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Posts posted by Razr_Hybrid

  1. i have to say that i disagree, what if some noob goes there and discourages all those new players and makes them want to quit? also, you aren't allowed to talk on the island anyways, its also called a "Tutorial" Island, so experienced players dont have to help since it already provides the help you need to get through (If you read)... And your saying so you can bank there? lol, why dont you just delete the island and make it so that the new players just start in lumby? i think this is a ridicoulus idea...






    Razr Hybrid

  2. lol, im too lazy to read the other ppls posts, but i think this one is really stupid, okay, i made a new account (was going to be new my main) and after staying up the whole night working on him spending the night at my friends house, i got him to lv 29 and did almost all the quests, and then there was the dumbest quest eva, imp catcher... i searched and search in karamja for hours killing imps and non of them dropped a black bead (last one i needed)


    so i said, "b/itch!" and trust me, no one was even there with me AT all, that's why i said it and then me and my friend went to eat breakfast and wen i came back my accont was banned, permenatly too, 10.0 blackmarks out of 10!! i was like WTF!?!?!?! and then i tried to appeal and all that and they denied it and everthing and yah... sucks. ;(






    Razr Hybrid

  3. Wow, thanks for all these new threads. Hopefully keep the real rants forum clean and tidy :pray:




    So it's not spam, i'll post my most frustrating prospect: Being pk'd for nothing. . . I get pked running to the dam mage bank with nothing but a knife -.-






    Lol, whoever kill you is the person im like, not that im mean, im nice to ppl but not in the wild, and another thing, its really funny killing ppl without anything, he was probably temped to kill you... ;P






    Razr Hybrid

  4. Lol, i mime wen i was lv like 20 and then another one at like 36 or something, i was lucky, then after that i never got it anymore... i have the mime mask and lean emote. ;)




    PS, like all the autoers get them cuz the majority of ppl on runescape is like all autoers... lol, i think you get random if you do something for a long long time like the autoers. ;P






    Razr Hybrid

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