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Posts posted by Tekilla

  1. Hello, I was on the verge of sending you guys a message through the "Contact us" feature, however, it was stated there that you PREFERRED the forums. Any who, Here are a handful of spelling and grammar mistakes I found in the "Stealing Creation" Minigame Guide. I must admit, I only glanced over it, however, I read in detail after finding an error. In the "Strategy" Section, line four of paragraph one, the word "play" is used,when I assume it was meant to be "player".("If you kill another play, you make take all of their inventory") In the first line of the second paragraph (in the same section) "resource "should be made plural, thus becoming "resources" (An often-used method of gaining points consists of staking out a medium to high level resource then transiting between it and a kiln.) And finally, in the last few lines of the "Strategy" section, the word "Delay" is misspelled. (Time is a huge factor in this minigame. Don't dally; get going as quickly as you can and get started before the enemy can start obtaining commodities and begin to harass you.) Overall however, it was handy guide :thumbsup:


    I feel there may be a few other mistakes in the guide, and I don't blame the authors, which I might have missed. Well, THANKS MUCH 8-)

  2. I'd probably would be buying a new console game once a month to satisfy my gaming needs. Maybe I would be involved in other activities, who knows, but I would definitely still play some Video Game. Needless to say, School comes first. (Maybe I would be in slightly better shape :lol: ) - I should try to exercise as much as I play RS (If I did I'd be BUFF! LOLZ JK, I'M TYPICALLY on like 4-6 hours/ week, sometimes a bit more, depending on how dull my week is :roll: )




    - EDR

  3. Might these limits actually cause people to begin buying up items faster rather than buying them in large quantities but over a longer period of time




    I believe what you mean is , that people will now strive to always have an offer on the G.E. As opposed to buying a large quantity, reselling it, and buying another, they will now have to constantly move bit by bit, buying and selling in small bundles.




    Any who, I believe this is really unfair, Although I understand that price manipulation was a problem, it will not be stopped by a measly restrain. This is like a picketed fence in the way of a rampaging bull. I can honestly say I merched, in perhaps small amounts, and I see nothing wrong with it. Price manipulation is usually done by large groups anyways, so this will only increase their number and size. Thanks a Lot Jagex :wall: -.- :wall:




    (P.S. I would make a better Siggy if I had the time)

  4. Well, I for one, believe its a bit of both. For one, it does take care of finding you customers, however it also does the negotiating for you. A merchant, by definition is basically one who trades goods and services for profit/monetary gain. Technically, merchanting is still possible. However, people need to adjust to the G.E. and learn a new way to merchant. It is a problem however, that there are price limitations, I'm not saying their essentially bad, its just that they are so narrow (5% If I'm correct) that they limit the speed of price changes. In my opinion a 15% difference would be more suitable, allowing for more robust changes. Sure enough, people could lose money faster, but also gain money faster. I hope jagex realizes that the G.E. needs a few tweaks, and that some prices are incorrect (not in sync with market values - Think Phats, 3rda). If jagex works out these issues, I believe the G.E. has the potential to become a 100% helpful merchanting tool.




    (Edit: Almost forgot, That was a GRRRREAT read =P BUT ITS NOT BETTER THAN FROSTED FLAKES)

  5. I like the theme, both tip.it and pro silver. :mrgreen: However, I don't see why we need a friends/foes list :o I mean, aren't we supposed to be a COMMUNITY?!? :wall: Shouldn't we all get along. :roll: Its truly a shame :shame: some people feel the need to isolate people we dislike, :( and I think it would better for you guys to work on something to help bring us together, not something that will bring is apart. :pray:




    Good Work on the new design, it looks GREAT =P But please take into consideration what I said about the Friends/Foes list.

  6. I would buy TONS of P ess! and hire a BUNCH of runners! have em run nats, then laws for me=P once im 91rc...(or is it 92?) id make double nats! (with my runners =P) and start my own nature factory! once i'm satisfied with my sky-high piles of cash....retire as a fisherman =P and of course..continue on my road to 99cooking =P(with less than 1/20 exp bought =P), and maybe host random contests/raffles for some of my fortune =P (think who wants to be a millionaire rs version =P!)

  7. I totally agree with the second letter! Runescape is nothing but clicking, yet the rewards are what make clicking fun =P if you were to open a wordpad for example and just click lots of dots...it wouldnt be as fun now would it? And im happy with the non-bloody/gory graphics...sure zombies arent typically wobbly saggy bodies, but then again...who is to say theyre not? i mean...has any1 seen a real zombie? maybe theyre even rainbow colored :lol: and if you're members....for some reason people act a lot more mature there =P of course, you got the random rude people...but hey, thats what the ignore function is for =) well thats all =P




    p.s. Good English writers =D>

  8. I got an idea! how about, for ever random item you get, you get one more bankspace,if you get rid of the item the bankspace also disappears!(this would not count for stackable items, and if you fill that bankspace with something else,then lose the random item, ur bank will not allow you to store more stuff inside, unless you remove the item taking up the "random bankslot" =P

  9. Ok, my main concern with this article is the use of God's name, it shouln't be capitilized unless your talking about the real god(as in what or who you think is the real god) :| so,using it with a capital G ,when talking about a game is basicly dishonring him/w/e you think of him as. :shame: ,also... yes trading in worlds 1,2 can be scary, but it doesnt need an article written on it! and neither does your 1st experience trading coal.... :? #-o :wall: ....so i say you start praying God for forgiveness :pray: and please, make a thread on your adventures, not an article =P

  10. I think,no matter what you do..you cant make 100% of people happy...so i think, there should be a balance.For example,giving f2pers +1 bank space for every 5 bankspaces members receive from now on.(and i personally think with all the members updates, members also need at least 10 more bankspaces!) that way,members cant complain,they got 1,you got 5 =P and free players cant complain,they got 1 for free,the got 5 for paying =P, i hope this makes sense.also,i think there should be a "buy bankspace" kinda thing(with limits,of course)with in-game money,that way,members and f2pers can buy bankspace(i think the limit to how many extra bankspaces you can buy should be about,7) it would be very simple, 1st extra space = 5k 2nd =10k and so on(doubling the previous number) so that the seventh space costs,omg!320k =P this ,and you would have to pay for the bankspace, semi-annualy. this way,people who just used it temporarily can later get rid of it =P this of course(the buying bankspace) would have little or no benefit for jagex..and might make more people angry than my first idea...well that's bout it =P thnx for reading \'

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