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Posts posted by mike_is_best

  1. yea they did there job... but still its gay lol...




    do they have good drops?? im thinking of being a renevant hunter... a new profession where u hunt down renenvents and loot them... but only if they got worthwhile drops... on another post some1 said he heard they drop dds...

  2. well there ya go... just invest in something u enjoy... if u enjoy slayer then buy torags or something... if u enjoy rc invest in pure ess or just mine the ess to get ur mining lvl up then rc it... good luck with ur investing...




    if u still not sure wat to do... u can always give me the money...lol

  3. worlds r way to big to find some1.... and if u do u would honestly think about quitting if ur the person who dies... coz of all the places u could hide they search there...




    mad idea but i think just shrink the size... if it were in towns and such there is much better terrain and stuff then wildy...so many more walls and fences it would be awesome... imagine battling it out in melzars maze or something or in the zoo... crazy...

  4. a few times ive been atked by revenants on my ranger while training on giants and every time only just managing to get away...




    1 time they hit a 28-23 and i only survived because i had lobbies... ussually i dont take lobbies to giants so i can make room for more big bones...




    but im sure if u bring food u'll be safe but if u dont wanna waste food i suggest u run from them... if ur up for a fight then kill them and see wat they drop... once u no plz tell us i wanna no... lol... gl with ur encounters...

  5. With $5mil I'd go and buy a house somewheres nice, make a savvy investment and put my feet up for a while. What are you doing playing Runescape?








    but yea as some1 already said invest it into something u enjoy... like slaying... tell us wat u like to do so we can help u with wat u want...

  6. Or if you really want to be off the dial, buy those 5m of buckets, and have a drop party. Imagine the insanity as all the banker's throughout the land are talking about the "5M drop party in X minutes" and it's just a truckload of buckets!.....that would tweak a few people i suspect!!!!




    lol this should our next TET event!!!!




    imagine noobs being bombarded with buckets...hiding in corners crying...




    "theres so many of em!!! wat do we do!! wat if we get our feet stuck in 1 then fall into a river and we r about to drown but then a crocodile bites our head off and we dont die of drowning but we die of having no head on a count of a croc biting it off..."




    a little off topic but u no...it will be funny...

  7. well i was walking around wildy exploring looking for things to do....and there was this protest near edgy and i heard they making changes on the 18th...




    hopefully they bring it back....anyway...is there safe spots at greaters?




    also i tried out bounty hunter...it blows!!! u chase after ur dude then his team chases u... its bs y cant they play propally.... im gonna get a team together just to kill those teams....no single hunters but big team hunters...

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