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Posts posted by go461

  1. I want to curse my head off now!


    yes we won =D> :thumbsup: , but somebody called me a "switcher" and the


    whole stupid army attacked me!!!!! I lost my rune scimmy and a power ammy!!!! I'm also pissed that all the other teams in lumby want us disqualified because a few idiots used magic, some of their team ranged!


    The cheaters to non-cheaters ratio was even, and I didnt see any tip.iters ranging.




    ~sorry for the language, go461

  2. why must every1 hate merchants!!!?? ppl are willing to sell stuff to us at a low price! we're not ripping anybody off! ppl just want a fast trade other than going to world 1 for a hour trying to sell 100 coal slightly higher!!!




    everbody automatically wants to blame merchants. We have done nothing wrong!! :x :evil:

  3. If it does indeed ruin merchanting, I say good riddance.


    Merchanting is a terrible thing, I think.

    U don't know what yur talking about, people want to sell stuff low prices and then other ppl buy high prices.


    its quite simple, a few ppl sell u 100 coal 150ea then when u get 1k sell all 200 ea. no1's getting ripped off its worth more in bulk!

  4. I don't know about you guys, but pking MAKES the game for me. I train all of my skills just so I can pk. It's great fun, sometimes rewarding. I always pk by myself, hardly ever with friends. Makes it real tough when you try to take on 3 guys p2p(I did/won once).
    Though I'm f2p I really agree with u there! pking is what keeps me in the game! I feel alot of the skills r useful in pk situations.




    -go461I'll be on world 113 pking if anyone lvl 65-76 wants to fight me

  5. If they did that my chat screen would be spammed with "phr33 st00f plox?", there should be more bloodshed in rs. not more stupid quests where u help a squire to get a sword by feeding a dwarf pie! why should I care if this guy gets fired for losing a sword, it doesnt affect me in game.

  6. I didnt get reported but a friend and me where watching a lvl 18 getting killed by guard in Varrock. Well after he died we got his stuff. i got a addy 2h some other random stuff. My friend got 10k and a tyras helm. Well we stayed in varrock and killed some more guards, then the lvl 18 came back saying "if you dont give me back my items, i going to report you for item scamming". We decied to give him back his items but could have we got reported if we didnt. I always thought that what ever is on the ground and you get it, it is yours to keep.
    lol, the same thing happened to me at lesser demons in volcano only I didnt give him his stuff back
  7. 2 words: castle wars!!!It would be hilarious :lol:


    oh ya by the way theres gonna be wars over this seriously.. if u have a godsword ppl will create huge clans to kill u for it. lol I'm not sure if anyone's caught on that the person who started this post doesnt have a godsword. It's somebody named underliner

  8. 3. The player uses unfair methods despite what they tell you such as freezing you, teleblocking you, or even potting up




    How is that "Unfair"? Oh, right it stops you from an easy kill with minimal effort. I mean, come on. You think that code of conduct crap will ever stop ANYONE from using those tactics?




    Ontopic: I really don't see that many people fall for it. I just ignore them for the most part.

    Yeah I hate these stupid rules I pray, pot up and use so called "unfair" tactics all the time! somebody start a rant topic about this!
  9. This is kinda funny cause I dont have adblock but u can just click the stop button on the top of the screen right before the ad loads, just time it right and it's just like p2p, no ads! I use firefox by the way. :D




    EDIT: @ hoffman- I have firefox and all my ads load, your computer is just messed...

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