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Posts posted by Reticked

  1. Fletching and Cooking by FAR are the easiest. My friend was getting 99 fletch from around 85, while I had 93 firemaking, insanely burning. He now has 99 with 14.5m exp and I have 96 firemaking. He actually MADE money too, while I lose it :/

  2. Lol, I've never gotten to jad..that's probably cause i never seriously attempted. But nice tries, I'm sure you;ll get it sometime.




    My last try was mainly to recharge prayer cuz i didn't have any..I made it all the way to the 360s no prayer :) but got instantly koed

  3. Probably drink some nasty stuff and spit on somones shirt, they couldn't get it out even after washing it. AS revenge, Not intentional I guess...He 'accidentally' made a chocolate bar explode on my shirt, and I've washed it about 16 times, still not off all the way. Got me like a dollar. Lol.




    Or maybe throw a boomerang at a car Lmao, funniest thing I've ever seen. The driver was like "Jesus Christ!!" and right before it thwacked the window it started to slow down and come back lol. Got me about 5 dollars.




    Also I sniffed a can of sprite throguh the straw, resulting in an explosion...Soda shot out from my mouth, nose and got the car I was in soaked.But before that I sniffed The remnants of those salt and vinegar chip bags...I sneezed for like 15mins straight. Those got me around 3 dollars. I do alot of stuff for money lol




    I also put an ENTIRE shoe lace(used:EWW) up my nose for 20$. It is really hard to get up there XD you sneeze too much. It was awesome.




    Once one of my friends grabbed a binder of a random person, and threw it at about 20 projects that were worked on for hours and it smashed through all of them. He didn't ask for money, but i gave him a nickel. Him and I also dropped a bottle of partially open Super Size elmers glue bottles from a 3 story school, and it just missed a janitor, making an awesome like 3 foot wide white blob on the cement. We got like 2 cents each.

  4. My good ole pal Ricky told me about the game. I don't rememeber his rsn, and I don't think he plays anymore. It was in october of my 5th grade year, I'm in 9th now. He showed me it while we played on school computers, and i thoguht it was kind of stupid at first. I didn't play it until I moved away further north, where I did a Yahoo search for the name. That was in 2004. And this was my 3rd acc :0




    First: no idea, lost in time


    second: dummy65, level 6


    And third Reticked: currently using it followed by my narb Retocked.

  5. I believe the most respected capes will be:




    Prayer, Farming, Herblore




    Because they take money, time and effort to do.




    The least respected will be fletching, because you will still be in around 4,500th place when you reach 99.




    I will get 99 firemaking ownage, which i am working on now by woodcutting until 99. (9 levels to go for both) firemaking cape should be cool, like a fire cape except it has flames and not lava-like things.

  6. Yeah, it's probably just increase in speed you can do the skill, or give exp bonuses. But for combat stats it'd give something to the effect of a black mask, except it doesn't run out.




    For firemaking, you will be allowed to burn down PLAYERS for exp. I wish.

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