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Posts posted by allan1114

  1. I don't know why these politicians are floating these rumors out there and scaring people.




    The last guy who introduced a bill to do this voted against it himself. Go figure?




    A little off topic but here's a quote from a friend who recently came home from Iraq.




    ...the american media likes to make the war out to be something completely different from what it is for most of us. Yes, there are guys out there getting shot at every single day, and we pray for their safety and do what we can to make sure they have everything the could possibly need, but for most of us... well, it's different.




    A lot of the troops I talk to are very proud of the work they did in Iraq. We may not have gone for what we said for, but we did remove a tyrant for power. A female marine I knew from high school was a drill sergeant helping train the new Iraqi army, and she noticed that there was a large amount of women joining up. They are excited that they have the freedoms to do so, and the Iraqi army is almost to a level where it can support itself.




    We just have to be patient, and the US can be out of Iraq in a few years. Al Queda terrorism in Iraq is dropping heavily (most of the current stuff is ethnic infighting or terrorists from Iran or Syria instigating crap). Afghanistan is a different story, because Al Queda is dug in.




    What I would like to see is the UN sending in Blue Hats to do security. Surely such a noble peacekeeping force would not be killed in cold blood by insurgents.




    I agree.




    I have a question though. Say I joined the army/air fore/whatever, served how ever many years I needed too, came home, and the draft came back, could I be drafted?




    I am for the was in the Iraq and the Middle East for mainly one reason. If we leave, Isreal has a huge risk of being wiped out. And Isreal is our main ally against terrorism. If you haven't noticed, most contries in the world hate us and would be happy if we didn't exist. Isreal is one of our only allies who would accually be happy to help us fight terrorism. I don't know about some people here, but I'd rather go into the army, get into shape, and be proud for helping my country instead of sitting in jail, getting fat and feeling like a "girl" because I was too afraid to help my country. Plus I don't think your family would proud of you if you're in jail because you're a coward and in a way a traitor. Unlike most people here, I'm for the war, probably going to join the army (either air force or something to do with weapons research), and try to get rid of terrorism. If you back out and don't get of terrorism now, it's going to be too late when the US gets nuked. Well anyway, that's how I feel. :D

  2. This might sound stupid but its not guns or knives..... its mostly people. If a person is treated well like a proper human being i doubt he/she will ever stab/shot/bomb someone or something. If you look at recent school massacres the people who did it were considered ''losers'' since they didnt follow the crowd and do what the ''popular'' kids do. Take columbine as a example, the 2 kids who did it first of all were targeting the ''jocks'' or ''popular'' kids since they were the people who gave them hard times, when they couldnt find them they randomly opened fire.




    If people just learned to treat eachother like human beings :thumbsup: and not fall into this whole group BULL[bleep] then life would be alot easier for all of us, there wouldnt be worrying about dress style, how you acted or what you were into and life would be alot better..... if people acted like this things like columbine or virginia tech would never have happened.




    Condensed story = guns dont cause massacres, people treating others like insignificant pieces of crap #-o for their personality and style do




    Makes sense but it's the parents that have to teach the kids to treat others like human beings. If the kid's messed up in the head there are special schools for that :idea:

  3. How I feel about it...it's amazing?




    Yea, I'm with you on one of the best songs ever written/played, and Queen is an overall excellent band, great musicians. I can't get enough of the whole album! If you don't have it, get Night at the Opera, every song on the album is different, and great.




    +1. I don't think there's one Queen song that I don't like.

  4. I saw this topic on another runescape site which I'm not going to name now. Well my most embarasing moment was back in 8th grade. I was feeling sick all day and just stayed in school. During the last period, 10 minutes before the bell rings I throw up all over this girl sitting next to me.

  5. Theoretically, you can have 98 Strength and 85 Hitpoints at 53 Combat. If he had on a Berserker Necklace and drank a Super Strength potion, his max would be exactly 39. This is, of course, at 1 Attack, Defense, and Prayer. Must be a real focused kind of person...





  6. Better parenting.




    This is the smartest post on this thread. Better parenting would also get rid of the 12 year olds smoking a blunt and having sex in my woods.




    The problem is the parents think they're doing good.. until they get a call from the police saying their child raped someone. The neglecting parents lead to the school shootings at the kid with the careless parent. (the one who's like "it's ok if shes out til 12, shes just with her friends and her friends are nice kids."

  7. Which do you prefer? I personally like Fox News alot better. They make alot more sense and don't make up much crap.




    By the way, don't get politics involved I don't want this locked. :D

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