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Posts posted by Gattree

  1. 3 Parts Lime Juice, 2 Parts Soap, 1 Part Brown Sugar, 1 Part Boiling Water. Let them Dissolve overnight in a bowl.








    The next day, gently pour a bit onto your face and rub it in slowly. Its done miracles to my face!








    I highly doubt this will get ride of all acne problems. I dont have a big problem with acne but still nothing really works. Everything is a band-aid and doesnt address the whole problem

  2. I find those things don't really work. I go to my doctor and ask for prescription for something that contains benzoyl peroxide, I think or something like that. Its a cream u put on your acne and u let it rest overnight. It's very helpful.








    and it really works? no more acne?

  3. Ok so I'm like everyother teen out there i have acne...no I don't struggle with it like all the commericals talk about I just have it. I use to struggle with it all the stupid products that spent me hard earn cash all just washed down the drain not doing any good. I use the acne products and the only thing that keep me using them without getting real results was the fear my acne would be worse if i quit using them. Well its a little worse but not by much. Anyways i have a point to this and that is has anyone found a product that works. I mean now you have no acne what so ever? I'm tired of watching these false adds and now I'm hearing even proactive doesnt work! well i was going to spend a lot for that but for now I won't poor my money down the drain.


    If it was at 50k Willow logs, and 12 gp ea, what amount would they start to increase in price?




    You most likely wouldn't get to that point. It's probablly in the hundreds, maybe around 175 or something?








    I think the price would stay the same actually. With the general store the more there is of something the less it costs.

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