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Posts posted by Kaphias

  1. Loving the challenger posted a few post back. My cousin has one and it is amazing.


    So I bought my first car about 10 days. While the car isn't amazing or anything special, it's special to me because it was my car. I worked for it, looked for it and choose it. I love the little wagon. 2009 Suzuki SX4 5 speed manual. had 52,727 miles on it. Just got done washing it...and took this picture of it. I stood there and everything came full circle. I am damn proud of it.

    The car drives wonderfully. Has a lot of pep in it, so going up hill in 5th gear isn't an issue. Only issues have been mine with pulling out in first gear, but I love driving a stick biggrin.gif

    I plan on getting fog lights for it installed on it. Also thinking about doing it myself...so only time will tell.

    I looked at the SX4 as well as the Kizashi a couple of years ago because they were cheap AWD cars. The SX4 is a great car I'm sure, but I'm glad I have the extra space that a full station wagon provides. Good on ya for getting a stick as well!


    Looking for my first car atm, always been a fan of old audis so the perfect option is the s6 avant 94-97. Only problem is that it's hard to find one in good condition in Estonia(only a few of them for sale right now) so I probably have to look towards Germany. And since I have always been a fan of speed but never had the funds to do anything about it, going to turn this into a sleeper. The 2.2l turbo engine is quite durable and with some(maybe more than some :P) modification can produce lots of horsepower. Ideal would be 1000+ in the future but that requires a bit more cash than I can spend right now. Hoping to get something mild together (450-600hp) for the next years One Mile Challenge.

    I'm a huge fan of sleepers and would love to do something like a mid-engine station wagon at some point using a Mini Clubman, old Volvo 240, or a '05 Subaru Legacy with something like a Porsche flat 6. Would be nice if you could maintain some sense of reliability with that engine; not much of a sleeper if it blows up.


    Thats cool with me. I'm past the days of loud sound systems, cool rims, top speeds, etc. I'm not trying to kill myself street racing or trying to show off to kids in matchbox rice mobiles lol. I enjoy a daily driver that looks great, sounds great, and one that resembles the classics more than any on the road which has more than enough power to get up and go when I want it to.

    :thumbup: :thumbup:

    • Like 1
  2. You might not get a Windows machine with the same build quality etc but in 3 years time you'll have money left over (compared to if you bought a mac) to buy a brand new one which then WILL DEFINITELY be a higher spec than the mac is.

    I don't know, I've always been a fan of the build quality of Apple products, but I'm not very happy with my recent purchase:




    That said, I'm happy with it in every other way. But if you have a limited budget, I'd put what you have towards a non-Apple machine, especially if that's what you're already used to.

    That's not a screen glitch, the problem's with the OS. You might want to check if you have updates that would fix that.

    Reinstalled the OS twice now using two different methods. 99% sure it's not the OS.


    If you reinstalled twice, means it's probably not a driver problem. Not sure what the problem is though since it doesn't look like a hardware issue either. It is possible that the graphics card has something to do with it though. I'd put your laptop on warranty if it's still valid.


    Considering Apple's very good customer service, I'd definitely have it taken in, assuming he/she is still under Apple Care.

    It's been in twice already, going in again in 2 weeks.


    They'll probably completely replace it if this is your third time going in.

    Doubt it. My guess will be that they'll take it off me to do a logic board replacement, then ship it back to me. Hopefully that fixes it, or else I'll have to deal with trying to go through the whole process again, but without access to an Apple store.

  3. You might not get a Windows machine with the same build quality etc but in 3 years time you'll have money left over (compared to if you bought a mac) to buy a brand new one which then WILL DEFINITELY be a higher spec than the mac is.

    I don't know, I've always been a fan of the build quality of Apple products, but I'm not very happy with my recent purchase:




    That said, I'm happy with it in every other way. But if you have a limited budget, I'd put what you have towards a non-Apple machine, especially if that's what you're already used to.

    That's not a screen glitch, the problem's with the OS. You might want to check if you have updates that would fix that.

    Reinstalled the OS twice now using two different methods. 99% sure it's not the OS.


    If you reinstalled twice, means it's probably not a driver problem. Not sure what the problem is though since it doesn't look like a hardware issue either. It is possible that the graphics card has something to do with it though. I'd put your laptop on warranty if it's still valid.


    Considering Apple's very good customer service, I'd definitely have it taken in, assuming he/she is still under Apple Care.

    It's been in twice already, going in again in 2 weeks.

  4. You might not get a Windows machine with the same build quality etc but in 3 years time you'll have money left over (compared to if you bought a mac) to buy a brand new one which then WILL DEFINITELY be a higher spec than the mac is.

    I don't know, I've always been a fan of the build quality of Apple products, but I'm not very happy with my recent purchase:




    That said, I'm happy with it in every other way. But if you have a limited budget, I'd put what you have towards a non-Apple machine, especially if that's what you're already used to.

    That's not a screen glitch, the problem's with the OS. You might want to check if you have updates that would fix that.

    Reinstalled the OS twice now using two different methods. 99% sure it's not the OS.

  5. You might not get a Windows machine with the same build quality etc but in 3 years time you'll have money left over (compared to if you bought a mac) to buy a brand new one which then WILL DEFINITELY be a higher spec than the mac is.

    I don't know, I've always been a fan of the build quality of Apple products, but I'm not very happy with my recent purchase:




    That said, I'm happy with it in every other way. But if you have a limited budget, I'd put what you have towards a non-Apple machine, especially if that's what you're already used to.

  6. Stepping back a page to the discussion on unarmed policemen, up in rural northern Alaska there is an unarmed law enforcement group called VPSO, or Village Public Safety Officers. VPSOs are meant to be a symbol of law in places that may only be visited by an armed Alaska State Trooper every couple of weeks. They are also trained to fight fires, as well as be the first line of response in the case of a drowning, lost person, or someone in need of immediate emergency medical assistance. They don't have guns, but instead are "armed" with pepper spray and a baton. Since the program was initiated in the late 1970's two VPSOs have been killed (both shot), one just last month. Since then, there has been a bill introduced in the Alaska legislature to arm VPSOs with guns, and it has seen wide bipartisan support.


    I just thought it might be something many of you may want to read up on, as I believe it's a fairly unique arrangement for the United States and other developed countries. Here's an article on the most recent event: http://www.adn.com/2013/03/20/2832951/vpso-shot-and-killed-in-bristol.html

  7. I'm pretty sure he was a planner, as were the shooters in most of the recent events in the U.S. (see: Adam Lanza, James Holmes). While these types of people are, of course, worrying, I don't think there's much we can do about them.

    Now we're on the same page. If you're considering the idea of planning a shooting or killing a bunch of people, you're not a sane person to start with... Reason we have no shootings in Panama is because you actually have to pass a psychiatric test before getting a gun, and even the slightest doubt is enough to forbid you from getting one.

    Psychiatric tests would be a good start, sure. But lets look at Lanza and Holmes again- even if Lanza was banned from possessing guns, he still had access to them. The root cause of that incident was the lax gun culture that we have in the United States, where some people seem to have no concept of how dangerous guns are... in this case, his mother. As far as Holmes, I believe he was just too smart- there's not much you can do about people like him.

  8. How many of you remember Timothy Mcveigh? It is kind of ironic how the most traggic domestic massacre that happened in U.S. soil, was done by someone who didn't even used guns...

    I'd tend to look more at something like this if you're looking for a tragic domestic massacre on United States soil.

    How is this related to a domestic terrorist? Here: http://en.wikipedia....Timothy_McVeigh


    Edit: I guess it's my bad for not clarifying myself. I mean people that one day think "hey, I'm gonna go kill a bunch of people because....".

    Yes, you never mentioned terrorist. Even then, I don't believe McVeigh was someone who, as you said, one day thought "hey, I'm gonna go kill a bunch of people because....". I'm pretty sure he was a planner, as were the shooters in most of the recent events in the U.S. (see: Adam Lanza, James Holmes). While these types of people are, of course, worrying, I don't think there's much we can do about them. They're too smart to leave trails, and whatever mental issues they may have are generally not serious enough to show up on a general screening. Gun regulations won't stop them. The incidents that concern me most are the impulse shootings, ones that I think could have been stopped if the person simply didn't have a gun. This may be the most relevant, recent example of such a case. I don't believe these people have any mental issues, but they got caught on a bad day, frustrated, maybe drunk, and armed with a gun. The gun is a weapon that makes it so easy to kill someone, just pull it out and shoot. And especially in younger generations influenced by video games, the action of shooting a gun at someone (virtual or not) comes so close to being a reflex, especially when under any conditions that affect judgement. Frankly I'd prefer to be confronted by an angry drunk with a big knife... they're a little easier to run from than a bullet.


    Not sure how clear any of that is, it's the first time I've written my thoughts on the matter out.

  9. How many of you remember Timothy Mcveigh? It is kind of ironic how the most traggic domestic massacre that happened in U.S. soil, was done by someone who didn't even used guns...

    I'd tend to look more at something like this if you're looking for a tragic domestic massacre on United States soil.

  10. I love 80s cars. It's a mix of a boxy-orderly structure and nostalgia. Unlike the curvy-futuristic cars nowadays, those had style.

    I like 80s cars as well, though I generally tend to like European cars from that era rather than Japanese or American.


    I don't see the appeal in that. I spent $900 more than that sold for, and got an amazing car.


    It is in nice shape though.

    You've probably mentioned it before and I've forgotten, but what do you have?

  11. I bought one of those stainless water bottles yesterday, to cut down on my plastics use. (I've been buying two 1-litre bottles of water on my way into work each morning) Getting into the car, I dropped it in the driveway... The bottom corner dented in, and the formerly flat bottom now sticks out and keeps the bottle from sitting neatly.


    This is why I can't have nice things. :-|


    • Thanks 1
  12. Sees_All does it really matter? Homosexual couples can have sex, can live together, can share property, can do all the aspects of marriage - many of which violate your morality codes. Why do you object to them being legally married? Or would you outlaw gay sex too if it was up for a vote

    This is why these threads get pointless when they get of this length- we start going in circles.

  13. Going snowboarding in 4 hours and I am drunk. Just love me mates.

    As someone who spends a fair amount of time on the slopes, boarding drunk (or even buzzed) is completely stupid, not only for your own safety but those around you. I often find myself having to make much more difficult split-second decisions when skiing than driving, as a comparison.

    • Like 1
  14. The point is that there are civil unions which grant homosexual couples many of the same protection as marriage, but not all of them. Homosexuals want "marriage" because they want all the benefits of marriage; I'm arguing that these benefits of marriage aren't really applicable to homosexual couples because they can't procreate. When these laws were passed giving bonuses to marriage, they had the intent of helping and protecting children by keeping their parents together. They weren't passed trying to make two classes of people.

    If the issue is whether two people can get money from the government to help and protect their children by keeping the parents together, does it really matter what gender the parents are, or if the child was adopted or not? (or born from a surrogate, sperm bank donor...)

  15. Agreed. We shouldn't let old people marry, either, they're not going to have any kids. Maybe just automatically divorce couples when they reach a certain age.

    They might not have kids, but they still can raise them.

    Parenting still happens well into people's 60's... not to mention grand parenting, etc.

    Gay couples can't* have kids, but they can still raise them.


    *I don't really need to explain this, do I?

  16. One more example of the coldness and closedness of my people : if there are empty seats on public transportation, but a stranger is sitting on the next seat, most people just stand up and prefer that to sitting next to a stranger. Some people go as far as putting all their bags and clothing on the seat next to them just to make sure that nobody sits next to them.

    That happens here...

    • Like 1
  17. I agree with Kaida. Plenty of people have children without being married, and plenty can't have children, so defining marriage as when two people have kids is just silly.

    You're missing the point of marriage.


    Marriage is the only relationship where the mutual dedication between two people is meant to result in children.


    There are many relationships people have with one another, lots of them can be important even to the point of total dedication, but we don't call each important relationship "marriage."

    And here I've gone my whole life thinking that marriage was a pact or agreement between two people who plan to spend the rest of their lives together while supporting, caring for, and loving each other. Guess I was mistaken.

    • Like 3
  18. I believe that everybody-- regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc-- should have the right to experience the pain and suffering of marriage just like everybody else. smile.gif

    What about polygamy, or people marrying animals? (Not asking you in particular, just putting it out there, asking where we draw the line)

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