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Posts posted by Duckersmash3

  1. The Tormented Wraith in the Dark Warrior Castle (hidden portal) will attack you in full black armor (credit to RSB boards) and drops various pieces of black armor as well as gold charms.


    one what is the relevence to this


    2 as much as i hate to qoute /b/ pic or it didn't happen




    ...rofl. Whatever, here's your proof.






    Happy now? -.-


    and 1 the relavence to this thread


    no offence but i want to know what i could gain from this


    aslo if this is new to the september 15 update


    ps what are the pouches were suposed to use to lure

  2. Maturity is not defined by age, simple as that. Its simple to say that all the Runescape scum out there is below the age of 13 but that is probally only 30% or so of the populas. The rest are through the age 13-17 who have an iq of a tennis ball. Its quite easy to say, "Hey, I'm above 13 so I am automatically mature". Wrong! Sometimes 30 year olds have no maturity, just depends on who you are.




    My point in this post is that everyone seems to be going on and on about the miniclip users and users below the age of 13 players, and blaming them for all the noobs on runescape.




    What makes you mature(In my eyes):




    Good use of grammar, typos will always happen but your grammar will always show what kind of a person you are.


    The word noob has no definition to you, if you ever use it its only to joke around.




    What makes you immature:


    Acting like a moron and getting past the swear filter on runescape.


    Excessively bad grammar, including things such as "hahahhah, lol dud u gt pwnd massivly". You use grammar like that and you shouldn't be playing a game, you should be in school


    Your whole vocabulary exists around the words, "nub, pwned, owned, pl0x, and noob"






    Specifically towards bad grammar, please take the extra second it takes to attach all the letters to your words. It allows people to understand you, you gain self respect, and you look smart.






    (Not exactly sure if this goes in General P2P, Rants, or somewhere else completely)


    i have to dissagree with you good spelling is not a sign of being a mature


    this happed to a friend of mine


    his parents find out their child has a physical disablity


    so he gets taken out of class for physical theropy


    now the kid as a disabilty and a speeling problem


    that kid is now 19 has a 2.0 in collage and is an egale scout yet his spelling problemhas stayed with him to this day


    now tell me how is he imature


    maturaty is not defined by spellling

  3. Even though some things aren't listed in these proposed changes doesn't mean they aren't still in discussion. Now on to a few random things without diverting this topic too far off the things mentioned.




    Try and make the clan discussion boards more appealing and active?


    ie setting up a list of top 10 clans or something so clans have a reason to post/discuss things there




    We're currently working on that. Trust me, it's involved and will take a little while.




    There have been a few mentions of self-locking and deletion. Short answer: it will not happen. Even Mods and Admins don't go deleting posts (we remove them from view) so you can bet we won't be letting users do this. It boils down to users locking their topic when they are out debated. The deletion won't happen because we'll have people delete their rule-breaking post before we see it.


    Regarding the General merge, I don't think people realize how much overlap there is in both. In a staff discussion a while back, I tried to make a point about all the Non-P2P threads in General P2P. At the time I did a count there were 25 topics I could have moved to General F2P out of the 100 on the first 2 pages. My only reason for not doing a mass move was I didn't want to hear the complaining that would have happened.




    As it is at this moment, posts on Gen P2P over a 24 hour period don't even span the first page. There are 46 topics on the first page of Gen P2P minus the stickie. 5 of the topics of locked. Another 5 are shadows of moved topics. Now here's the best one: There are currently 15 topics additional in General P2P that I should move to General F2P.




    So to recap, 25 out of 46 available topic positions could be removed from General P2P and even with them the first page still has topics that are 36 hours from the last post. F2P currently includes 5 locks and 4 shadows and has posts on the first page over 60 hours old (2.5 days).




    Can someone explain how this is so active that a merge will make the board run too fast?




    Edited for spelling errors

    ??as aposed to editing them to be blank or only say close plz ??


    other than that i agree with the p2p f2p merger

  4. its kind of already like that. you run on a straight road, and there is nothing to run around. run through the forest on karamaja and you have to run around trees, thus draining more of your run energy. its not exactly what you are thinking, but having to travel more squares tog et tot he same distance, then making our run energy drain faster probebly wont work out too well with the common scaper.


    not drain faster,


    energy would drain even slower on roads because it takes less effort

  5. looked in the tip it arcives and found this thought it might add to the topic


    Due to much demand we are planning on launching a new premium RuneScape service soon. This will bring a whole load of great benefits such as: frequent updates, NO-adverts, good customer support, no scammers/cheaters (we'll kick 'em out), and much more! We're hoping to make it available for just $5 a month, and this tiny amount of money will pay for many great RuneScape updates to come, and will ensure we can keep running RuneScape for YOU.


    This is great news, because it will enable us to offer you more frequent RuneScape updates. Some of the first updates we have planned include: A duelling system, more monsters (wolf, giant-bat, lizard-man etc..), lots of new items, sound effects, more quests, and there will be loads more stuff after this.




    We hope that many people will be able to afford the very small amount we are asking, if you really really can't afford to pay then don't worry, because there will still be a FREE RuneScape service available. Obviously since this service will be offered for free, we won't be able to keep offering regular updates to non-paying members. In actual fact running the free service will cost us a lot of money but we want to thank all the people who have helped us beta-test the game so far, and so will try keep it going as long as possible.




    Thanks for all your support.


    Andrew Gower




    Andrew Gower is considering ways of paying for the service at the moment. I let you know more when he has decided on this.




    You can read more about it here



    this is true to any organation


    it doesn't matter if they should its only going to be done if its economical

  6. this has some problems that would hurt minigames that people hop severs


    to find a sutable amount of people to play the minigame


    with people limited to one sever you could no longer be able to go on world 104 for trouble brewing or world 78 for pc


    and clans would be limited to the number of people they can draw from


    the main problems with an mmo is that other then two major clans that have some representation on nearly all severs small clans revolve around one active or carismatic leader and when he leaves the clan falls apart


    you can't force poeple to be nice if you force them to be together trust me


    it was the fouth of my uncle's devorces that my famiy figured that out :lol:

  7. Bracelet of inoculation protects against scapy bark disease


    it will block you from damage like the disease from zogres and will last multipule games per braclet


    as a side note i had a theroy that since scapey barck is still disease there as defiend in gameplay as yellow stat damage then you should still be protected by a braclet of inoculation. so mabye a braclet of inoculation will work on any future causes of yellow damage from Disease


    Pretty stupid to put this in the F2P section imo <.<








    All poll discussions are posted on the General Forum, as are the Tip.It Times discussion topics.








    As stevepole correctly mentioned, each poll we run always has a F2P option - that way NOBODY is excluded. And something that everyone can participate in belongs on this board, not on the General P2P board.








    Thanks for calling us stupid. We appreciate the constructive criticism. :roll:
















    ps... i became a mem first for the quests 2nd time i ran out of things to do




    and if i quit and became a mem a 3rd time it would probly be for a lack of mods to keep the people in line

  9. I support on the following conditions.




    1: that it is both members and f2p




    2: that the clan tab be removed and people from the clan simply appear as a diffrent coler. this is becouse I dont want anyone to miss what is said.




    3: the leader can do a universial clan chat to all who are online.




    and 4: there are 9 clan ranks and there names as well as capabilitys are decided by the leader.




    i support on the above conditons and one of my own




    that the clan co ledear would be able to mass chat to the entire clan

  10. the Editer wrote:




    ...Needless to say, Your Humble Editor is in total disagreement with this theory. I'm not going to bore you all with an erudite philosophical discussion of the morality of taxation, at least not unless you ask me to, that's not appropriate to this column.








    please do i'd enjoy hearing it ,








    and i need some words to fill in the the 30 minute speach limit on the statment im preparing should the irs try to tax runescape and should my insuing lawsuit on the behalf of jagex reach the supreme courtreach the supreme court.











    ps: id like to say what the irs can do with the part of the body i mistake




    for their face for but i cant say that here








    Pss: if you want to talk to me about flaming and bad and impolite language meet me in the parking lot of THE toysto"R"e cough cough that i work at!!!!

  11. marcoing is the act of recording your mouse clicks, lets say a for mining run, and having the computer repeat touse mouse clicks over and over.








    this is why the random events where created including and most important attack random events some of Jagex's other answers to marcoing were




    fatige and with it the invetion of sleeping bags








    so this isn't marcoing but jagex dosen't like any technical way to get an atvantage




    and i don't want to know anybody that that likes getting jagex mad

  12. iv wated what seems like weeks so im re posting about this in this topic




    Kamja rum (or how ever its spelled) is Drinkable it has a rigth click option and all try to get a pic to prove this soon












    [pokemama 10/27: sometimes we get busy with Jagex updates ;). I apologize as I keep forgetting to go try this too. I do appreciate you posting the data confirming what the first person said - that is *extremely* helpful! Don't worry, we won't forget you - it's just that this guide doesn't get updated often. Thanks!]








    ps Jagex might not know its possable to drink the quest rum as it is not in their food and drink guide as something that is Drinkable

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