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Posts posted by imyou2

  1. i heard about summoning being a skill in the future but i dont think this game's structure could deal with it so that will probably be release whenever the next version of rs comes out




    Umm...Summoning is going to be a spellbook. That's why it's described as summoning "spells" not a summoning "skill".




    Either way, how do you know Runescape can't handle it? You don't even know how summoning is going to work, short of the basic concept of:


    -Creature not present




    -Creature present.




    Besides, Jagex said there wouldn't be an rs3, so that throws that theory clear out the window.




    look at the blank space left of friends list


    and also with the hot keys if you press f7 it does nothing but is more proove thats a space :-k :uhh: :-#

  2. people say they report me alot when they ask a price to buy something off me I don't really want to sell




    random person:how much for whip?




    random person:no way thats a rip


    random person:reported! *running away*






    about 6 people said they reported me the day I was in varrock saying "selling newspaper 2000B" :anxious: :D lol

  3. nothing will ever hold me back! :twisted:






    :P :thumbsup: \' =D>








    It turns out they *nerfed* every monster in here like this




    sorry imageshack is like down I can't upload other pics




    they didnt do it to melzar tho...


    or the lesser demon? lol






    edit..again im going around once more and I think if you kill the right one in one hit you get the key..

  4. I havent had a nightmare In a while but I remember one from when I was a kid I woke up in bed(in the dream)I got out of bed and This figure came out of the floor with a gun and shot me I woke up (not really)and it happed like 3 more times then once I *woke up* the next time I got out of bed and I slightly different figure like slashed me with a dagger this happen 2 times then the next time the same figure slashed me again but at the top of the stair case then the next 3 times the stairs disappered letting me fall from a great hight dying as I hit the ground then the next about 8 times ( :( ) this figure at the bottom completely destroys me with its bare hands then somehow there was nothing on the ground floor so I went out the back door and open the gate to the front yard this black&white figure like killed me but I dunno what it did ok so then I woke up *really* and guess what I was afraid to get out of bed lol I stayed there for about an hour till someone came in to wake me up but I was already awake :D

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