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Posts posted by Suliman101

  1. honestly think of cwars gold armor.




    I takes 20 minutes to get 1 cwars ticket.




    ( assuming u win and lose an even times )




    the full armor is what ? 2k+ tix ?




    2k*20= 40.000




    /60 = 666.66 hours.




    Saying you play 4 hours a day ( i know many play more or less then that )




    666.66 / 4 = 166 days.




    imagine you have to spend half a year paying members and playing runescape to get gold cwars armor :o:o:o:o




    Well same thing counts for this mage arena but i think it takes less time and also think it gives a lot more mage xp ( but im not sure dont flame on that pliz )








    20 if you win

  2. in response to rambaldi:








    if i remember the KQ update your talking about, its the one where u could entabgle her and kill 150+ a trip, that was removed for obvious reasons (you shouldnt be able to kill the hardest monster (at the time) in the game that many times per trip with out taking any damage) yes it had an effect on the price of the drag chain (so did taking the pic off and putting it back on) but that wasnt the intention















    Im not talking about anything like that. Im talking about the updates they did to make the KQ stronger as in stronger attacks (anyone who goes on KQ trips can tell you that she didnt always use the attacks she does now), certain resistances i guess. Also, the KQ was changed before barrows was introduced, thus making the chain price jump to 32 mil. Then barrows armor was released which was better than dragon. Its kind of confusing when they want to lower the price of something yet they want to make it harder to get. Im not completely sure, but i know im not talking about an instance where jagex removed a bug that allowed people to solo the kq hundreds of times per trip. I never even heard of such an occasion, other than something about a safespot i heard about a while back.












    they made holiday items untradeable becuase they didnt want to disadvantage those that were able to log on on one specific day . i am not sure about the release of the d legs, i wasnt playing at that time and i havent seen anything from a jmod about this








    i doubt that was the sole reason for why they made holiday items untradeable. I mean, common sense would tell you that they didnt want the entire economy to be controlled by high priced items which have no real value. About the d legs, i think a mod on the official forums stated something about that. Idk if anyone took a screen of it.








    its not the base exp that was being abused, in the past none of the staffs could auto cast crumble undead which is why it gave you more experiance but wasnt used for training, the slayer staff gave u this ability and people abused it resulting in the experiance being lowered to be on par with other spells of its level/rune requirement








    No one used crumbles to train magic? erm? i would have to disagree with you there dude. Even before slayer many people bought large stocks of chaos runes and crumbled their way to higher levels. Many people knew that crumbles gave the best exp for chaos runes, they even suggested this to many other people looking to improve their magic lvls. Now when jagex introduces the slayer staff that AUTOCASTS CRUMBLE i mean people just have to put two and two together. Logically people would use the staff for this purpose, i mean, even before slayer people wanted a staff that could autocast crumble for that exact reason.








    AFK training is using a monster that is agressive to u but dosent do much damage, allowing u to train there for long periods of time with out having to pay attention. not something i personally agree with but its not against the rule that u posted as that rule is to do with autoing











    Well maybe im not understanding the rules correctly. but if you look at the part i examined (the rest of the rule doesnt apply to anything) they said that we (the players) must not abuse any of their (jagex) mechanisms to keep ones self logged in. Umm. If a monster is attacking you and your not pressing any keys then you stay logged in? if that is true why does x ing log you out? i thought that inactivity regardless of whats happening to you on the screen makes you log out, so people press keys down to fool the games "mechanisms" into thinking that they are logged in. idk, but thats what i thought jagex was trying to say. otherwise, what exactly does that last part mean.








    Again i wasnt disagreeing with him that the game got easier. These are conflicts that are generally considered by many people here. I was just stating things that people have said on these forums about rsc being more of a challenge. I dont think my writing implied that i took a side in the arguement. I was just citing that issue.








    I guess that last part was a bit harsh. But i mean at least you have been around for a while and actually spent 5mins to make an account here and contribute things to the community. I was just thinking that if he critisized me in that way he must not have read many of the things posted on these forums. And my post also said that this wasnt a rant it was just stating events and concepts. So basically i just wanted to give food for thought not counters anyones opinion. Of course there are going to be people who dont agree with the general acceptance of things, but that doesnt mean that any one side is correct or incorrect.
















    lol, whats so bad about the jagex shop. I know it looks kind of ironic with the way people accuse them of not caring about anything other than money. Thats kind of funny because its pretty much pointless. lol.
















    regardless of how long you played rs, or how many other forums you may have posted on, none of that matters in the context of these forums. different forums have different rules about many things, and different types of users also. I happen to know that these forums are widely used to discuss the matters of rs and therefore i basically posted this topic to explain how many people here feel about certain updates. Do not flame me personally thinking that these are the sole thoughts of myself. These are just views that i observed here.








    The whole dragon item thing is based on things that players got from jagex implications and behaviors. Much of the things i have said are based on circumstance and instances where jagex have reported reasons for certain things. Also, the change in price of dragon items is pretty much undeniable. I mean the chain went from 22 mil to 32 mil and back, And tell me why it is higher than dragon legs which gives a higher bonus and is a higher grade of equipment. SQ shield is even higher, when was the last time you heard of a rune sq costing more than a rune legs. Its illogical.








    I dont think the change in the KQ that im talking about is because of bug abuse. Might be a different change your talking about. Because jagex would have fixed any bugs easily. All they would have to do is give the KQ a higher range of attack, or eliminate any safespots. The update im referring to also happened before barrows, thus it didnt maintain the price of dragon chain it just made it higher.








    to say that killing 3k dust devils to get a chain is fair is mentally challenged. Many people have killed 10k+ fire giants without a single dragon drop, not even a med. Yet the drop rate for d legs is much easier althought it is a higher class of equipment.








    Also im sorry to talk about your account, but i mean there are presumptions one can make from people who argue unprovoked and have low post counts. and if you do frequent forums you should know what i mean.












    i dont think the mage bow nerf happened this year. thats why i didnt post it. of course that was one of the first things to come to mind was the whole controversy of how mages owned the wildy until the mage bow nerf. alot of people made the arguement that it was unfair that rangers went from the top of the tier to the bottom. And for a long time didnt recieve many updates. But i dont think it happened in 2005.
















    people do know that jagex wants to do this, but as you can read from my post they seem to be unsure what to do because their updates are very confusing. IT would seem that jagex themselves dont even know what to do with themselves.
















    from what ive heard, the dragon hatchet does cut trees better than rune. Also its good because its specials are good for pking and deuling or so i hear.

  3. Drift_In_Blood or "buddy"








    in response to your comments, i would just like to say that you are having misconceptions about many things in my post. perhaps you failed to read where it said these were not rants but rather details about specific updates which may or may not have cause problems for rs users. Despite your feble attept to flame me and make yourself seem somewhat smarter you remain ignornat to many aspects of these events.








    1. DD chain drop rates are what? 1 in 5000? KQ rates are what? 1/100-200? Real nice comparison buddy.. ALSO... KQS ARE FREAKING BOSS MONSTERS!!!! OF COURSE THEY'LL GET HARDER OVER TIME... yet, people can still solo them. bring 5-10 90+ friends, two with Veracs.. and.. she's cake.











    You will notice that i didnt not compare the drop rate with the queen to the drop rate of dust devils. Rather i presented a view in comparison to what it would take to obtain an item like this. Dust devils are midlevel monsters which can be taken down easily. Also, from what i presume they are good combat exp and sometimes drop food and other useful items. Regardless of your assumption that boss monsters become harder over time, which i struggle to understnad, the KQ's drop rate wasnt the issue. the issue was that jagex made the KQ harder yet provided an easier way to obtain the chain. And to say that this change had no effect on the economy is just plain foolish considering how chains jumped 10 mil suddenly then becan to spiral down after many people started hunting for chains at dustdevils.












    2. Also, no matter what you say, nothing anyone at jagex does is in consideration for the economy.. if that was so, they would be doing something about Phats, so, your little dillies about "to lower the cost of item X," x being Dragon or whatever, are completely moot points.. smooth.











    In case you have not noticed, Jagex has made every effort to prevent a whole phat fiasco from happening again by making all holiday items untradeable since the [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] and bunny hood. Im not completely sure but it think it was a jagex mod who said that the main reason for releasing better dragon armor (d legs) was to lower the price on other dragon equipment so more people would use them in PVP. This was mentioned around the time that people discovered the droprate for d legs made it very easy to obtain.








    Umm, of course they lowered the crumble exp, it's a sub-40 magic spell that allows 38-55/60 mage in a few hours of casting.. it IS exploiting, even if people were mad about it, it made alot of sense.. people aren't supposed to get skills up to t he 70s and 80s in a week. it's just wrong.











    Yet they allowed many people to level their way into the high levels for an entire year, then decided to change it. How hard do you think it would have been to change since the beginning of rs2? Change what? one number in the coding.... Honestly, do you think that those who are allready 85+ magic using crumble undead before it was changed were right in what they did? Because guess what, they have allready "exploited" this as a form of training, and if they considered it bug abuse, then everyone over lvl 85 should be banned.








    Lastly, where in god's name did you pull out of your rectal area that AFKing is macroing? nice one, buddy.












    Rule 7.












    You must not attempt to use other programs (e.g. bots, macros or autominers) in conjunction with our games to give




    yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You also may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to log out inactive users automatically.








    perhaps if you pulled your own head out of your rectal area long enough you would have been able to understand that the rules prohibit using their systems for logging out inactive users to keep yourself logged in. That includes holding down keys on your keyboard with a heavy object, or any other method which you can abuse to keep yourself logged in.












    Of course rsc was harder to play.. ALL games get easier in some fields over the course of time for newer players, it's just the way the MMO market works buddy. Rsc to rs2 - 4 to 20 level decrease in all monsters. RSC required you to get the kill for the XP, meaning someone could hit the last 1hp and get all the XP.... Remember legends in rsc? No? then kindly shut the hell up, for that is a FINE example of how easy rs2 has become.. i saw a level 40 pure mage in falador park with the legends cape. THAT pissed me off.








    Ok, now this made me laugh. This guy flames me while agreeing with me that rsc was harder to play than rs2. gj.












    basically, judging by your low post count, and date of account creation, you obviously dont have a damn clue as to what you are talking about. Or have any cognition of the thoughts of many of the users who attend these boards. I can assure you that many of the people here are very good players who devote time and energy to create a vibrant gaming community for runescape. Your post only degrades and demoralizes the intelligence of these forums and allows ignorance to breed. Er... good job buddy?

  4. farming dosent really lack anything, just so many people fail to relize that it has become the best way to make money, my friend got both his white and blue phat doing farming.








    a lot of people felt it lacked substance. And to this day there are many people who still are not accepting farming as a reputable skill. Many people who are higher level that i have a lower total due to lvl 1 farming. And i ask them why? they just dont want to do it. And you cant say it is a hard skill to raise either. In fact it may be one of the easiest, though rather expensive.








    Also elaborate on how your friend pulled this off. he did it by actually farming? and how exactly has farming enabled him to do so. Just curious.








    Btw. i updated the main post with a controversey section, breifly describing the problems that arise indirectly due to some of these issues. heh...








    edit: duke_freedom, in responce to your sig, "I didnt say which year", i dont think jagex did either? lol :lol:

  5. Heh. ok, lets have a look back at the many blunders that jagex have had during this past year...








    As a message, many of these thoughts are just general views. I really tried to post what i could presume about certain subjects and tried to use logic to decide what the overall message was to the community and what the widely accepted responce was. I only ask that you draw your own conclusions about certain information here and try to put things into perspective.








    That being said, here is a list i have devised so far:











    17 January 2005 - Karamja Dungeon:








    oh here was a good one. the start of the whole dragon fiasco. Apparently Jagex decided that they wanted to lower the cost of dragon armor so that they would see it being used in more PVP scenarios such as PKing. SO, they decided to release dragon legs, and make the drop rate very good. Now any lvl 60 could be lucky enough to get d legs. Price started out at around what? 9mil, and quickly decreased ever since. But thats for later consideration.








    The blunder here was what they didnt tell us :twisted: . Apparently this place was meant for only meleers or rather non rangers :twisted: . so they changed the metal dragons where anyone without a d fire shield would be killed almost instantly. But, they didnt inform us of the change. Now, one would think loosing millions in robinhood hats and ranger boots and arrows, etc. would cause jagex to publicly say that the metal dragons were changed. however... OOPS! :twisted:










    1 March 2005 - Bug in Guthix Rest Tea:








    Now this one was good. Heh, people lost millions upon millions when jagex had this problem. Apparently the new quest gave you the ability to make this tea item that would instantly heal you to full health and then some. Also, not entirely sure, but was it considered food? well you can see what im getting at, basically people were scammed out of millions in the deul arena. It wasnt fixed for a whole day, in which people lost alot of money. I dont think anyone was banned for this offence...











    9 May 2005 - Barrows:







    Now this update itself had no real issues. But its what it was engineered to do that was the problem. Basically, around this time, apparently jagex wanted to lower the price of dragon items again so they introduced armor that was better and would cost a whole lot less. Also easier to attain. Just noted for later refrences because it gets hypcritical when considering other updates.











    11 July 2005 - Farming:








    :?... :(... :x... :cry:... ok, now i know what your going to say. "not everyone hates farming" of course not. there are people out there that think its a great skill. a lot of "fun". whatever that means. But the main point is this... it was a dissappointment. Now dont take that too harshly either. because some people were dissappointed, but they had high expectations. Others had such high expectations, that they were unable to accpet the fact that the skill itself was lacking. I personally gave much thought as to what this skill would be like before it was released, and personally i wasnt very surprised. See sig for any further elaboration.








    Also, and this one made me laugh... The farming poll. "How do you feel about the farming skill?" 10 Aug 2005. They removed this poll from view, i wonder why? According to them it was "too early" to get reliable results :lol: . In all honesty, if they were to redo this poll do you think the results would be that much different.








    Some positives to farming (since i know ill get flamed): As exepcted it boosted Herblore. People could grow ranarrs and other much needed herbs for advancing lvls. It added total lvls (but i guess that can be seen as a negative too since many people who decided to not farm went down in rank). People can grow their own personal tree at higher lvls. Not really that great considering if you were actually farming, you would grow more than 1 damn tree... :evil:












    ok now here are some updates which i really dont have any dates for, considering how they were introduced without anyones knowledge. So some of these might be from the previous year. Sorry if there are any problems. Also, some maybe just rumors and may have not been confirmed.







    Tradeable Quest item Falsely labeled as rare by jagex moderator. **UPDATED** Cat training medals. basically it was a quest item that a mod said would become rare and many merchants spent millions buying large amounts. then later it was discovered that those claims were false. heh.








    Slayer EQ changes:




    basically nerfed many slayer items.








    Crumble Undead changed to give half the exp per cast:




    Apparently jagex didnt want anyone to use this to level up magic, one of the most expensive and incredibly hard skills to level. The change was made years after many people allready "exploited" (my [wagon]) to get to the higher magic levels. Basically, many people were not informed, and that lead to people buying large amounts of chaos runes and loosing about 50% of the money spent when they had to resell them.








    Kalphite Queen Made EVEN Stronger!:




    The KQ becomming harder to defeat cause the d chain price to jump to 32mil! Now explain how this change was suppose to lower the price of dragon armor as jagex orginally intended?:roll: Now if you dont believe they are hypocrits then take into consideration the next update.







    Dust Devils drop D CHAINS!




    Lvl 65 slayer required to kill a relatively weak monster for a dragon chain. Now you might say well, its hard to do since the drop rate is horrible. Well, alot of people have gotten the drops. From what i presume, its droprate is similar to that of a left half, or a d med from a firegiant. Might be mistaken, but thats besides the point. this update began to lower the price of the chain, to what now? 22 mil? erm? hmm, back to scratch eh jagex?















    Spinning plates




    They almost always break the first time you used them. At shops they were also often 150+ gp a piece.








    Then after a just few hours, Jagex had to update it again so that it would be unbreakable.








    I think it was also tradable, now it isnt. ( "I think" )








    I have a broken plate banked lol.











    Camo suit




    Random event gone tradable...








    LastI heard it became non-tradable, but people were selling them for hundreds of thousands of Geepees...








    Scheduled Blunders expected for 2005-2006:








    Well, in addition to Player Owned Houses and Carpentry scheduled for the end of this year (




    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ) :roll: , i wonder what jagex is going to do next?








    Maybe release a Dragon Plate, or Dragon Kite, which will either intend to raise or lower the price of other dragon equipment. Make up your mind!












    Anyway, i know this list isnt complete, thats why im asking you guys to see if there is anything that i missed, and i will gladly update this post. If your going to flame me for any reason, please make a well informed post that actually goes against anything ive posted here.








    Also, this post really wasnt a rant since i tried to maintain a neutral, almost whimsical tone. Also much of this doest deal wish specifics, it just cites different events. I also dont know wheather this belings in general p2p since many of these updates are p2p only. Im sorry if i offended anyone, i only wanted to cite events and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions i guess. If you think this belongs in a different section please move. ty.












    Please post any other info youd like to see added, screens would be cool to add too maybe. Idk...
















    Controversey and confusion that Erupted Because of these blunders:








    Ok, allow me to explain certain underlying messages that were implicated by and affilliated with these events.







    Dragon EQ Controversey.




    The first one discussed was the whole Dragon armor thing. Well, basically, Jagex cant seem to make up their mind when it comes to whether dragon items should be kept very rare and high priced, or made inexpensive and worth risking in a PVP/PKing Situation. Many of their updates seem to contradict each other, and players really dont know what to think. This creates tension when it comes to views comparing and contrasting dragon armor with other types of equipment such as barrows and crystal, etc.







    Exp Gain Controversey.




    Should experience be easy to attain, or more of a challenge. A lot of people think that rsc was harder to play and posed more of a challenge. and they also think that rs2 is very easy to level and train, and breeds noobs in the process. The problem here is the dissagreement that players have formed with the way jagex updates its skills. Many of the updates this year have either made it easier or harder to gain exp. Things like cook x, and others make it very easy to gain exp. Jagex seems to be torn between making challenging aspects to this game and also making it easy for newer players.







    AFK Controversey.




    Contrary to what many people think, AFK violates Rule 7 in the jagex rules. It is a bannable offence believe it or not. However, many people claim that andrew himself stated that afking is fine since no one can actually prove that you are afk at any given moment. Basically, jagex is also torn as to whether or not they support or prohibit AFKing. An example would be when they added the axe hut in the wildy (supposedly specifically for the purpose of afk). A recent example would be the slayer staff to automatically cast crumbles. then after people use this as a method for afk training, they halved the exp you get from crumble undead.












    See if you can come up with any other forms of controversey which arised due to jagex's blunders... If you post any i will update this. If you post a blunder try to include any problems it caused for the community itself.

  6. your trying to speculate what will happen when all the quests are done, and all the skills come out, and everything there is to be released is released, then whats next. well the truth is, that really doesnt matter. because if you look at the big picture, what will happen after rs is left to just noobs, and all the really good people have gone? what happens, when the rs servers are run on noobs who just like to scam, and hack, and do idiotic things all the time? or maybe youd like to ask yourself what happens to you at this time? what happens to your account? what happens after you leave rs? what happens to rs? what happens after you die?








    basically, all you have is right now. so try to enjoy it. while it lasts.








    the apocalypse is inevitable, weather it be in rs, or in real life. there is no escape.

  7. you mean like, that you can play runescape from your own website? like with miniclip?




    well first of all its illegal.




    second, runescape aint written in HTML, its written in javascript.




    but it should be possible, since illegal 3rd party programs like swift switch can do it too....








    ss links directly to the html pages with the java applet, it does not run the applet on a different website. and ss is only illegal on tip.it

  8. umm?








    how [developmentally delayed]ed are you? this game runs on a 3d engine. You can see every thing around your character. The buildingers show prespective for god sakes!




    This game isnt even isometric, its completely in a 3d environment. And the idiot that said it loads 2d graphics is a moron. the hell do you call item icons? they are flatter than your mothers face.

  9. herblore then.. no wait. that can be bought. how about magic, hmm, also can be bought... wait a sec...








    even though these skills can be bought, you still must have a great amount of money in order to purchase them, so basically, its still pretty hard to raise these skills regardless of the process involved in obtaining them.

  10. btw. if this is a hoax post then it should be considered harmful spam and should be locked and the topic creater should be severely punished. honestly tip.it is very lenient when it comes to spamming scammers like this. it wouldnt be the first time something like this has happened here. If no one posts here that they recieved the 30mil with proof, then the creator should recieve propper punishment.

  11. I think i deserve the 10 mil because if you gave it to me i would use the money to host drop party and share the wealth. I have been playing rs since rs2 was released and i think i deserve the 10mil because i wouldnt spend it selfishly. My only goal in this game is to raise enough money to get a red phat. 10mil is not nearly enough to buy that item, and i know that the only way i can raise that amount of money would be to train hard and get to be highe enough lvl to take on kq or fight hundreds of dust devils. basically, 10mil wouldnt help me in anyway personally, so that is why i would spend it on a drop party. actually... forget giving it to me. Use the money to buy alot of items and host a great drop party. people are so concerned with greed these days anyway, usually drop parties are alot of fun and entertaining. and take away from the greedyness of people. honestly, that is alot of money to just give away, and i think you should do something good for many people instead of just one...

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