab is weak, don't use them. The weapon attacks seem fine to me, and I know stab really fails, but it comes from a shortsword, which is cheaper than a longsword (slash). Cheaper stuff = less effective. Crush attacks are rarely used. B-axe usually used for slash, but that's because the crush is a secondary attack for the B-axe, so it's less effective. So just don't use crush and stab and it won't affect anything. And you can also wear chainbodies without being stabbed to death by someone else since stab weapons are so unpopular ::'


    this thread is about making the weps as fair as possible as in lower cost=weaker, higher cost=better,etc. but right now, a rune warhammer that costs 10k more than a scimitar is totally worthless. SO STOP TELLING ME NOT TO USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avoiding the problem will not solve it.




    So what if they are 'fair'? They will never be used if they are worse then a cheaper weapon.
    seriously, compfreak, what kind of crap is that?! fair means cheap is weaker and expensive is more powerful. you better get a dictionary of runescape or a brain transplant.




    Fair is where a rune warhammer is exactly equal to a whip.


    if you dont want to give sensible comments/criticism, get the hell out.




    You are making no sense.




    1. The price of a weapon depends on 2 things: its usefulness and its rarity. Which means that more rare weapons will be more expensive all other things being equal.




    2. The people will ALWAYS use the best weapon for a given situation. If there was a weapon that would be EXACTLY like the whip (same speed, same strength bonus, same rarity, same special), but the other weapon had 1 less attack bonus, the whip would still be used more. You CANNOT make absolutely fair weapons unless you make them exactly the same.




    3. About the rune warhammer - it is more expensive because it's more rare - people alch them, and not many are dropped by monsters to begin with. That's why they are more expensive. Refer to point #1.

  2. Making the javelins faster, or giving them some special property would probably partially mend the problem.




    For example, give the javs an "armor-piercing" effect, like the diamond-tipped bolts. Think about it, a javelin is pretty heavy, it's like a mini-spear. It should be able to, if thrown, pierce most obstacles, including armor.

  3. Mage is overpowered?!!?!?!?! thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. mage cant even get through plate armor properly in f2p clan wars. Just put on dhide and on protect from mage and mages cant do anything. and mages are slow like hell. Mage armor is weak against both melee and ranged. ranged armor is weak against melee but it is much better than mage in melee defence. melee armor is weak against mage but has damn high ranged and melee defence. see who is underpowered? Melee can wear range, mage armor without any penalties. obviously they can wear mage, but who ever does it? range can wear mage armor without penalties. this is not such a big problem since mage armor is like crap. mage cant wear range/melee armor without suffering severe penalties. unfair isnt it? and dont tell me it is logical that melee can wear other armor that is lighter and wont suffer any penalties. this is a GAME for goodness's sake.




    "mage can attack from range" so can range. "mage can farcast further than range" so? with run on you'll catch up in less than a second more. "mage can freeze, steal hp, blah blah blah" those are just annoying effects that wont give the mage a HUGE advantage. get protect from mage on and those effects seem like crap.




    And btw, there are weps called godswords and other weps that have about the same effects. zamorak gs can freeze. cheap copying from ice barrage/.... sara can heal. same as blood rush/blitz/barrage/burst. bandos lowers stats. cheap copying from curse/weaken/etc. bchest anchor, seercull, etc lowers stats. cheap copying once more. see what i mean? jagex is trying to make mage more obsolete with all these new melee weps that have same effects as mage.




    Have you EVER done PvP with ancients? All those "insignificant" freeze/teleblock abilities are extremely powerful, you know. Farcast further? Yes. Just freeze the ranger with an Ice Barrage, run a bit back and outrange him.




    Yes, magic is underpowered in F2P, but that doesn't give you the right to claim it's underpowered in P2P as well.




    On the weapon specials:




    1. You need to get close.


    2. They use up the special bar, which takes 5 minutes to fully recharge.


    3. You still outrange most ranged weapons with your spells.


    4. Many ancient spells are multi-target, so especially useful in CW and against ganking attempts by teams on PvP worlds.

  4. Why exactly do people complain about this? It's all random.




    Oh, sure, it has the probability distribution, but that doesn't mean that if the probability is X, you WILL get the drop on your Y'th kill.




    1/20 chance of drop doesn't guarantee a drop on 20th kill.


    1/1000 chance of drop doesn't guarantee a drop on 1000th kill.




    Trust me, I have statistics as a subject in university.

  5. I think I've gotten 4 fungi once or twice. There is this very sweet place near the Grotto, with 4 logs, 2-3 twigs and a tree.




    ok, thanks ill try, but maybe too far away from bank :/




    Either do Aid in Myreque, or use Kharyll teleport if you have Ancients. Free prayer \'

  6. What about skills that are worthless to raise after a certain level?


    I'd say that RC gives rewards for all the levels, like Smithing, prayer.


    -Mining would be cut after level 85. You mine faster at higher levels.


    -F2P magic loses its value after 59... or cmb lvl 50, whichever comes first It's useful much longer on P2P. Besides, you get both magic attack and magic defense bonuses with higher levels.


    -Firemaking loses all value after f2p 60... and even then wasn't useful to begin with That's why everyone says it's useless :D


    -All pures know that defense is the most useless skill ever Situational.


    -All tanks know that strength and attack are the most useless skill ever Even more situational.




    IMO Range, and Crafting are pretty worthless, especially in F2P. They're the skills I don't get any use out of :P. Jewelry, Dragonhide, bowstrings, crossbow bolt tips would like a word with you.

  7. The thing I hate is that when you are typing something and press backspace to correct a typo the ad often picks that moment to change or refresh and instead of deleting my typo I just go back to the RS main page like if I press that back button on my browser. think that somehow Jagex should make it so the ads don't disable the game (meaning you have to click on the in game screen to use the controls like camera or chat) or do something it help prevent this.




    This happens to me SO MANY TIMES when I'm warring/pking with my clan on F2P. It is the biggest annoyance ever. Not to mention when I'm on my range pure, Dorelei.




    Makes me want to scream >_<'




    And I realize a solution for Firefox users has been posted...but since it's too easy to make a typo and have everything asplode on your face, I'd prefer not to change it.




    It's not THAT dangerous. And really, it's just changing a 1 to a 0.

  8. 1. Get Firefox


    2. Go to the address bar


    3. Type "about:config"


    4. Search for "browser.backspace_action"


    5. Right-click > Modify


    6. Change the value to 0


    7. Click OK


    8. Backspace no longer functions as a page-back key.




    Thank you so much!




    If I want the backspace to function again I just change the value back to how it was before right?




    Yes. Just be careful when using about:config, it's easy to mess things up there.

  9. Your logic baffles me, yet again.




    Who cares if you have a whip, and can use it for Slayer over a godsword? This debate is not about whips, after all.




    Somebody asked "what is better, d claws or a gs?". There were some replies, one of them that a godsword is better than claws at slaying. Who cares about the fact that whip is better than both? I mean, even the original poster replied (on the previous page, go read it up) that he isn't interested in the whip, he is interested in the d claws/gs debate.




    For the sake of discussion, FORGET THE WHIP EVEN EXISTS.

  10. He is right, there is no need to bump your thread so often. And neither is there any need to flame people for rightful remarks they made.




    On topic: it's all up to Jagex, baby. Jagex may release some good crushing/stabbing weapons but until then, we will not know of it.

  11. Lots of good video upload sites out there. Of course, none compare to Youtube (what with the new HD feature out there :D ), but still...








    Google Video (this one can support videos of unfathomable length, like feature-length movies and whatnot).

  12. Construction.


    It's just a bottomless pit of money wasting.




    im not a member and never have been, but doesnt construction allow u to make storage space for ur items so u have more bank space :thumbsup:




    in my case i think it would by firemaking at the moment. Its not totally useless but u cant compare it to the other skills out there.




    Storage space? Feh, that's nothing. Tele portals and gilded altars are where it's at. And he said it's useless.


    Use a good 500k, organise the Teleports nicely and BAM! you can stay on ancient magiks and use a home tablet x 100 since the house becomes a teleport Hub.




    I agree. Such a house is invaluable to:




    1. Slaying (you can get around everywhere, and still use Lunar magic, or Ancient magic or whatever.


    2. Barrowing with ice spells (Kharyll teleport for free).


    3. Questing.


    4. Clue hunting.


    5. Penguin hunting.




    A very useful thing. The only problem is acquiring the House teleport tabs - either cash out to get Con for a Mahogany Eagle lectern, ask around in hopes of lending the house, or buy from GE at a modest price.

  13. I was happily walking around varrock one day when i overheard a conversation between two noobs. (This was back when zezima was number one by miles of xp and had a bigger ego than saradomin, zamorak and guthix put together)




    Noob 1: "What's a Zezima?"


    Noob 2: "Think it's a type of soup"




    The 2nd noob was either very smart or very stupid, either way that noob is a legend! :thumbsup: :lol:




    A great one! I suspect that the second person was just having a laugh like this, since the first one asked about "A Zezima".

  14. gs is better because it can be used effectively for many more things, a gs can be used to train str, fight bosses effectivly, and can be a good pvp weapon. D claws are a good pvp weapon, arguably better then a gs




    id say if all d claws have is pking(which most players wont risk that much money in) then the gs is better.




    pureprayer, whats better for training a rune 2h or a bronze 2h, did you say rune 2h? If so your wrong because a whip is better, that is why your logic fails.


    Whip is more costly BUT if the poster had 70 attack and whips were cheaper then rune 2h's and the poster was either going to buy a bronze 2h or a rune 2h I would say get a whip.




    Unless said poster was going for strength xp. (or was f2p).




    If this was a thread in H & A I would say its rune 2h's but a whip is cheaper and way better.




    Your lack of logic baffles me. We were NOT discussing whips at all. OP never mentioned it AT ALL. He asked, "which is better, d claws or a godsword". WHY DID YOU BRING IN THE WHIP IF NOBODY ASKED FOR IT?

  15. Dont forget you have got 99 Attack and Strength as apposed to others.




    onto the main subject: I think the main issue isn't just the damage ratio in a spec attack, but the time between specials, if anything throwing a 5 second delay for the claws between specials would solve it, not only would your opponent have a chance to notice you, but you still have enough time to kill them.


    This would work.


    Yeah, that's what I suggested; a delay would keep its 'ko during a fight' potential alive, but ruin the '2spec1hit' deal we have going on right now.




    Did you really have to do this? <.<

  16. snip




    Exp totals like this completely ignore the fact that people with a 99 don't usually have level 1 in every other skill. In fact, a person with a 99 would probably have 3/4 of the Quest Cape requirements anyway.


    If you want to go purely by skill, the quest cape is junk. The firecape wins.


    If you want to factor in patience and dedication, the skill capes win.


    If you want to go purely by... Wait, never mind. The quest cape will never win.


    Every single quest boss fight I've done so far (all of them) was easy. Very easy.


    Completing the monthly quest takes about an average of an hour or two. Just wear your firecape in that time.




    Oh, and no offense, but your descriptions of the methods of getting 99 were painfully and childishly reductive.


    Oh wait, I do mean offense.


    You best be trollin'.




    Do you really think that fighting the Haunted Mine boss is easy at, for example, my levels? Because I did, and it was HARD. I died 2 times, and had to use Iban Blast in the end (I had lower skills then).

  17. the postbag from the hedge of today proves that you can role a 0 on damage




    its in the tz jok jad vs chicken section, I think it was including more hints to things but it distinctly mentions that a chicken has a 50% chance of hitting 0 if it hits.




    That's right, and it can be easily tested in the Duel Arena. A new character combats someone who has a Ring of Recoil equipped. Since a new character has a max of 1, both 0 and 1 have 50% chance of happening. Which means that the recoil should happen even if the character zeroes.

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