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Posts posted by Poddy295

  1. You guys are idiots. I went about a week without a shower once and nobody could tell and all I did was put on deodorant when I woke up and before I went to sleep. You don't need to shower everyday.




    And Racheya's hygiene isn't your business anyways so get off of her back.




    i believe no one noticed because no one was around you.

  2. Today was pretty awesome.




    I got up and had a shower (OMGWTF?? Seriously... having a shower during the week is weird for me), then went to college. Watched an hour or so of Macbeth (we're doing it at A2, if I don't drop English that is). After that was anime club and in my bag I happened to have my recently acquired USB DDR mat and my laptop! I would have ran Stepmania from my pen drive on one of the college computers but I'd get banhammered by the technicians so I didn't risk it. It was awesome. I don't think anyone but me managed to finish a song but oh well. I've put some pictures up of moi dancing on the pics thread ^_^




    Then I went to ASDA and bought some of the most delicious orange ice lollies ever! <3:






    You don't shower during the week? That is [bleep] disgusting and a severe lack of personal hygiene.


    You don't need to shower every day. -.-




    [bleep] sick I take two showers a day sometimes, Just go into your shower and turn the water on please because you probably smell very badd


    You brought this up again, why?








    On Topic: Very nicely said CampbellMC, your post should inspire these people to shower themselves.

  3. Today was pretty awesome.




    I got up and had a shower (OMGWTF?? Seriously... having a shower during the week is weird for me), then went to college. Watched an hour or so of Macbeth (we're doing it at A2, if I don't drop English that is). After that was anime club and in my bag I happened to have my recently acquired USB DDR mat and my laptop! I would have ran Stepmania from my pen drive on one of the college computers but I'd get banhammered by the technicians so I didn't risk it. It was awesome. I don't think anyone but me managed to finish a song but oh well. I've put some pictures up of moi dancing on the pics thread ^_^




    Then I went to ASDA and bought some of the most delicious orange ice lollies ever! <3:






    You don't shower during the week? That is [bleep] disgusting and a severe lack of personal hygiene.


    You don't need to shower every day. -.-




    [bleep]ing sick I take two showers a day sometimes, Just go into your shower and turn the water on please because you probably smell very badd

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