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Posts posted by exodus199

  1. Voted Yes, I wasn't planning on voting but the No campaign was so irritating and stupid I decided to vote. AV seems like a more logical system than FPTP anyway.


    For example saw a video with Darren Gough:


    “I talk sport every single day, four till seven, so I know a level playing field when I see it. In cricket, you’re either in or out. So when I played cricket for England, when I was given out, I had to walk, I had to go. You didn’t get a second chance, so why should it be any different in politics?

    “In cricket, we have what they call the corridor of uncertainty, and if you vote yes to AV, that’s exactly what you’re getting, but in politics. That’s why you’ve got to vote ‘no’ to AV on 5 May.”


    WTF??? He's basically just saying " I play cricket, vote no" The other videos were also quite terrible.

  2. IMo if someone wants to be vegetarian and/or vegan because they dislike the look or taste of meat or they are agaisnt animal slaughter (more so for American cause on the whole American slaughter houses are less humane) I think fair enough.


    Anyone who tries to say we shouldn't eat meat because we can do with out, its healthier or we aren't meant to i find annoying as hell.

    Yes we can do without meat, but then we get like no protein and thus become lanky AND most vegetarians have to take some form of iron supplement or die.

    It's not healthier to get nutrients from fake sources, when the real ones are right there

    And we are meant too we are born omnivores that's why we have incisors AND canine teeth


    Really? lol, I've never once eaten meat in my entire life (as far as I know) and I've also never taken any form of supplement to account for this, and I'm perfectly healthy, you can get everything in non-meat foods easily.


    To be honest the thought of eating an animal myself actually makes me feel sick, but it's probably just because I've never had it before and also have no desire to.


    I've also never told a meat-eater they should become a vegetarian, though I do feel that morally, not eating meat is better than eating meat, but not by much

  3. You are 11.1% Good.

    You are 25.6% Chaotic.

    Alignment: True Neutral



    You do whatever seems like a good idea at the time. You don't feel any strong inclination towards good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Some may say that you lack conviction, while others might admire you for your capability of remaining unbiased. You likely prefer good versus evil in society, since good people tend to make better neighbors and rulers, but you are not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way.

    You are the stereotypical Balancer. You act in a way that is natural to you without prejudice or compulsion.

    Examples of charactersand people who fit into the same alignment as you include Linus Torvalds, Dr. Strangelove, Scott Evil, Mr. Spock, and the nation of Switzerland.

  4. 1

    Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven



    Led Zeppelin Heartbreaker



    Led Zeppelin D'yer Mak'er



    Led Zeppelin Immigrant Song



    Pink Floyd A Great Day for Freedom


    Led Zeppelin No Quarter



    Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb



    Led Zeppelin Over the Hills and Far Away



    Led Zeppelin Misty Mountain Hop



    Pink Floyd Learning To Fly



    Led Zeppelin The Ocean



    I do listen to other bands thoughlol

  5. In my opinion, the soul does not actually exist; It's just another name for certain parts of our mind which is just another part of our brain and has nothing non-naturalistic about it.


    It was probably thought up by by the very early religious people in order to give life after death some credibility and to convince people that humans that they are not just animals. (when that's all we are)

  6. Personally I could not care less about being English (or British). I'm the opposite of thinking my country is superior to others, but far inferior. Every other culture I have visited has been way better than the English culture, and I hope to live somewhere else one day.

  7. Who's going to be watching which Election programme, if any? I'm thinking of alternating between Channel 4's Alternative Election night, seeing as I love Charlie Brooker, and of course, the BBC, for a bit of serious Dimbleby. And of course recording Outnumbered ;)


    I think i'll watch C4 as well, mainly because David Mitchell is involved and he is hilarious :smile:

  8. London dungeon and tower of London both good, especially the dungeons although it was about 5 years ago that I went but I remember it was really entertaining

  9. I missed out being able to vote by one month, but I hope anybody except Conservatives wins.


    I don't dislike Gordon Brown I think he is alight, he just has a tough time coming across well with makes him look bad, and the recession etc is not his fault, however for David Cameron coming across well seems all he can do, he never really says much with actual substance i think, he just criticizes every bad thing and says what he knows people want to hear, also i hate most traditions and traditional values which i think the Conservatives are associated with the most.


    It would be nice if Lib Dems win but i really doubt they will.

  10. I mean, did you seriously just find an image that *might* support your (misguided) point and randomly paste it?


    If you did, kudos, that takes some serious balls.





    I'm not gonna be able to convince you to see things the way I do, and the same goes the other way around. I just googled "exctacy brain damage" and Ctrl+C 'd a few links and pics. Figured it would be sufficient. Must have forgotten, the internet likes drugs. This argument is rathe pointless, just as it was 5 pages ago.




    and NOW I'll stop posting here lol



    So it's not the fact that you're wrong about holes in the brain, it's just that the entire internet is biased?

  11. I think we can all agree that it's very stressful for the soldiers.


    However that can't be an excuse for what we see on that video.

    The truth in the end is, those sivilians were killed, and those soldiers live.


    There is difference between the soldiers and the civilans is, the soldiers choose to go there, out of their free will. They are the indruders. They shouldn't be there in the first place. Those kind of 'mistakes' are bound to happen in the enviroment they created there.


    You know, it never ceases to amaze me how people time from time again fail to see the big picture. Don't you know the history? Haven't you learned anything from it? Nazi germany. Good example.

    Kriegsmier, let me ask you a question. Would you have been a nazi if you lived in germany 1940? I'm pretty sure you don't agree with what nazis did back then. But most of the nazi soldiers weren't monsters, they were normal people just like you and me. Now, you just have to see that this situation we have in iraq today is really not much different from nazi germany. There were people back then who resisted and didin't go with the killings of innocent people.. and then there were those people who were weak. I'm pretty sure they used all kinds of excuses aswell. They must have been under alot stress too.


    Think about it. One single civilian killed is too much. There is no excuses for this, stress, job, money, 'because i was ordered to'. No excuses. We as human beings can choose our actions. Those soldiers chose their profession. It was not a honest mistake.


    That's really highly debatable whether people actually have free will in these situations, hence why the majority of Germans were Nazis in WW2, it's not a case of being weak to give in, but being exceptionally strong to resist. Google Stanley Milgram's experiments and agency theory. I really think for the people at the bottom of the chain, i.e. those soldiers "i was ordered to" really is a valid excuse.


    Anyway i don't think you can judge these soldiers without going through what they've been through, including the situations that they were in when they decided to join the army etc




  12. My friend wrote a persuasive essay on legalizing marijuana for school today. I read it, and it was very good. He cited sources for almost every fact, and pretty much summed up every reason for it to be legalized. But then he showed it to some of our other friends. Almost all of them saw the word "marijuana" and literally through the papers everywhere and walked away. Yes, they actually admitted they didn't want to read it because they saw "marijuana" written on the top. Talk about closed-minded...



    I promised myself I wouldn't post on this thread again. Oh well.


    Would you mind posting a copy of that paper on here? I've always wanted to see a well thought out persuasive essay on it. Especially from a student perspective. One of these days, I'll get around to asking ym friend for his paper on "illegalizing" it. Then we can compare. and it's not about quanity of sources, it's about quality. Also, even though I'm adamently against drugs, I agree that tossing the papers is close minded. At the very least, read the paper. Then formulate an opinion. I hate that people assume that I'm close minded simply because I actively diss drug use/users


    As long as I'm here, I'd also like to comment on that chart. I also believe ecstacy would be much more dependent, and even much more damaging considering it melts literal holes in your brain. Cocaine is rediculously addictive as well. As far as I know Heroin should be a bit lower, but I haven't looked to into herion.



    Good to know that you know more than the ACMD. Wait....

  13. I don't deny climate change but just cannot see a good reason to care.


    Humanity is going to end one way or another (probably relatively soon) and so a future generation will be alive when the world ends, and I just can't really see why it should be such a big difference if it is in 100 years or 100000 years, we're just prolonging the inevitable which I don't have a problem with, but I can't see a reason to decrease our quality of life (i.e cutting back on pollution etc) for an ultimately pointless endeavour.

  14. Hopefully a professional poker player, it is literally my dream job, as I love the game and I would love being able to work whenever I want. And I'm pretty much unable to do anything I don't enjoy. I'm making quite a bit of money from it at the moment and am definitely good enough to make money, but I don't know if I could make enough to live from, as I can't play legally yet it's a bit tricky.


    To get there I would just need to practice a lot, but studying is also a pretty important part if you want to make serious money.

  15. I am a very rational man so I just absolutely refuse to believe in any god... even if it makes me happy thinking that I will "go to heaven." The concept of god is such a ridiculous thing... I just don't know how people can believe it. Surely there must be something in their head that tells them: maybe this is all wrong? I mean, it just bothers me so much that billions of people all over the world can believe this.


    Can someone religious please explain to me WHY you believe in a god? While were at it, why do you believe in an invisible place called heaven where all the good people go? I mean, surely, you must see something wrong with this theory, considering there is not one piece of evidence that supports any of it (and don't say the Bible, for all we know that was written by some random guy).


    Although I do have to say I do believe in Jesus, I just don't believe he had any magical powers or preformed any miracles or is the "son of god." He was probably just a very influential man whose powers were exaggerated.


    Again sorry if I'm offending anyone, I just want to know why people believe this.



    (and pegpenguin, I hope you don't think you're the only one who looks at porn every night. Tons of men do it...)


    Ha-ha I agree with you 100%, the more I learn about Christianity (I'm doing a philosophy of religion course) the more I fail to comprehend how anybody (let alone billions) can believe such obvious [cabbage], and lately I'm getting more and more intolerant and angry with people who believe in a God, which isn't a good thing...


    And about the porn thing, it is perfectly normal and actually physically good for you, it's just when you get into the 15+ times a day, which I've heard about I think it becomes a problem lol and in reality there is literally no reason to feel guilty for it.


    P.S I hope your not a Roman Catholic, as to them masturbation is worse than rape. :thumbsup:


    Now back towards my accusation of us humans acting like animals, like we are no better than that insect, or a peacock in a coop.



    That is a fact in my opinion, we are no better than any other animals. We may have different abilities but it doesn't really make us 'higher' or 'lower'

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