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Posts posted by Rebornflames

  1. Now, where are those keys? Ah yes, the keys are left of Mr E Frdrty Wirdy and Mr E Utwrwir Wirdy. What a curious village.


    The keys have already been dealt with but there have been a few theories on the curious village.




    When I read it my first thought was of the game Professor Layton and the Curious Village in which the village is called St. Mystere. So I'd take the last sentence to mean "What a mystery" rather than refering to an actual place in this instance.

  2. I was there for the MSSW where we showed what we were made of and I'm sure I can pick up some expendable gear for this. It should be a good battle but we'll have to pick a team cape so all our members don't go killing each other off before the fight.




    I'll bookmark the thread and when a cape is decided on I'll bring plenty of spares to the meeting area for any who need them on saturday.Good luck everyone 8-)

  3. Took a short trip to the monks in my range gear to test out the drop rate on dagonhai robes








    Got the robe top in less than half an hour on the first run. Probably got a little lucky but they arent hard to kill and the one drop made a nice profit going for over 700k as soon as it was put on the exchange. I'll be sticking around the monks a while to see if the drop rates are good or if I just had some nice luck.

  4. Well the war might have been a little better if we'd had more of a fight on our hands but as has already been said those that did turn up to oppose us fought well, sals especially by keeping in single combat to stop our numbers counting. It was a fun event and the afterparties storming the cities of runescape were a nice way to wind down after the war so I ejnoyed the experience and I'll be back for MSSW5 when it comes around.




    Those guys who kept me supplied with food; THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


    I kept some spare food handy and shared it with ts as I followed him as part of his group and I know others did the same. We didnt quite get our leader out alive but thanks too everyone in that group he at least got to the end of the war despite a number of attempts on his life by enemies and greencapes alike.




    It was good fighting for you Ts_Stormrage *salutes*. I hope I can do the same in future events




    The Suppliers, without you, many people wouldnt have the proper gear, and maybe not even the proper cape either to effectivly fight in this war...


    I gave out a lot of supplies before the battle in edge bank for free to those who couldnt afford to gather everything or had trouble aquiring supplies and I wouldn't have been able to give out a fraction of what I did if it hadn't been for a few great people helping keep my trade margin in the positive with junk items. With all the trades I did I'm afraid I couldn't take note of names but you know who you are and thanks for helping me help out our team. I ended up passing out every cape, steel set and strength potion (4) I had to our troops and I hope it helped those that recieved them.




    And with that I have just one last thing to say...


    Tip.it forever!

  5. This type of article might not be for everyone but with the big fight coming up it made a nice change from the usual articles and will probably catch the eye of a few more people who will fight with us. Kinda reminded me of the first of these I fought in 8-).




    I'll be getting on the server early and preparing steel sets to pass out when we all meet up, probably some capes too. Better get back to my training, see you on the battlefield

  6. I really like the look of the new graphics but one thing does come to mind regarding the fullscreen option. I recently re-aquired my quest cape and when reading about the fullscreen mode it made me wonder how the quest cutscenes might appear. I get the feeling the different view might interfere with some of them as they were designed with the default view in mind but hopefully it has been taken into account.

  7. I've been following your guide and you mention that doing Eagles Peak at level 27 hunter will take you to level 31. After completing the quest I found the 2500 exp reward only took me up to level 29 from the initial 27 before the quest. I thought I'd let you know.




    I think its a great guide and so far it has been very useful to me. Thanks for posting this.





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