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Posts posted by vilageidiotx

  1. Aww man this just made me laugh today. Look at this poor fella, being overtaken by "girl power".




    Guy: Wanna b my gf?


    Girl: If I want to be your good fight?


    Guy: No, girlfriend


    Girl: Oh sorry. No, I' m not into guys


    Guy: You like girls?


    Girl: No, I like goblins.


    Guy: O.o


    Girl: Yea, they may be dumb, but they' re great, much better than guys


    Guy: How better?


    Girl: Like comparing bronze to dragon.


    Guy leaves right about now.




    I don' t know about you but I laughed my poor butt off.




    EDIT: What I wanted to say is, don' t be offended by simpletons, just make fun out of their tiny brain. Can make your day.




    Heh, i'm a dude and i still find that funny. I always admired smart [wagon].

  2. i dont see you guys comming up with any good alternatives all you guys do is say "chage it back change it back!" gees really helpful, thats just going to let all those macroers back in.


    have you ever thought about what the point is of pk?


    1. to make money


    2. to have fun


    that is for players who dont real world trade...


    if you want to make money i dont see how boutry hunting cant make money and if you want to have fun by having a fight with your mates i dont see why you shouldnt go to the duel arena.




    so if your still ranting for no reason well, the only reason why you would be doing so is that you are a real world trader or macroer or hacker who cant transfer the wealth obtained from hacking.




    This post is... hypocritical, but that has been repeated before, so i will leave it alone.




    Number one, your "points of pking" don't only describe pking, that pretty much covers everything in runescape. In other words, you need points specific to pking. The major problem with that is, everyone has their own reasons to pk. Some for quick cash, some for the adrenaline rush, some for tradition, and some because they are A-holes.




    As for the "so if your still ranting for no reason well, the only reason why you would be doing so is that you are a real world trader or macroer or hacker who cant transfer the wealth obtained from hacking" idea, thats a pretty broad sweep, with little thought put into. The old, "If your not with us, your against us" trick. I am ranting, and i am not even a pker let alone a RWT, just a responsable player, doing what i should do, alerting jagex to their percieved f-ups.

  3. Intresting...




    Before i say anything, i want to make it clear i have never been a pker. I have always looked at pkers as annoyances that i had to deal with when solving clues and crafting natures.




    However, the pkers have every right to complain. Jagex, with good intentions of course, did take out the pkers main source of entertainment. It would be like them taking the nature alter out for me, or taking out all the yew trees for you. Would you sacrifice the yew trees to rid of bots? I myself wouldn't take out nature crafting. Bots are annoying, but i would prefer gameplay and bots over lost gameplay and no bots.




    Besides, Jagex needs the feedback. How are you supposed to run a buisness based on what customers like, when your customers "shut the hell up" when you do something moronic?

  4. It sucked.




    Dragging through college, same boring job all year.




    But there is good news!




    [hide]I saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico! Actually, i didn't switch to geico... well then it just sucked[/hide]

  5. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens;


    Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens;


    oh yeh, and Brown paper packages tied up with strings.








    Nah, but really, i just want a few days off. Thats enough for me.

  6. If they asked it before everyone would have said no, ofcourse. Jagex makes the game and decides for themself what is best. I don't see why they have to ask us, simply the users, if they should implement something like that.




    Mostly because we are the people who would benefit or not from a update like that. They knew it was tough, since this is taking out aspects of the game that are popular, a mere poll would suffice, to see which people prefered Pking or No Bots, or in trading case, A Excellent Community or No Bots.

  7. stop coming up with geeky analogies and try EXPLAINING your point of view to Jagex. Are you trying to tell them that you hate the update? yeah you made that clear. But WHY? nobody has cared to explain WHY they hate the update and that is really why I have little respect for the rioters.




    A lot of people have made it clear why, sadly we are being drowned out by the people who just rant to rant, or are ranting nastily.




    The wilderness is something i would have difficulty standing up for, because i never cared about it to be honest. Pking has never been for me. However, it was a major portion of the gameplay. Taking it out seems... illogical. I don't know much about the new wilderness, so i really can't elaborate, but from the number of ranters, i can only assume it is no improvement.




    My peave is with the trading restrictions. They are uncalled for, as simple as that. I have kept a tight network of friends since day one, all of us having different approaches to the game and being at different points skill wise, therefore have helped each other quite a bit. Most of this help has been through trading of items in extremely unbalance trades. I know a lot of other people who have done the same. To top that, i had a lot of help from just random players when i started out. I have always liked the idea of returning the favor by helping new players out. A lot of the time this is through trades that are unbalanced, and though a single trade doesn't usually exceed the 3k limit, a drop party i might hold in areas with new players would.




    Though unbalanced trading is definetly not essential to the gameplay, it is essential to the community. I would go as far to say unbalanced trades is the glue that holds the community together (sorry for the analogy). It is evident that the runescape community hanging by a thread as it is, this will kill one most pleasant parts of it.




    It would be fine, if there was a equal purpose, but there is not. Real World Traders are bad, i will not deny this. There bots and goldfarmers clog our resources, and hurt out economy. However, their damage to our economy is only a slight annoyance, and the clogging of resources is, though more of a annoyance, not as bad as a dead community. The thing about it is, the Real World Traders are not going to give up without a fight, since they are getting one of the number one motivators on earth, money. They will find another thing to sell. Might be characters, which will increase the amount of clogging at our resources. Might just trade money slowly, unlikely, but money is involved, so who knows.




    In the end, we get an adapting group of Real World Traders, and a bleeding community, slashed by lack of unbalanced trades and the departure of our friends. That pretty much sums up why these recent updates are negative. I'm pretty sure jagex knows this, they have asked for quite a bit of feedback, which is good. I don't hate them for their mistake, and the sane of us ranters don't hate you guys who support these updates, we are all entitled to our opinions.

  8. The rioting is a bit much, but people quitting isn't. I never pked so that doesn't effect me, but those who played mostly to pk, there leaving is justified. You can't honestly expect anyone to pay for a game they don't get much enjoyment out of.




    The complainers, at least the one who are not being nasty, are doing their jobs. If you do not like an update, it is your duty to give feedback. Jagex seems to be a honest company, and need this feedback to operate effectivly.




    The fact is jagex is not perfect. I think this was mistake, and it is my right to inform them i do not approve of sacrificing major parts of gameplay to catch petty criminals.




    So yes, the rioting is pointless and obsessive, but so is worshipping jagex as all knowing god of gaming, instead of treating it as a corporation which i am paying for a service and giving them the feedback accordingly.

  9. When i seen mondays updates, i had to check twice to make sure i hadn't been stuck in some odd time warp and sent foward to April First. After that, i figured maybe somebody had hacked their website. I wish it had been one of those.




    The crazy thing is, they will never kill cheating without shutting the game down all together, and you will never kill real world trading without stopping all trading and exchanging of items. Thats the thing about cheaters, they will find a way around it. They always have, they always will. I would like one example of how something ended ALL of any form of cheating without getting rid of a particular part of gameplay all together. It won't be to difficult for RWT to get around the 3k limit, hell I can think of several ways it could be done. All that it does is slow it down a little, at the expense of the rest of us. If you are the police trying to chase down criminals, its best to avoid harming innocent civilians. Jagex just nuked a entire town to get their criminals.




    I'm going to stick around though. There is no way the trading limit is going to stay as they said. They aren't that stupid, they HAVE to know that its an awful idea to some extent.




    As for pking, ahh pkers, we had our bouts, but for all your cruelty you NEVER deserved this. Not in a million years. I would give you a gift to ease the pain but, you know, trading restrictions, big brother is watching :anxious:.

  10. I would try to see if there is a way you could get employeed through the college, or check to see if you college has some sort of program to help in finding jobs, because, from what i've seen, jobs gained through school are extremely flexible.

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