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Posts posted by BAm_SuKkA

  1. Good old Laserline, I think I was once friends with him and he BS'd me. Not completely sure though, but i have some vague memories.








    Nice pics and killer stats Kalamees.








    lol he BS'ed me too, when I was at hobz, him and Xgloryx and a few others were there, and I just said I was going to X on a hob to switch servs. When I logged in on the other server, they were PM'ing me 'OMG DID HE KILL YOU !??' And a hob attacks me, and I had 6 HP rofl.. They told me Laser had attacked me, so I came back, 3 hit him, gave the set to Glory, and he forever logged on sight of me afterwards.. He's the only person that I can really recall ALWAYS logged on sight..

  2. I'm dissapointed as I started before many of those and aint on lol =(




    uh it says respect, and nobody liked you




    Aww did ur e-peen just grow 5 inches? Well that's good.




    I really feel sorry for pathetic people like you but you deserve this anyways




    :boohoo: :boohoo:




    Only thing I got against you is what you did to me.. And thats when I got bored one day, and posted on these forums I was in pirates with med on, skulled, and a key half and 100 something natures on me, come get me, lol




    Suddenly you pop up, by yourself, with a God Staff.. Like your going to beat me 1 on 1 with only a God Staff ? So we start fighting, and of course your getting stomped, which you should of seen coming.. At least bring someone with you if your going to staff, lol.. Then when I'm still like half food, and you had to be about out by then, my skull disapears, and you run saying 'No skull!' and LOG ?




    I mean c'mon.. At least say 'Ok I'm a big furry pucci and I don't want to die, so I'm going to log from you now'.. But don't use an excuse like that when you weren't going to win anywas, lol, what we're you going to do ? 3 hit me with staff ?

  3. [


    You and bs arkan use to piss me off with your mage , you two would always seem to have it on you.




    Id say same for swifty except he usually just carried weakens. f2p or p2p .




    Well that's why Arkan and I were good pkers unlike the War brothers or Ravoz etc? We used everything that made us lvl 115+ rather than negating 20 levels of combat not using magic :) Oh and yeah, i never pked without magic even if i took weakens i always had mage (i weakened those who weakened me)




    lol speaking of the War brothers and mage, War Xxl came to hobz on F2P one time, the very first time I'd ever seen him alone, and attacked me, I was unskulled training.. lol, like 3 rounds into the fight I dropped a big 3 hit on me (Which suprised the [cabbage] out of me, 'cuz I usually didn't get 3 hits on F2P, lol)




    He had deaths on him, so I didn't go bank right away, sat at hobz a little longer, and he showed back up, lol, so I fought him again, with his other set still on me, using his own runes against him. And in the end it came down to both of us no food, but he started running. I made several catches, and had him on like 5 hp, but then I [bleep]ing MISSED! But wait a second.. I have his mage! I maged him 2, dead with his own damn runes lmao I swear to God I was almost in tears, lol

  4. I had too many friends to just name one, however i do know who my favourite pker was without a doubt lol.




    Zorro Toy!




    He was such a complete clown it was unreal, Zorro pked alot with Me and Sue Me and the things we'd see him do were just ridiculas. There'd be times when he'd have no food and he'd be down to about 20 hp attacking someone 5+ levels higher than him who had full hp and excess food and then out of nowhere he'd just 3 hit them.. Then adversely there were times Sue and I would chase some people leaving Zorro attacking a lvl 80 or something thinking there's no way he could die only to see him say ''?#'&*'' (<- Or words to that effect :-#) on msn.




    I've never ever seen such a brilliantly bad pker.. He was a rune miner aswell but couldn't quite get his priorities sorted, he'd always still be in the mind of a pker.. So if he was carrying 10 rune ores and someone logged in at the rune mines he'd assume they were miners rather than pkers.. Knowing Zorro he'd enevitably die unless he had friends nearby lol.. He was actually a great pker but whenever i'd ask him to come pking he'd always say ''can i lend a set'' 8-) He was without doubt.. The funniest pker i ever saw and therefore my favourite! \'




    I'll second that. Zorro was hilarious in so many ways. He'd always catch him self to death :| He did alot anyway! I used to despise him for attacking me whenever I was mining rune, he just wouldn't leave me alone. I'm pretty sure he hung around with Lord Vid and Lordofrunes(was that his name? can't remember) and they used to gang up on me #-o (Before I was friends with them - obviously). Fun times.

    Haha he was a funny kid.. i would have fun fighting him at rune rocks knowing he had rune ores on him. i would pretend like he was beating me so i would start running and then yeah before he knew it i was the one chasing him... it was a circus.




    Oh oh oh! My turn to tell a Zorro story, lol




    I remember my first day back to P2P after being straight F2P for close to a year, lol, and Adx should remember it, 'cuz I cut Hot Latino out of webs on him and tried to kill him :P And it was during me chasing Adx that Zorro showed up and attacked me, lol, we fought for a while, and I whipped him pretty good, but didn't have catch ;-\ He ran to Edge with me fire waving him whenever I got close enough, and made it on like 7 HP lmao




    So I went to the store or something, came back a few hours later, and Llama told me on MSN that Zorro said before the day was over, he would welcome me back to P2P with a trip to Lumby, lol




    As Llama was telling me this I was in pirates, and Zorro shows up outside :D So I run out, and attack him, lol, we fought for maybe a minute or so, neither of us really 1 up on the other.. And then litterally out of [bleep]ing nowhere I 3 rounded him hard.. lol, I came within like less than 10 HP of 2 hitting him from full lmao.. After the 2nd round he was on no more than 10 HP, and he had to of known it was over 'cuz he threw on protect item, lol




    But I ran into him in Ardy, and I said 'Dude, what in the hell did I hit ?' He said 'I don't know but it was really hard, lol'




    Seriously though, I liked fighting Zorro, after I got hacked when RS2 beta came out 'n all, I had 2 sets left on my pure, and I knew I was quitting.. lol, so I asked him to DM me with 2 sets on him, and he agreed (I sucked at RSC DM'ing so I knew I was gonna loose) and of course he beat me, but I was going to basically give him all the stuff if I won.. I told him afterwards what had happened and I was quitting and all, and he said 'Well if you decide to come back, your sets are waiting for you :D'




    Unfortunately I didn't come back 'till like 9 months later and RS2 was already released and RSC was riddled with autoers, lol

  5. Is it bad that what i remember of the game doesnt have fatigue..? i stopped training around the time they put that in the game.-it wasnt as fun... i liked it when i was level 20 pking in andy armor with a rune short sword while weakening with magic... ahh that was fun before people would yell and cry about magic.... haha oh well.




    But my main issue with fatigue was that it applied to everything lol.. I mean i absolutely hate being wasteful lol.. The amount of kills i missed trying to sleep and catch at the same time lol.. I mean i had a good method just get them to run straight.. Click the map straight down then sleep.. But due to the law of sod everytime i'd do it the word would be like: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliovolcanoconiosis (actual word) and trying to type it quickly i'd inevitably screw it up and be stuck in a world of sleep.. Same goes to when i'd try and escape and mistakenly click my bag.. It'd always be a difficult word lol.




    lol I attacked that 3 iteming noob (I'll use a nicer word on these boards) O N I O N at axes once to run his [wagon] off.. lol And I actually clicked the damn sleeping bag on like 20 HP instead of a shark, and he attacked me back and 3 hit me off 20 HP while he was 3 itemed.. That was so stupid, lol.. I come back and he's like 'Did you DC ?' lol




    And I cringe when I think of all the mage XP I lost becuase of fatigue ;-\

  6. HEY! I just got some silly flashback. I don't know why I remember Cheesefraek? That guy wasn't a good pker but he always owned me :(




    lol the day I got 90 combat I went PK'ing, and got jumped by him and 15 damn Russian's by myself, lol




    And I was 90 combat before fatigue ;-\ I still have the picture, lol, has 'Carpentry' in it ;-\

  7. What I get a kick out of is Anttila would go to his grave saying no one in RS has ever killed him.. Yet me and Adx both have pics of him dead ?




    Go figure ;-\




    Edit: I think Adx was the other person with a pic of him dead, I know he flamed the * out of him constantly about claiming he had never been killed, lol




    Look what the loot is.... Wouldn't be suprised if she was suiciding to get rid of a skull or healin hp and chargin prayer... :roll:




    Anttila has skulled before ?? :shock: Damn I'm sorry, thats a new one on me, I didn't realize his character ever had a skull over it's head.. Did he even know what a skull was ? Healing HP and charging prayer in 30 something wild ? He must of got [bleep]in' lost, lol, he did pretty damn good to use up most my food with no armor or anything on..




    Seriously, don't post anymore, lol

  8. Yes Bam I remember you, and you too DSM. But Im confident that what ive seen from Lama is AC, but either way this is running out of topic anyways.
    Haha back in the day you guys both were easy to kill... i loved fighting either of you... and llama0 was never that good back in the day, good stats tho. bam i know you were my friend but it was fun to fight you :lol: i wish the game would be what it was 3-4 years ago again.... oh well \'




    Gotta agree with that one Unit :) I'm always quite nostalgic about how good rs used to be.. That's the depressing part though, how good it 'used' to be :(




    Oh and Bam yeah i have got a picture somewhere lol, i've got one of his brother too! Although i think it was understood i photshopped them both because it was simply impossible to kill the mighty brotherhood was it not? :wink:

    Yeah i cant even go on now... its a bummer... oh well. The old clashes we had were a blast back in the day... interupted randomly so we could kill the asian group... and bam bam it is me bro, you dont remember the hours we would spend when there was nobody else to fight just chasing each other around playing catch..?




    lol oh ya.. I had forgot about that :P Thats basically how I learned to catch, lol, I just couldn't remember us ever fighting before we were friends, so I kind of got confused ;-\ lol

  9. I like how Bam switches from "tell me something nice about a clan LEADER" to generalizing the whole clan as that leader.




    Did I say anything about them page closing and logging and the stuff Vegeta did ? No, I don't think so.. Even though they did do all those things along side their oh so honorable leader, I didn't 'generalize' that with them.. So why defend it even if I did ? What I said about the clan was that they could attack someone 30 on 1, and loose the fight lol, if that ain't pathetic then I'm sorry, I thought the word had a different meaning..

  10. Only good discussion please!! I don't appreciate people that flame for no reason.




    Tell me something nice that can be said about a 110+ leader who page closes on his own clan members, 30 on 1, to avoid being killed ? Tell me something nice that can be said about a clan leader, who will run, and stay away from you, while you pile his lvl 70 and 80 clan members, 'till you are out of food and loaded with armor, and then attacks you, and chases you to Edge calling you a noob ? Tell me something nice that can be said about a clan that could attack someone 30 on 1, or 30 on 2, and loose the fight ? lol




    If you can tell me something nice to say about a clan with those qualities, then I'll say it.. But as of this moment, I can't really think of anything 'nice' about that clan, lol

  11. What I get a kick out of is Anttila would go to his grave saying no one in RS has ever killed him.. Yet me and Adx both have pics of him dead ?




    Go figure ;-\




    Edit: I think Adx was the other person with a pic of him dead, I know he flamed the [bleep] out of him constantly about claiming he had never been killed, lol

  12. Yes Bam I remember you, and you too DSM. But Im confident that what ive seen from Lama is AC, but either way this is running out of topic anyways.
    Haha back in the day you guys both were easy to kill... i loved fighting either of you... and llama0 was never that good back in the day, good stats tho. bam i know you were my friend but it was fun to fight you :lol: i wish the game would be what it was 3-4 years ago again.... oh well \'




    lol you gotta be Killer :P Me and Unit never fought that I remember, but you used to beat the [bleep] out of me (If your Killer, lol) you were just about the only person I could never beat for some reason, then we became friends, lol

  13. It was pretty big, the orange cape of exercitum was feared throughout the runescape classic world. However I quit when rs2 came out.




    The only thing I ever feared when seeing their orange and yellow capes, was that I wouldn't have enough spaces to hold their armor :roll: They were almost as big a joke as the Malaysians, lol, and Vegeta was the worst 110+ in wild..

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