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Posts posted by DarkVincent

  1. ...Why the hell Jagex'd refund members? Autoers wouldn't even care about this "war".


    1 million Members against 8+ million F2Pers (9 million total players on RS, counting active or not). Members'd probably would get pwn'd by F2Pers, even with good equipment (on the other hand, probably not).


    Neverthless, this is a stupid topic with stupid ideas.


    (Numbers not pulled out of [wagon], mind ya.)

  2. You don't get to decide who deserves to be punished, he is only stating his opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. It isn't like he is leading a campaign to have all free players lynched, he is just saying they won't be getting Summoning (even if he was a bit over-zealous).


    Jagex have already stated F2P won't be getting the new skill, and personally I think it was a bit silly for them to expect it considering the last four new skills released have been members only.


    So was I stating my own opinion. And besides, if he was stating his opinion, it was badly made. Saying that F2P should have all their accounts reset instead of getting summonig? No. Although he isn't leading a campaign against F2P, he is heavily anti. If his mind is set to P2P supremacist mode, and won't change, I'll leave him at what he is. He can stay wrong (I've the feeling that I'm contradicting myself...).


    Sean, F2P doesn't need summoning. It won't be available on free servers, so you won't see lvl138s there. From what I've heard, the combat levels that summoning adds won't appear on F2P, so a lvl138 would show up as 126. The quest *more than probably* will be on Taverley, so if summoning magically becomes F2P, Taverley would too, unless Jagex has a remedy for it.

  3. They don't get summoning. They don't deserve that or anything else, all they do deserve it to have their accounts reset.


    Personally, I hate your type of people...(P2P supremacist), who think that F2P is like the scum of the earth, and provide absolutely no valid argument with your statements.




    I'm pretty sure at one point or another, you bought items from a F2per, especially raw materials. They are not useless, and as of a matter in fact, I'm proud to announce that i'm going back to F2P in 96 more days.








    Whoops, forgot to respond to the actual topic. Tbh, I don't care if Taverly and summoning is opened to F2P or not. But, i've decided not to train it if its not F2P/P2P (Don't bother asking why, i'm not explaining).




    P2p supremacist? It is a GAME, that we the consumers (aka members) pay for. I'm all for charity, but I don't want my money going towards updates for F2P. Lately they got SoS, GE, Duel Arena, and now you want them to get summoning? Thats enough time and effort going into F2P, which we are basically the ones paying for an update every week or two.


    Skully IS a P2P supremacist, friend. He is a large stereotyper of F2P and thinks everyone who there is a noob. If someone deserves punishment, it's him, and a perm mute.


    Getting on topic. My most dear hopes go to Summoning being P2P. The J-Mods seem to have contradicted themselves many times ("It'll be F2P" "Not open for the non-members"), as seen in the screenshots in a certain thread. I've no wish of it being available to me, however I'd not complain if F2P got it.


    Off topic, stop debating over F2P being a demo. It was RS until Members was released. Saying F2P is a demo of P2P is saying WoW is a demo of Burning Crusade. However, it changes nothing. Being a demo or not, F2P only deserves things paid with the ads.

  4. red square boots with a marshmallow on top... jagex u could have done better


    You care about boots having marshmellows on them while the characters don't even have eyes and weapons are recolors?

  5. Snakes in Mos' Le Harmless Jungle: "Snake... SNAAAKKKKKEEE!!!"




    (This is a Metal Gear Solid reference for those of you who don't know. :P)


    :thumbsup: I gotta give props to Jagex for putting in something from the most awesome game series


    Yes. Now we need ocelots with revolvers.

  6. I haven't had the joy of a first kiss yet. Makes me want it to be good when it happens, due to my friends' constant discrimination about it. Pisses me really off how the society sucks today.

  7. I heard somewhere about an idea which PKing in the Wildy is restricted to a few worlds (2, perhaps). If the RWTers go there to trade, they have a problem as most, if not all PKers, will be playing on those worlds and the Wildy would be heavily crowded.


    Okay, okay, on topic. I don't like your suggestion. Restricting items isn't good because there are the Rune Rocks and fishing spots and hunting places. The only part I agree is removing Revenants. Running like a nooby coward from a clan is better than pissing in your frozen pants with a Revenant behind you.

  8. this is such a dumb topic :wall:


    If it's dumb, why spam it? It's just a question, brought up by curiosity.




    I prefer the new Team Capes. They look much better. So better most of F2P is using it. I see blue dots every few minutes.


    By the way, I use the black and red cape you get from Simon (I think it's 50 or 59). It's much better than the others, but the gold one is cool too.

  9. In Melzar's maze...




    THE RED KEYS FROM THE RATS WON'T COME!!!!oneoneeveleventy111!!!


    Yes, you heard me right... The little red keys won't come from the *beep* rats! Which I don't think where zombie before.. OR lvl 3. Gee, good job, JaGeX, making it cooler... But forgetting the red keys? Unspeakable!




    *fumes* now I can't finish Dragon Slayer... And I have such awesome rune stuff, too.




    *goes off to kill some ridiculously clothed guards in Varrock and/or do her homework*


    Ratses? Keyses? That can be worser than mediocre spelling, as that means you don't even know that plurals end with "s" (there are exeptions). Okay, on topic:


    You must be reasonably unlucky to don't get a key within about a dozen kills. I have the luck of shattered glass beneath a ladder stepping on a crack, less luck than that is what? And I got a red key within a few kills (about 10 or so rats). Just keep killing them, you'll get it.

  10. Support :) .




    Now with the autoers gone, we won't need randoms anymore and what better way to get rid of them than doing quests :P .




    Mind if other people give ideas as well?




    Sandwich Lady




    -Go undercover and infiltrate her Bakery. There, Baguettes, Kebabs, Cakes and god knows what will be burnt in an epic struggle to destroy the bakery. (Too childish? Maybe :P . I'm not in the mood at the moment for coming up with serious storylines)




    Good luck with this :mrgreen:


    How about you get a baguette from her when she appears and then you whack her in the head, just like she does to you?

  11. because my internet connection is **NOT VERY GOOD** i got killed while doing dragon slayer, and lost soo much stuff. I was happily killing him when the computer stopped working and said "connection lost, attempting to re-establish" then it logged me out.




    when i logged back in, i was DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: * 1,000,000,000,000 :cry:




    see all of thoose sad faces, that dragon gave me every ne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








    P.S. I'm VERY ANGRY!!!!


    Ow. That should have been bad. Don't bring too much stuff though, at level 45 I killed Elvarg while having only a Rune Scimmy, Addy Plate and Legs and the Anti-Dragon Shield equipped and 20 lobsters. That way, if I died, I'd just lose the lobbies and the shield. Just get those things again, and try again. You'll beat ol' Vargy, you will.

  12. Warning: If you are lvls 17-35, do not go towards bounty hunter. There are hordes of spiritual goblins that can hit up to 8. Yes, 8. And they are lvl 37. In lvl 20 ish so wilderness. Me and my friends just watched a whole slew of lvl 20s getting killed by them. (They were in a clan too...) And you know how much they drop... (I killed one on my pure) I got 13 gp. From something that took a whole inv of lobbys.


    One hit me twice for 11 damage each. I was in one-digit HP when they disappeared. Got to live though, and managed to buy a cape from Simon.

  13. Jagex is trying to make a better game for the players by making them quit... I'm not quiting, I'm staying. As ruined it can be, I'll be there. I just hope Jagex DOES fix this. They aren't ignorant to the point of losing many players (Though, compared to RS's 9mil players, that might seem nothing. Still a dent on the game).


    Things I've enjoyed in the update: F2P Duel Arena and Wildy capes, and... nothing else. I'd find the Wildy a pleasure, if it weren't for those Revenants. What's the point in them, killing RWTers? Making the Wildy still dangerous? I'd prefer PKers over those stupid ghosts.

  14. I'm the only one who is going to keep playing? Sure, it has been some bad updates, but RS is still RS. It seems like many of you doesn't agree with this, but I will keep playing anyway. And if you want to quit, feel free to do so.




    I will still be playing. People are over reacting right now and forget that this will probably be the last bad update for a long time. Jagex now has more resources to use for better updates as well.




    People like you dont realize how bad this update is. Its basically a single player game now with a interactive chat room,which is moderated to bones and teeth just like everything else in this game now. They have destoyed trading, the wild, dueling, basically everything that made runescape, well runescape.


    I do realise how bad some of these updates are, however I won't quit just because of that. I'm quiting when F2P is gone or when RS ends. People'll adapt to the new RS; every game has it's bad and good points.

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