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Posts posted by termenator10

  1. supid...








    Man seriosly that was one of the most stupid things I have ever read! LMAO! you really out done yourself J.J. Ha Ha! Man that story, let me tell ya the truth sucked!








    Love yeah cuz...

  2. Why the hell you should i give respect to anyone i don't even know. All I know about you people is spend your lifes on the computer. And I have evryreason to doubt them, I dont even know them. And who are you to say i have a narrow headed mind, you dweeby little kid, and why should i keep my opinions to myself, when the weird little kid with the poem asked us for em? So why don't you think before you write, you narrow minded weirdo.

  3. Hi I'm termenator10 and hows hell on the game. Level 71 and 86, I've been playing for about two years (Off and on). I'm author on tip.it and I do whatever. PM me if you want I'm bored with the game.








    P.S. Lady above me why are you playing a childrens game, shouldn't you worry abou taking care of your kids? No Offence, I' mean your probably a great parent, I'm jus sayin.....








    P.S.S. Don't Take that seriously TET Just had to put my opinion in there, you guys and gals are doin a banged up job.

  4. I have read all your guys replies and no offence, yall are [developmentally delayed]ed! The dragon wasn't Lukes (eragon) Light saber, it was the force dumb@$$! Not only that but yeah they did leave out to many good parts, while speeding it up, being a fan of Eragon ( Hey! I just realize its dragon with an E) It was insulting.

  5. CHAPTER 3 A Message from Noah








    When I woke, I had never felt better in my life. I was reborn so to speak. But still I had a awful taste in my mouth. But I didn't want to wash it down with beer, this was the first time I had never wanted a beer in the morning...








    I lied down for a while staring at the ceiling. Then a scroll caught my eye, next the scroll was a net set of clothes and 10000gp! on my desk. I had never seen so much money in all my life. I got up to where I was sitting on my bed. I reached out and read the scroll, it was from my brother. It said








    Isaac, I'm going to be gone for a little while. Here's a new set of clothes, so you don't have to where those rags on you back. And i left you 10k, make sure not to spend it on BEER! If i find out you spend 1 single GP on beer, I will break your thumbs! SO pay the nice family who you've been living with at least 7.5k. And since We are leaving on a quest tonight, make sure to buy things that you absolutely need!!!




    Your brother, Noah




    I changed my clothes, to my surprise the new clothes he set out for me were silk. I have never even touch the rich fabric silk before it was so nice and comfortable, and 10K! Even though i can't spend more than half of it, i still think it is amazing. I went downstairs and paid the owner, he accepted, but it looked like he was busy counting some more money he was recently paid with. His lucky day i assume...




    I went outside the bright sun shined brightly on me. I was walking down the path to and turned left to the fountain, than i went out farther and to the right again. Next to the sewers where my sweet heart lived...








    CHAPTER 4 Invasion of Varrock




    I took a deep breathe and knocked twice on the door. Fortunately for me her twin brother James [garden tool] answered. He is 17 same as his sister and has a strong build like my older brother but still no where as strong as him. In fact his combat whet up to 57. He use to never train, and drank with me all the time. But when i stop being sweet with his sister, he sorta went on his little quest to get stronger.




    "Hey there Isaac, long time no see!" he held out his hand and shook.




    "Yeah, what have you been up to?" i asked i already knew but still, i wanted good conversation.




    "well you know..." he went on, i kinda space it out. When he finished he then blurted out, "My sister has been with another man lately. "Oh yeah?"




    "Yup." He said getting distracted on something in his living room. "come one in" he asked me. I went inside to find his sister on the couch reading a book. "Oh Saradomin!" I yelped. She looked up lifting, very calm like. Sort of gracefully she lifted up her the book over her head and threw across the room, and with her dead on aim, it hit my face. The corner of the book hit me on the the forehead to be exact. I tried to remain calm. It was very, very difficult. Then she stood gracefully and sorta skipped her way to the kitchen in the next room.




    "Wow last time she threw a book at me i fell to the ground whining like a baby noob." He said staring at the family crest. There was a dragon skimmy above it. He said to me when i was off guard,"I can master that skimmy."




    "Are you serious?" I said in disbelief. He nodded. Incredible i thought to myself. I went into the kitchen where Misty (my old sweet heart) was. She was eating a steak. As soon as i came in, she got up and took the knife in which she was cutting the steak with and walked slowly to me. I was quick to reply,"here i got you money and interest. She dropped the knife, "O really" she said. You owe me 10k you remember, right?" "Yup, but it's with my brother though..." She glared at me.








    One day when me and misty were out getting drunk I stole 5k to pay part of a debt. The next day she and i stopped being sweet on each other and she kept on nagging me to give her money back. Since then, she doubled the payment and until she left. Her and her brother were gone for a year or two, on they're separate ways. Apparently her combat went up quite a bit as well. Anyways now they both are higher than me in combat. I felt kind of depressed by it.




    Anyways i spent the whole day at there house catching up with them. They told me of tales of there quests, and how the slayed powerful monsters, and earning plenty of riches. I couldn't brag at all, since the only thing i could do was tell them about getting drunk and my older brother coming to see me. They were a bit surprised they had never met him but they always wanted to. Afterwards we gathered around the table and ate dinner. I said a prayer and we ate. It wasn't to long in the night time before a loud ringing of bells went off. The giant bells surround Varrock. They were only set off in emergencies only. When i got drunk i rang them as a joke and i was sent to prison for a week. Anyways Varrock was being invaded. Me and James shot up. James went into the living room looking for the dragon skimmy, i followed. It was MISSING! Then we heard a scream in the kitchen . It was Misty, she was gone someone had kidnapped her as well. We ran out side unarmed. there was fire coming from the bank and from the blue moon inn!!!

  6. I sorta like the end. Its a good story, you should work harder to pull it off though!!! the movie i thought was awesome. I think it might be be a pretty good story. Oh one last question why is called the "Chrono Effect" forgive me if i spelt the name wrong. The Butterfly Effect was called that for a reason and i wanna know yours?

  7. Chapter 2 Unconscious...








    ...what...? he whispered. His eyes turned big, he was like a little boy again. Then it was like, gravity consumed him. He fell, his eyes still open. He landed hard on his head. He was unconscious.








    Its been a day and still no sign of waking up. Poor boy he really has no chance without a leader or someone as his mentor or something. I want to be his mentor.




    The next morning he woke up. I was worried for him... for a little while. He just opened his eyes, i could barely hear a sound from him. he just lied there dead silent.




    "Hey older brother." he whispered turning his head to me. I was silent. "Do you have any money?" This time i took a deep breathe... figures. "great he said...." rolling his eyes. "hmmm...." i replied. Then he started to panicking. "i really need to know what day its is!?" he said raising his chest. ".... Tuesday...." i replied. He stared at me he was in shock. Thank Saradomin!" he said with deep breathe and then he lied back down. I looked him, eye to eye. "I have to meet the black arm gang tomorrow around sundown." Then he closed his eyes, he was a asleep again.




    Its wednesday today. The black arm gang meeting started an hour ago. It was already dark. The owner of the blue moon inn let me have lunch with him and his family. so I guess I forget... but secretly I didn't want to bother him. It wasn't too long before the boy came down. "WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed practically waking up the whole sleepy town. "You were suppose to remind me..." he whimpered. I just stared. He then went outside and across the street.




    I decided I would finish dinner then go out and check on him. It wasn't to long before I finished dinner. I thanked the family and went after my brother. I wasn't worried gangs in varrock, they aren't all that strong. I was in a gang but that was when i was 13. i was in the Phoenix gang for 2 weeks, I was too young to handle initiation. Thank god my father saved me right at the last second, I was almost dead. The building wasn't far from the blue moon inn. SO I was there right away. I open the door and no one was around. It was so dark I could barely see. the I opened a door it was to the downstairs the basement was bright. I walked slowly down the steps. I was quiet. Soon I was down in the basement. i was then in a hallway. i slowly walked through the hall way. I heard big hollower" wheres our money.!" Then a loud clunk. I ran into the room where a bunch of gangsters circling around. I guess there was a fight. Two people were fist fighting. I pushed and shoved through the crowd. One of the fighters was my little brother. His face was covered in cuts and bruise. And he was losing horribly in the fight. Second after second he'd get punched and every punch looked worse then they other. He was tripped by the crowd. he fell his face slammed against the ground. He noticed I was watching. he cried out!"help me brother... please..." he slipped back into unconsciousness. then the winner of the fight lifted up his fist and roared. i walked in and picked up my brother and put him on to shoulder. Then the fighter yelled out at me challenged me to a fight. i wasn't surprised gangsters here are like animals. I just turned and walked away. then he got up to my face and was yelling to me, to give back my little brother. Apparently my brother joined and owed them money. And if someone join and didn't pay up they were to die by fist. The fighter didn't stop yelling in my face, my hand turned into a ball and i was getting tense. i was getting angry to, without a warning i swung my fist against his temple and he dropped to the floor... dead. then i left the house without a thought in my head, it was blank. I went into the Blue Moon Inn and took him up to his room, I laid him dead and fluffed up his pillow, and I gently placed his head down and waited till he was conscious again.

  8. CHAPTER 1 - The life of Isaac the drunk.




    It was a cloudy Sunday and it was unusually hot. But i didn't mind, hell i was to drunk to care. People say I'm just like my old man. He was the town drunk, once a holy man, a priest I should say. Me on the other hand, I'm 15 i haven't done anything with my life. I don't care anymore. I don't live up to anyone's expectations and that's fine with me. I don't know my mother and my father, my father left me when i was ten. All he left me was a half of a bottle of rum 773 GP, and a steel dagger. I also had a half brother... i think hes twenty. He had another father, a falador knight. Heh... a woman falling for a knight and priest. I wonder what kind of woman she was. She died the night i was born. I've lived in the blue moon inn, in varrock, ever since. My old man knew the owner of blue moon. They were cousins. And so he let me stay and drink for free, since 5 years. Hes a good fellow, has a family. i really knew nothing of him, however. Anyways i spend most of my time begging and drinking and sleeping, i use to fight, had big dreams of fighting lesser demons, i gave up on them.




    Oh my god! a merchent. A merchent was walking by. I'm sometimes a begger. Especially to rich snooty merchents. " hey, can i... i... barrow some money?" He stared at me, and then chuckled and broke up and laughed so hard he started to cry because he was laughing so hard. I hate it when someone teases me, especailly when i am drunk. I dont what im capable of doing when im drunk. Once i got in fight with a ton of goblins the next morning I woke up in Lumbridge with cuts and bruises all over, and with my hang over it was horrible.




    Anyways I was really upset. I wanted to use my dagger in my pocket. but instead i tapped on his shoulder as he was walking away. he looked back and i popped one in his face. he went down quick. But to my suprise he got up within second and pull out an addy long!!! i had no chance he was level 57 combat and i was a weak level 33 and i had a steel dagger. He attacked with a mighty swift. It sliced through my chess. luckly it was 1 and a half inch deep. but my hp went down by 10! two more attacks like that id die. Then he attacked again, this time i dodged the attack. And i turned around and ran. i ran as far and as fast as i could. All the way to the big fountain i stopped and took a deep breathe. i looked back he was following me and he was close! i saw a knight in rune! oh thank saradomin! i thought. i ran up to him and asked if he could help. he was silent. the merchent cought up. please i whisepered. he took a deep breathe. and pulled out a rune long! The merchent voice shook, " i just wanted talk."




    The knight had a strong build with long white hair. He looked so mighty it as if he was one of the kings knights. The knight had a strong deep voice. he told the merchent "Come on man leave this noob alone, hes just a poor drunken boy who could barely think.The merchent stood there staring at me. Then all of the sudden merchent took a plunge at at me! and to my suprise the knight casted a strong spell that took 15hp away. the merchent fell to the ground, he was unconcious for a minute, he lifted his head up and looked around as soon as he met eye to eye with the merchent he slowly got up and ran away. The knight turned around, he looked me in the eye and said "hello little brother."

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