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Posts posted by Im_Rich4ever

  1. Today I was at my Library and suddenly a delivery man walked in with a box. I barely noticed him until I looked up because a Librarian was barely holding back screams of glee and she was jumping up and down. Then she half whispered half screamed "are those the potter books!" and the other librarian took the package and said "yes"


    I was out of my seat in seconds. All that was between me and book 7 was two librarians, a delivery man, and a box and some tape. I was just about get moving (snatch the box and run for my life) but before I could plan out what i was gonna do the box was quickly put in a nearby office and the door locked.


    Three librarians now, a office door, a locked door, and a box - I couldn't do it. I sat staring at the door wanting in so bad but I couldn't....now I regret I didn't tackle the delivery man...oh well




    Hahahaha ROLF :wink:

  2. The question I'm asking is what's going to happen to all the huge fansites? I doubt the movies will occupy many people since they already know what'll happen :(




    I'm sure most of the fansites (including the one I work at) will remain open for many years, because the movies are such a big deal (at least I'll still go to the Midnight movie premieres) , and you also have to remember that the The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter will be opening in 2009.

  3. A while back before harry potter was really popular Jk Rowling did a public reading and at the end guests were allowed to ask questions. One person asked whether or not the three of them would make it to the end and she said YES.




    That's interesting, do you know where I could find a transcript of that, because I don't remember that, was that from the reading from Half Blood Prince in New York City?

  4. Grrr that review make mes furious that the New York Times put that up against J. K. Rowling's request, and they couldn't even wait just two days to post it! They donh't even put a SPOILER warning at the top of the article. Of course I haven't read it, I've waited allmost 7 years for the final book, and now I just have to wait one more day...




    I heard the review doesn't have any spoilers. You really shouldn't be furious at something you haven't read.




    Reviewing the book ahead of its official release date was a very rotten thing to do. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m surprised at The Times, greatly disappointed in that fact that they published the review, and believe that the reporter that published it should apologize to the author and the millions of disappointed fans. I didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t read the review on purpose - the fun is waiting for the book as the release date approaches, and it seems that The Times was eager to spoil the fun for everyone. The Times hasn't even apologized to J. K. Rowling. They could at least be decent enough to acknowledge and admit what they did was wrong.

  5. Don't forget everyone, you can watch J. K. Rowling's midnight reading from the final book on Bloomsbury.com starting tonight at 23.50 BST.




    Ohhh and also if anyone hasn't already seen, the door at JKRowling.com has been opened one last time revealing a letter of acknowledgments from Jo.

  6. Damn! I was gonna get it at midnight and stay up all night reading it, then my stepmom ordered it online! I have to wait now. :( :( :( :x




    That stinks.... I'm going to the Scholastic midnight release party in New York, and then I'm going to be staying up all night to read the book... I think Half Blood Prince took me about 5 Hours (with some breaks) to finish.... so I should be able to fiinish Deathly Hallows by 6:00AM on the 21st, if I can get my copy by 1:00 AM.

  7. Grrr that review make mes furious that the New York Times put that up against J. K. Rowling's request, and they couldn't even wait just two days to post it! They donh't even put a SPOILER warning at the top of the article. Of course I haven't read it, I've waited allmost 7 years for the final book, and now I just have to wait one more day...

  8. We are not allowing spoilers (whether in hide tags or not) to be posted anywhere on the site until the book is released. All such posts will be removed, and warnings handed out if necessary. Revealing information about a book before it is released to the public is a copyright infringement. I heard on the news this morning that J.K. Rowling is already looking to sue people who leak information before the book's release.




    Again, do not post any Harry Potter spoilers, whether in the hide tags or not, until the book is released to the public.




    Just saw that.... Spoiler Free :)

  9. My prediction for Deathly Hallows is as follows:




    Harry finds out that is Scar is a Horcrox and thinks that he must kill himself in order to kill Voldemort. But just as Harry is about to Avada Kedavra himself, Snape runs in. (Snape is really is working for the Order of the Phoenix and has been a spy for them the whole time, he had to kill Dumbeldore to show Voldemort he could be trusted.) Snape tells Harry that there's another way to destroy the last Horcrox of Voldemort, that Voldemort will die but Harry must give up being a wizard. Harry goes along with this and Snape performs a curse to take all magical ability out of Harry. This destroys Harry's Scar therefor killing lord Voldemort.




    Well there's my dumb theory lol, something like that.

  10. I cant wait for the book to come out, ill be just sad that its the last. :?


    Its not :D


    Theres going to be 8 I hear, last book all profits are to charity? I heard that ::'




    Yes Rowling will right an Encyclopedia of the Harry Potter World sometime in the future. As you said the profits will go to Charity.

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