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Posts posted by raylifes


    This aside it made me wonder about another film, essentially all I can remember is it's about some sort of monster type thing that killls people and uses their body parts to make himself. Pretty sure it's a horror from the 90s or something.


    Anyway, any clues would be great. cheers!




    Can't think of a movie that fits that description, but it reminds me of an X-files episode where some guy (called Coombs or something like that), would kill people for specific organs, so that he could hibernate for another century or so...




    The guy is called Eugene Victor Tooms. And he needed to eat 5 livers every thirty years to hibernate. :wink:




    X-files, truly a great series! :D

  2. I don't have much to say at the moment, but: Young people can't wait till they're older, old people always wish they were younger. :wink:




    Now this isn't entirely true of course, since most adults don't continuously wish they were young again. But still, children and teenagers always want to be older, so they aren't restricted in their actions anymore. Most of the time, a person doesn't realise how great childhood was untill it is long gone.

  3. What is up with people stating things that are incorrect as facts? :-s




    HIV/AIDS remains dormat for 11-13 years before actually damaging your body. It is undetectable until then.




    As stated in above posts you can't tell if a person's infected with HIV for many years.




    Simply not true...




    Quoted from http://www.avert.org/testing.htm


    Getting tested earlier than 3 months may result in an unclear test result, as an infected person may not yet have developed antibodies to HIV. The time between infection and the development of antibodies is called the window period. During the window period people infected with HIV will not yet have antibodies in their blood that can be detected by an HIV test. However, the person may already have high levels of HIV in their blood, sexual fluids or breast milk. Someone can transmit HIV to another person during the window period even though they do not test positive on an antibody test. So it is best to wait for at least 3 months after the last time you were at risk before taking the test, and abstain from unprotected sex or drug use with shared needles in the meantime. Some test centres may recommend testing again at 6 months if you're deemed to be at particularly high risk of infection.




    Quoted from http://www.aids.org/info/how-long-test-hiv.html


    The time it takes for a person who has been infected with HIV to seroconvert (test positive) for HIV antibodies is commonly called the "Window Period."




    The California Office of AIDS, published in 1998, says about the window period: "When a person is infected with the HIV virus, statistics show that 95-97% (perhaps higher) of all infected individuals develop antibodies within 12 weeks (3-months)."




    The National CDC has said that in some rare cases, it may take up to six months for one to seroconvert (test positive). At this point the results would be 99.9% accurate.




    Please do some research before you post...

  4. I agree 100%. I'm 17 and I drink (hell, there are alcohol cans sitting on my desk right now). My school can't do anything about it. They can tell me not to do it, how much it's hurting my body, and how I could kill someone if I drive. But they can't suspend me unless I walk onto their property while I'm intoxicated. They had no right to suspend those kids for drinking. I will say, it was stupid of them to post pics of themselves drinking. But the only people who could really punish them is their parents.




    The school had every right... Here's a piece of my earlier post.




    Here's a quote from the article at startribune:




    The Minnesota State High School League requires student athletes to sign a pledge that they will not drink alcoholic beverages.




    And here another important part:




    Eden Prairie High School administrators have reprimanded more than 100 students and suspended some from sports and other extracurricular activities after obtaining Facebook photos of students partying, several students said Tuesday.




    I don't know about the "other extracurricular activities", but I feel they were right to suspend the athletes who had been drinking, it's their own fault.

  5. Its only discrimination if there is no viable medical reason for the policy. Since we do not have the numbers that show the occurence of HIV/AIDS in heterosexual males versus homosexual males, we are in no position to debate the validity of this policy. Just because something appears discriminatory does not mean that it is. I dont know the numbers so I cant say.




    I agree. But.... :P


    If we assume that people don't use condoms (I know, a lot of people do use condoms, but most sexual diseases are transmitted because of unprotected sex as far as I know), then this isn't so unreasonable, simply because you have a way higher chance of contracting hiv as a homo-sexual man because of anal sex.

  6. Difficult topic... After thinking it over for a while, I agree with not allowing homo-sexual men to donate blood. I have nothing against homo-sexuals, but they do carry a risk with them.




    If it were about a more simple disease then hiv, I would be inclined to allow them to donate blood, but it's difficult with hiv. First of all, just about anyone knows that homo-sexual men have increased risk of contracting hiv. If it could be easily screened for, there would be no problem. But the thing to remember is, hiv has a window period. This means that for a certain period, one is already infected with hiv, but it is not yet detectable. This is what makes this issue so difficult for me.




    Ultimately I have to be against the homo-sexuals on this one. I am against discrimination, but this is for the greater good. (imho)

  7. Double posting, sorry.






    On an interesting side note, the reason we humans count in base ten is because we


    have 10 fingers. If people only had 2 fingers on each hand, for example, or number system


    would go like this.
















































































    Wrap your head around that. This theory is on of my own creation, and I think it's


    probably pretty true.




    Almost true. In your example humans would have 2ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý fingers on each hand, so 5 fingers in total. :wink:




    Here's some examples, the first you will (or not) recognize as binary.




    [hide]2 fingers in total (not per hand):


    0 = 0


    1 = 1


    10 = 2


    11 = 3


    100 = 4


    101 = 5


    110 = 6


    111 = 7


    1001 = 8






    3 fingers in total (not per hand):


    0 = 0


    1 = 1


    2 = 2


    10 = 3


    11 = 4


    12 = 5


    20 = 6


    21 = 7


    22 = 8






    4 fingers in total (not per hand):


    0 = 0


    1 = 1


    2 = 2


    3 = 3


    10 = 4


    11 = 5


    12 = 6


    13 = 7


    20 = 8






    Now I hope I didn't make a mistake. :P

  8. Im simaler to claustrophobic, but its not so much being in a tight space as not have free movement of my limbs. I have no problems with shoulder/chest harness roller coasters, or suits of armour (or diving suit), but being in say a locker, traped in an enclosed slide (no open top), or getting stuck in a snow tunnel (if its really tiny I can get nervous). Once I realise I cant move I start to panic, I just cant stand being restrained.




    Exactly the same for me... I don't mind small rooms or anything, but if I can't stretch my arms or something like that I panic. When I was young my brother and I always messed around. But sometimes that was in bed (no dirty thoughts!) and he'd trap me under my blanket and I would totally freak because (I don't have any better explanation then the one I thought of as a kid) it felt like my arms couldn't breath. I know that sounds really weird, but it really felt like that.




    Besides that I'm afraid of heights and spiders. I guess I'm a pretty frightful guy.





    It's... not existing, a lack of thought and physical state. I don't get it, what's hard to comprehend about it :| ?




    Try to imagine what it would be like. You can't. Ergo, it's incomprehensible.


    Just because I can't "feel" nothingness, just because I can't shut down my mind at will, that doesn't mean it's impossible for me to comprehend the concept :| .




    Try to comprehend nothingness for eternity. It's hard for me to describe, and that's the point. Imagine being concious after death in nothingness for eternity. It's like being buried alive, but worse. There's your fear.[/hide]




    Hmmm, if that's what death is like I wouldn't mind it at all, I would almost welcome it, since I know what being concious in nothingness is like (or close to it, seeing as what I experienced wasn't exactly nothingness :wink: ).




    I'm currently on a pill called efexor xr (Venlafaxine), which has produced some extremely strange side effects. I doubt I'm even allowed to talk about some of the side effects (effects of sexual nature for example), but I'm sure this one is ok. I normally take this pill at 17:00, just once every day. A couple of weeks ago, I forgot to take it and woke up in the middle of the night with a massive head-ache. Later on I realised I had forgotten my pill and took it, which was somewhere around 6:00. Then when it was 17:00 I took the pill for that day as well....




    Five minutes after I had taken the second pill I started to feel a tingling throughout my whole body (most strongly in my fingers) just like when I'm stoned... (note that I haven't had a joint in over a year) I started to get dizzy too, but both effects passed away after some minutes. Then I went to the bathroom and while I sat there thinking about something, (can't remember what) I experienced the strangest thing, which is extremely hard for me to describe. It felt like my entire body shut down, including my brain. There were no thoughts, really just nothing. Then after probably half a second (It felt really long, but I don't think it lasted more then a second) my brain went online again and I didn't know who I was, what I was, were I was, what I was doing, and I asked myself these questions (this experience also lasted probably no more then a second, though my thoughts and question raced through my head at incredible speed). Then after a second I was back to normal, sat thinking about it for a while, wiped my arse and went on with my daily business.




    Anyway, the point of this whole story is my feelings during the "shutdown". Though it might sound strange, I have never in my entire life felt so peaceful as when my brain "shut down". It felt truly like the perfect kind of existance...

  9. Why is it any of the school's business what the kids were doing as long as it wasn't at school?




    I agreed with this, untill I read the article... Here's a quote from the article at startribune:




    The Minnesota State High School League requires student athletes to sign a pledge that they will not drink alcoholic beverages.




    And here another important part:




    Eden Prairie High School administrators have reprimanded more than 100 students and suspended some from sports and other extracurricular activities after obtaining Facebook photos of students partying, several students said Tuesday.




    I don't know about the "other extracurricular activities", but I feel they were right to suspend the athletes who had been drinking, it's their own fault.

  10. Makes me sick, aspecially when there are people out there who can't have children, but would make excellent parents.




    <-------- :(




    You and you're partner's chances weren't good, but that would mean there would at least still be a chance, no? :pray:

  11. Hmmm...




    I can't really give you much advice, but I can tell you that going into therapy might help a lot. I used to have very negative feelings towards therapy, but decided to try it anyway. I'm now undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy and it's helping me out a lot.




    Just talking to someone about my problems helps a lot and starting with therapy has opened my eyes to the reason for a lot of my problems. I'm still depressed, but I can tell you that going into therapy helps a lot. I used to have the same feelings as you towards psychiatrists.




    it's like they have a secret agenda for you and are trying to analyze everything you say.




    Luckily I'm now over it. What you have to realise is, that what you said is true. They do have an agenda, thought it isn't secret. What they want is to help you. They do analyze everything you say, they have to, how else are they going to help you? :wink:




    I am very lucky with the doctor helping me out, she is a very nice person and I feel really comfortable around her, which helps me with being open about my problems. You should (just like you are doing through your post) try to find out if everything you say stays in that room. If so, be honest about everything!




    Being honest helps, because obviously the diagnosis has to be accurate. Besides that, you will eventually feel way more comfortable with the doctor once you told everything, been totally honest.




    Sadly I can't give any advice regarding clinics and such, because I'm dutch. Therapy is refunded by insurance...






    Good luck with your problems. If you ever need someone to talk to, just pm me. (I don't mind if you send really longs pm's) And try to find some help. Trying to solve your problems by yourself is nice and all, but there is no shame in asking someone for a helping hand. :wink:




    Ps. I read the whole post.

  12. What level are you on now Ray? I think I finally caught up. I made it to R-31. I got level 30 spoiled with no explaination of how... Did you ever figure out what the secret to level R-30 was?






    You've already surpassed me. I haven't played the game for 2 weeks now and I don't plan on starting again either. :P




    I got to R28 I think, the colour ukodus with 'Over the rainbow' on the background.




    Edit: How far do you suppose 'the game' will go, I thought it maybe ended at R30, but I guess not...

  13. Can you honestly say that you have as much fun at a runescape drop party as a real life party with friends? Even if you find them comparable, runescape memories don't last compared to memories with real life.




    When I think about the time I spent on rs, I don't have much to remember really. And since life comes down to creating memorable times, I just don't see rs as a good use of time. It's comparable to watching TV. It's just a stream of passive immersion that's fun to pass the time with, and sure it's fun, but I can't even compare the highlights of my life to time spent on runescape. I can't see how anyone can unless you have that much of an uneventful life.




    Really, if you think about it, it doesn't matter if it was in runescape, some other game, reading a certain book or during a party in real life. It all depends on the amount of fun you've had.




    I must admit, I don't have as strong memories about runescape as I have compared to real life, but I do for some other game. You can experience great things in real life, but the same is true for a game. That doesn't have to mean that the person in question has had an uneventful life, but that the person in question experiences games on a different scale compared to you.




    There was this game that I used to play, the last knights. It doesn't look like much of a game, yet one of my best memories is from being one of the country leaders in that game. Bungee jumping of a bridge is one of the other great memories I have. Bungee jumping sounds a lot more exciting than playing a game, yet I still treasure the memories I have from that game. Maybe I'm just weird that way, but I tend to not draw such a huge line between real life and the virtual world.

  14. im stuck on 15....




    i know you have to look at the song but i dont feel like downloading stuff....




    could i have the answer please :)




    Sorry, can't help you...




    I don't know the answer of the top of my head, I only remember how to get the answer. :P




    But if you're lucky someone else might have the answer.

  15. Ray, help on fake 30. i read the source but still i got nothing. hints pls. :thumbsup:




    Dang, I don't really know how to give a good hint on that. The best I can think of is:




    [hide]Try to get the page to refresh itself. :wink: [hide=if that doesnt help]You can get there by using a word in the url that is in a picture you have seen before this one...[hide=almost giving the answer away, so dont look unless you are sure you want it to be easy]when on the refreshed page, look in the source[/hide][/hide][/hide]




    hrmmm i already did that. is there somthing im missing?


    i mean i read what it says and im blank




    In that case I really don't know how to help you except by giving you the answer...




    [hide=the answer to f30]domg/real20.php[/hide]

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