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Posts posted by supermancav

  1. The Daemonheim story won't interact with ROTM (confirmed by a jmod months ago), so Bilrach is likely to not be attending the Ritual.


    It is entirely possible to have Bilrach attend without the Daemonheim story coming up.


    The j mods confirmed many mahjaratt story lines won't come up in the ritual as there is too many of them, but that does not rule out characters being present.

    I mean we aren't likely to have any furtherance to the Enhkara and Anthankos feud plot arc, but both of them will be there.


    All it means/confirms to me is that whatever Bilrach is up to in Daemonheim won't come up in this quest, not that he won't show up; afterall between us sneaking around and cleverly located NPCs and scenery you could have all the mahjaratt there but us not be able to speak too or hear any of them.


    The main reason Bilrach went to Daemonheim was to keep from being sacrificed at the Ritual. The other Mahjarrat, even his fellow Zamorakians, found him to be incredibly weak. The only weaker possibly being Jhallan. He thought freeing Zamorak would give him that edge he needed to keep from being sacrificed. So why would he go to the Ritual without Zamorak? He'd do better to stay away, considering how incredibly weak he appears to be in the final letters. Not to mention the voices (likely not Zamorak) he keeps hearing in his head are telling him to "keep going" and he listens to them because he thinks they're from Zamorak himself. In other words, I don't think whatever it is would let him leave even if he wanted to. So while it's possible that he may attend, I wouldn't expect him.



    Thinking about it now, I don't think ROTM will follow the subquest style that RFD pioneered. Sure, it's going to be a massive quest and all, but we need to note that while RFD has very low requirements to start it (10 cooking, lol), ROTM has tons and tons of prerequisites. Because RFD was packaged as a quest that everyone could take part in, it was divided into the various subquests with tiered rewards. ROTM is different. It's going to be one huge, massive quest, most likely with a style of many tasks resembling subquests, in a sense, but not actual subquests themselves.


    I don't think it will have the subquests like RFD either, actually. A jmod said they want to avoid quests like that because of the immense amount of production time needed. I do, however, think that the requirements we were given in the BTS are only the ones needed to start the quest, and that we'll need more to get through different parts and finish it.


    I really really hope that this quest isn't ruined by the signature heroes. They are undoubtedly going to make some sort of appearance in it considering their close ties to some of the major characters like Sir Tiffy.


    RotM is so deep in lore and already established characters I don't want to see it ruined by a group of idiots that includes a sexually ambiguous smart ass and his stereotypical friends.


    A jmod stated that the signature heroes wouldn't be involved in any current quest series. That was, however, a long time ago. Considering jmods were saying FT/W would never come back just months before the Referendum, it's completely possible that has changed. I hope not, personally. The only person I need on my team is my buddy Kuradal. 8-)

  2. The Daemonheim story won't interact with ROTM (confirmed by a jmod months ago), so Bilrach is likely to not be attending the Ritual.


    I'm excited. The requirements are weird though. There's a lot of buzz on the RSOF right now that ROTM might be the second RFD-esque quest. Their thinking is that the reqs aren't complete. They're missing both Fight Arena and Shadow Sword, which are both pretty important, and we know General Khazard will be in the quest because there's concept art of more pieces of his gear, but if so why wasn't it included in the requirements?!


    The skill requirements also seem to be just what is needed to get through Kethsi, rather than the entire quest itself (agility is for Kethsi, the crafting is likely to get the plank down to get further in Kethsi, and the mining is likely for the pickaxe and mining spots that look like they need to be cleared in Kethsi).


    They also worded it differently, saying these are the requirements you need to start Ritual of the Mahjarrat, not the requirements you need to get all the way through it.

  3. As long as Chris L is the one making it, it will be good. If it's whatever idiot developer made Jadinkos, it will suck. I don't see Slayer ever being as profitable as it once was though. Free trade will kill any worthwhile drops for sure.


    I'm only okay with task only monsters if it doesn't apply to 99 Slayers (or if 99 Slayers can use slay points to buy the ability to kill off tasks). Ice Strykewyrms piss me off, they're the absolute perfect monster for mage training but I rarely ever get the task.

  4. I guess Jagex for the first time is going to jump in the bts order.

    Maybe the quest needed some extra time.

    Probably wont even come out this month imo. The whole up-roar with this Friends thingo promo, 1 week off, 1 week was graphics then they delayed this weeks by a day + somehow managed to crash their downloader 15mins prior to its update. For me they're starting to feel a tad unreliable. I'll be peeved if the Hybrid and Activities armors are pushed back to next month though.


    This, I'm now even sceptical of my idea that RotM will be released next month... I'm thinking they'll headline the BXPW next month "toughen up" again, this time for RotM in November/December... Who knows, might not even happen within this year >.<


    Then no membership this year. As soon as I complete ROTM, I quit and give Ez all my stuff.


    I'd be right there with you, but I'm too invested in the storylines and we all know it'll be at least another 10 years before we see the conclusions to the Elves, Nomad, or the Dragonkin.

  5. That Jad pet is incredibly disappointing. It looks so...childish...It was supposed to motivate me to get the last two slayer levels, but now I don't even think I want it. :/


    I was hoping for the quest next week, but I guess this is okay too. At least we'll see how they f'ed up another 85 req item sooner.


    P.S. - Down with the Refer-A-Bot Programme

  6. 1. What do you play for? What keeps you from quitting?


    Slayer, Quest series, and the fact that I'm not maxed yet. I can't stop playing a game until I beat it, and RuneScape is no different.



    2. What would make you quit? What could realistically happen with RuneScape that would cause you to quit quickly afterwards?


    Jagex introducing RwT or Jagex ruining RoTM.



    3. What would would you do [after you quit]? What would you allot the time to that you had previously given RuneScape?


    Sleep more

  7. I don't think any of them will ever hit 5b xp.


    Why? RuneCrafting + Slayer. I doubt anyone will be able to tackle all skills and then do those two without quitting. Getting Slayer, sure, get RuneCrafting, sure, but getting them BOTH on top of everything else? Ohhhh no.


    Yeah not like you can get like 130m rc xp during the time you slay


    He's less than 50m from 200m Slay, he's gained 26m in the last 4 weeks. If he keeps at that pace he'll hit 200m in less than two months, that's roughly 60 days of assists which is 1.8m xp, even with a completely maxed out bank of effigies to use and getting RC for the investigate of every level and then using the lamp on RC he would still have gained nowhere near 130m rc xp.

  8. Aww, that's totally cheating. That would require a lot of effigies though. 3,214 to be exact.



    You gain rc xp for investigating too remember


    Right, it'd still be in the thousands I think, which is quite a lot of cave crawlers even with a cannon.


    How has he managed to earn 1.3b+ xp in a single year?

  9. I don't think any of them will ever hit 5b xp.


    Why? RuneCrafting + Slayer. I doubt anyone will be able to tackle all skills and then do those two without quitting. Getting Slayer, sure, get RuneCrafting, sure, but getting them BOTH on top of everything else? Ohhhh no.

  10. Sorry to be a downer guys, but another dungeon with monsters which tens of thousands of players have the requirements to kill which will be crowded beyond belief for weeks?

    So you want 200m slayer monsters? or a new skill, slayer numba twooo? If you don't like an mMorpg, maybe you should play another game. If the whole game was instanced....it wouldn't be runescape anymore.


    Update looks nice, will be fun to compete with others for slayer drops again. Last time we had this was dark bows, and that was good competition.

    Lol, glad at least you enjoy seeing who can throw the first black knife or wind spell first. For a special drop for a weapon that didn't need upgrading, no less! That may outclass another weapon and provide an easy-out of a skill that you personally enjoy for lots of people.

    You don't think they'll be another task only monster? I don't recall Jagex saying anywhere that it isn't, so keep that in mind. If they did specify that, my apologies.


    The BTS said they could be killed freely or given as a Slayer task.


    I personally can not wait to show the 91 Slayer Jadinko who's boss. :D


    Oh and the new whip is cool I guess. Hope it keeps me from having to forsake it for Rapier.

  11. February 25 - Supermancav/Supermancav - 1000 Oak

    February 25 - Supermancav/Supermancav - 1000 Willow

    February 25 - Supermancav/Supermancav - 1000 Maple

    February 25 - Supermancav/Supermancav - 1000 Yew

    February 25 - Supermancav/Supermancav - 500 Magic

  12. Ok, now I use phpbb3 also for my forums, and the prosilver layout and theme are very nice, but with tip.it's severly massive forums it just doesn't suit, it makes the forums look like trash.




    That is why I suggest to install and then enable the Subsilver2 theme on to the forums, then set it as default. It is a standard theme/layout on the phpbb3 forums, so it is already in the acp, it just needs to be installed and enabled. The Subsilver theme/layout is the same theme/layout that is standard/default on phpbb2 forums, so that layout/theme that you all remember and loved from the old forums is the Subsilver2 theme/layout. It is an easy thing to change and would make the forums look alot cleaner, as they did before they crashed.




    That is my suggestion...













  13. Ok, well i use the "View My Posts" well, to see if someone has replied to one of my topics instead of having to go to every one via the index, probably like alot of people do. My question is how, if possible, do I remove one from the list, there are many on my list, but I only want 4 of them to be there, so I don't have to scroll and look to find them?




    Thank You



  14. Clan name: The Blue Dragons Clan--TBDC


    Clan website: http://z7.invisionfree.com/bluedragonsclan


    Clan leaders: Supermancav


    F2p clan cape color: Red


    P2p clan cape color: Red


    Number of Members: 10


    Average skill level: Unknown


    Recent Events Record: Website Opening


    Feel free to add anymore information you want to about your clan here:We have just gotten our site up and are ready to change clans in the world of runescape forever

  15. Clan name: The Blue Dragons Clan--TBDC


    Clan website:http://z7.invisionfree.com/bluedragonsclan


    Clan leaders: Supermancav


    F2p clan cape color: Red


    P2p clan cape color: Red


    Number of Members: 10


    Average Combat level: 60-80


    Recent Events Record: Webiste Opening


    Feel free to add anymore information you want to about your clan here:We have just gotten our site up, and are ready to change the clans in the world of runescape forever

  16. now i have been looking on the internet looking to create a website. i want a free one, and the best one i can find, i havent had any luck, i am looking for a site that has aleast a possible 30 account capabilities for clan members, and one for forums, not huge forums, just small ones.




    If you know of any websites please let me know




    PS. i would like one that allows me to create my OWN url, no name.website i got it from.com




    i just want name.com




    Thank You

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