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Posts posted by Darkginger

  1. I'm a saver (totally opposite from me in real life!) - I'm obsessive about not spending money on stuff I can make myself, which leads to some long, drawn out episodes of cutting logs, fishing for lobbies, cooking complicated stuff (got lvl 58 cooking just so I can make ugthanki kebabs) or mining ores :). I'm not great at making money, either - I only have around 1.3 million - it would be a lot more but I'm a bit of a pushover for friends who 'need' stuff - stuff like a rune hally, or full addy etc. etc. Funny that, I don't mind spending on others, I just don't like doing it for myself!








    I'm kinda sorta saving for a whip, but just know I'm going to resent spending that much on one item, and am more likely to go try to get one as a drop. If they didn't look like sausages I'd be more enthusiastic about it, but for me, looks are everything - I'm just so shallow! :)








    If only I could be as prudent with money in real life, I'd have 1 mill euro in the bank, instead of a fluctuating overdraft situation - lol!

  2. The way I do it is to first tke all 5 coffins out of the graves, then start checking the graves one by one. That is, check grave so you know what you're looking for, then look at the coffins in your inv one by one until you find the right one. Plant it, then go on to the next grave and repeat! Hope that helps!

  3. I'll be playing on Christmas Day (so long as we don't have a power cut!). There's only my husband and me, and he's planning on going fishing with a friend whilst I cook (reheat) lunch (we're not having turkey this year, we're having an Indian takeaway - my favourite food, and I don't dare embark on a turkey in case of a power cut - we have storms forecast and a dodgy electrical network :))








    I'll be sitting here, probably with a cat or two on my lap, dogs at my feet, glass of seasonal cheer (also known as hair of the dog after Christmas Eve!) in hand, nibbles within reach, making occasional phone calls to distant family (my Dad's gone to Florida for Christmas), killing blue dragons whilst wearing my reindeer hat. Sounds like the perfect day to me!








    I'm glad I can have Christmas the way I want it - spent far too many Christmases doing things other people thought I should (family visits, eating more than I wanted to etc.) - now it's my time, and I'm going to enjoy it!

  4. PM me if you see me in game and I'll give you one - I went through a snelm collecting phase and I've got a lot of them! Am currently hanging out in the Warrior's Guild near Burthorpe.








    Alternatively, get thyself to Mort Myre swamp and kill a blue snail, then use a chisel on the shell...








    Edited to add RSN (which might be a good idea :))








    RSN: Charliesaunt

  5. I've not been to the hellhounds myself yet, but with significantly lower combat stats than you (65/59/58 I think), I walk all over baby blues, who drop nothing but bones. Their mums are much more fun and have interesting drops as well as the blue dragonhide, of course. I got brave last night and ventured round the corner (this is in the Taverly dungeon), eventually managing to squish 4 black demons and survive (no interestng drops, just a small amount of gold). Emboldened by this, I took myself off to the Brimhaven dungeon and killed my first red dragon before having to run away and get food :) (I do that a lot!)








    I think baby blues would bore you after the first 20 or so, so go for something a bit bigger. I'll be trying the hellhounds myself today, and I'm a total wimp when it comes to scary monsters :))








    Best of luck!

  6. I'm in more or less the same position as you - got 54 crafting and am aiming for 70. I'm not taking the coif route, oh, no, I'm making it more difficult for myself and doing studded chaps :) - which at least means I get my smithing up as well, plus my mining, as I'm getting all the source materials (ie coal and iron) myself (this is because I'm a cheapskate who hates paying for things I can get myself :)). I'm also making shedloads of various rings, using my stash of gems acquired through Shilo (plus gold I mine myself), and then a friend is letting me spin several thousand bowstrings for her...








    I'm doing it this way because I think I'd lose the will to live if I had to do nothing but tan and sew, tan and sew - this way I get some variety. After trudging back and forth in AlKharid and tanning half my stash of hides (done 1k of them so far) I realised that I wasn't having fun, so decided to look for ways of making the levelling process more enjoyable - hence the above. OK, so it'll take me longer, but it'll FEEL shorter..lol!








    Best of luck in your endeavours!

  7. I'm lvl 71 mining now, and I share (unless the other person starts off by being rude to me). Even the gem rocks in Shilo Village. Mining is not exactly a thrilling pastime, and usually if you share with someone you can get a good conversation going, which makes it a more pleasant experience. I also share because I remember the frustration of being lower lvl and never being able to get any ore. To me, people are more important than xp points, but I guess I'm just odd that way :)

  8. Law running on world 66. Mine 28 pure ess (sometimes it's 27). Take it un-noted to Entrana (you can't wear armour or take weapons there, so you're laughing as you don't have any :)), trade with the law crafters at the altar for 28 (or 27) laws and 28 (or 27) noted ess. Return to Draynor bank, deposit ess, deposit laws, withdraw ess un-noted, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. If you sell laws at 500g each (easily done on f2p worlds in Varrock bank, sell individually), that's 13.5k per trip.








    Just be aware that it can be an exercise in frustration - do not stand in the centre spot at the altar - that's where the crafters should be - stand around them. Do not stand there saying 'law me plzzzzz' as that's annoying and won't get you anywhere. Just wait for a crafter to say 'open' and then it's fastest finger first - trade em and be patient, it'll probably take a few goes before you get the trade.








    Hope that helps!

  9. Spotted someone asking this on general p2p, thread locked and told to ask here, so thought I'd answer the question so it was here when they look - plus I get loads of people asking me in game when they see me roasting birds, so there must be a few who don't know - anyhoo...








    You can make a roasting spit using an iron bar on an anvil. Then you use use your bird, beast or chompy meat on it, and use the resulting 'thing on a stick' on a normal fire. It helps to have several roasting spits, so you can 'cook all' rather than having to do one at a time. I find having 10 is a useful number.








    Hope that helps!

  10. Indeed they can, but I have often sold colourd gloves on P2P worlds for 2k + - offered, not a price set by me. I assumed people were paying for the convenience of not having to go to Canifis (or the gnomes for pastel colours), and therefore the same would seem to apply to d longs...but then I guess you only ever need one at a time, so maybe that's why, plus the quest requirement?








    Edited to add - but it still seems illogical (Captain) - if you're buying a d long, then why are you buying it from a player and not after you complete the quest? If you don't have the diamond required at the time, surely the vendor should factor the cost of that in when selling? It's still a mystery to me!

  11. I'm sorry, could you clarify how this classifies as asking for help or advice? I thought it was a discussion topic, as I require neither help nor advice on it. I was merely speculating on why this particular item seems to be sold at cost price, and the reason for it - I do not need help selling a d long, nor advice on how to make a profit whilst doing so. Perhps I didn't make myself very clear...








    But any answers appreciated! :)

  12. So, the standard price for a d long is 100k, right? Which is exactly the same price you pay for it from the source (plus the cut diamond 'entrance fee'). What I don't understand is why no one is making a profit here? Once you've done the quest, and got your d long you'd think you could sell it on for a little more than you bought it for - just as coloured Canifis robes, boots & gloves go for more than the source price, because not everyone has completed the quest to be able to go get them.








    Does anyone know the reason for this? I'm not looking to go buy loads and make money off of them (perfectly happy with just the one I have :)), I'm just a bit puzzled as to why this is the case - can anyone explain? It seems that those who buy them, having paid the diamond fee, are actually making a loss when they sell them for 100k - and that is so against the general trend in RS it struck me as odd. What am I missing?

  13. To clarify - Bob in Lumbridge fixes broken hatchets, Nurmof the dwarf in the dwarven mines fixes broken pickaxes. If you right click and 'examine' your broken 'axe, it'll tell you who can fix it. :)








    Hope that clears things up!

  14. I'll give it another go, but have been trying all morning and have yet to be able to get past the world list...argh! There must be other people who can't get in either, so rather than beating my head against the wall, it'd be nice to find them and do it together...








    Thanks for the help, though :)

  15. Anyone stuck at the end of Shades of Mort'ton like I am? Need people to help build temple - preferably this afternoon (Saturday). You can find me (rsn Charliesaunt) on world 99 in Varrock east bank, or msg me. I'll be on RS until around 3.30 pm today - or if not enough people are around this week, we could organise it for tomorrow or next weekend? Any help much appreciated! :))

  16. Having spent a very frustrating morning trying to find enough people to build the temple in Mort'ton (we got a whole 5 of us there at one point!), and being unable to get on to world 2, as it's permanently full, has anyone got any ideas as to how to get a group together to do this? I'm currently standing in Varrock east bank, world 99, selling rings (rsn Charliesaunt) (13.50 GMT, Saturday) and will probably be there for the next half hour or so (or msg me). If anyone else wants to do this, please join me, or if not, perhaps we could organise a time for those who want to do it, to do it, if you see what I mean?








    If none of that is feasible, has anyone got any helpful hints, other than 'go to world 2'? Hopefully this is the right forum to ask on - was undecided between this and General P2P or even events, if we do it next week..lol. Maybe a Power That Is will stick it in the right place if this isn't it.









  17. Despite my rant in the rants section, I still go law running when I'm short of cash. Each trip to Entrana on world 66, you get 27 laws. I usually do 10 trips and then sell them individually at 500g each in Varrock bank (usually on f2p worlds). It soon mounts up, and I can make 100k in a couple of hours with no problems. You have to enjoy selling though, 'cos getting rid of them one at a time can be a bit of a challenge. It also doesn't help with any of your skills, so is 'dead time' as far as training goes.








    It's easy, it's safe and it's fairly profitable. You could use the 100k or whatever to start merchanting with and you'll be on your way to your first million :) Good luck!

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