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Posts posted by goldenramoth

  1. Humor is one of the hardest things to write, because you never know if it will translate in written form so that the reader "gets it", and like someone else said we all have a different sense of humor. If you are familiar with the original Skippy list and enjoy it, then you would definitely relate to this first article. I was actually surprised at how many enjoyed it, but I wouldn't expect nothing less from the author of the pet rock article. :lol: I definitely enjoyed the first one this week, and I hope Necro will continue to make us laugh in the future.




    The second one definitely has its flaws in logic, but the underlying point is made very clear through the author's confession.




    having not posted in quite a while, and having not played RS for about that same amount of time.. I finally read something worth responding to lol. (btw, i have read almost all the times for like... ever. lol)




    So I remember the Pet rock article.. that was awesome. Skippy list, not so much.




    But the second one I thought was very good. I never quite have had the same effect, as I have never had my grades fall from RS, and only had 3 dreams about losing my Dragon Chainbody in the week after I got it. (2 months of shark fishing. who wouldn't be freaked out? lol)




    but really, I've seen friends fall into that category, good B or A students getting.. F's. Then they stop and they're back to normal again. weird how that happens.




    As it is, I'm a senior now, hoping to be a Nation Merit Scholar Finalist.




    and after reading the second one, Good Luck to all the recovering addicts! You don't necessarily have to quit, but 1-2 hours a day tops.. even on weekends! lol. that's what I did. :mrgreen:

  2. You know, the best thing I learned from Runescape was probably just the actual working of the economy, tracking the prices of various items and things.




    There's also what I learned indirectly from Runescape, and that's because while I worked on my fishing, I watched TV. After running out of good thing to watch, I turned to the discovery, history, Military and other related channels. So I got to learn a lot from those channels.




    Oh, and I saw the ad for Sunday's Obama rally at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio that I went to that night. :thumbsup:




    And on that note: OBAMA FOR THE WIN!!! :thumbsup: =D>




    May he deliver what he promises, or at least get the ball rolling. :pray:

  3. honestly, Runescape is my main page. Why? because it's the only thing online that I actually pay for. So I want a constant reminder that it's there so I remember I'm paying for it. That way if I take a break from p2p, i can cancel membership and save. Also, It reminds me that I do play runescape so if i take a long break I remember to come back rofl

  4. Oh I agree.




    On minor exception though: mini-games. Quite frequently I really do judge people on their combat level for Barbarian assault. Of course, I have won with a team with all chars with HP below 70 'cept me, so yeah. I don't don't really stereotype except for there. Cause combat level does help a lot, and the people there are usually just there for a quick torso, so if I gotta deal with a noob player to Assault, then I want one that can at least stay alive. :lol:




    but other than that, Great article, so true. =D>

  5. oh i got a good one. When you're doing a mini game, say duel arena, Cwars, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, etc, if you're wearing a ring of life, you don't get that annoying message that tells you that you can't tele out when you're at low health. I wear one most the time so if I forget it, i have it when I minigame. #-o




    It's just something that can really screw up a game. especially duel arena.

  6. Oh yeah, just wanted to throw in a quick thought to everyone bashing the book for being written by an unknown writer... (no I'm not planning on buying the book anytime soon btw, or probably ever for that matter)




    But, what if the book To Kill a Mockingbird was never released. Yeah, I know, it makes lots of high school students miserable. But that book was such a hit, and it was the only book written by Harper Lee. So in reality, just because it's a new writer, doesn't mean it will be bad.




    Of course, if more books are to come, then they'll probably improve even if the first is any good. -.-




    Just a thought. Personally, I'm open to this whole RS book idea, but I'm not planning on buying it either, since it really doesn't seem like something smart for me to spend my limited cash on right now. As said in my last post, maybe when it's a lot cheaper. Of course, it'll have to be a hit for me to see it in bookshelves in the USA, then I'll definately know for sure that it's good, as it's actually international, and not just sold from the internet

  7. I kinda look at this book with laughter, and with a little bit of interest as well. Honestly, I like the stories in the RS world. While there are a lot of typos, many of the stories have depth that makes me want to learn more, like the Sea Slug series. I want an update to that one. As well as the cold war quest. Man, I think communist penguins are hilarious, not to mention many of my favorite books are about the cold war.




    At any rate, if the writing is any good, it has some potential. Of course, I'm going to wait until a real review of the book is released that shows the book is half decent, there's a paperback copy and/or the price falls a lot.




    So, it has to be good, and it has to be affordable. I liked the Animorph series, so hey, I'm open to poorly written, yet fun to read books. Rofl 8-)

  8. I think a good addition to the skill would be flaming arrows. Yes, I know there's flaming arrows for the underground pass quest. And no, I don't think they're all that useful. I'm thinking of arrows that actually do lots of damage, and like said at an earlier part of the thread, the monsters you kill drop ashes. Maybe some bone fragments. Then you could do a barbarian style thing with the bone fragments and ashes and burn them all to ashes and bury, for better prayer Xp than normal, say double.

  9. I like all the updates n' all, but I think they need to come up with a system to kill old inactive accounts. Say after a long period of time (1-2 years) any account that doesn't have any levels in the highscores should be deleted. Some system where it's safe, and high level players won't have their account deleted if they take a long break. Just a way to nuke all those old names.




    I mean, I'd like for my account name to just be Ramoth. But when I search the highscores, there isn't another account name that I couldn't get that has any highscore levels. And I created my account 3 years ago. They still don't have any highscores. T'is annoying.

  10. Well, the most useless skill. honestly, it has to be Firemaking. There is so little that you can do with that skill, it isn't funny. sure there's lamps, but nothing that if removed, would change the game in any dramatic way. Not like fishing, or range, or fletching.. there's a lot of skills that are important. Firemaking, it's pretty much a waste. Heck, even though you spend more money on summoning, even that has more of a point to it than firemaking.

  11. Really i hate junk trades, just a way for the rich to become even richer. Sure yes the GE has its problems, some prices are wrong, but my god what do you expect when you change the ENTIRE ECONOMY And really the fact that Jagex hasn't fixed the prices yet i think really shows that they really don't think you need to be getting more money for those items. And the way people whine that you should be getting more money for the items, you sound like children.




    Here is a little know fact: runescape it based on real life, A fact about life: life ain't fair, long story short: get over it and sell it GE price.




    It really amuses me that this poster has a hammer and sickle as his avatar.




    Here's a fact about life: There are people who lay down and take whatever happens to them, and people who work to make things the way they want. Guess which ones end up successful? This applies to Runescape as well. So either get over it, use the GE, and be poor, or find a way to be successful even though Jagex is standing in your way.




    be poor by using the GE? lmao. Really.




    I've made millions off the GE. Just use the system to your benefit. It's really not that hard. It's easier than Merching before the GE was, since now I can just leave and do something else. So I like the GE. It's double my money.

  12. meh, 2+2=4. that wasn't a hard problem.




    So go to work, attend real life, or lead a clan.




    Well, attend real life. that wasn't a hard problem either. How hard is it to get someone else who will take over.




    so like the math problem 2+2=? the problem of choosing between life and emergencies should be easy as well. If it isn't :ohnoes:

  13. Well, I've only ever been in one clan, the Death Shredders, but it had a tendency to just go on pking trips. the first was fun, because it was new, the other trips after that.. got a little old since we never seemed to find anyone. =/




    And that was right before one of my *get bored with rs now, taking 5 month break*




    So when I came back, I don't know if they even still exist, and if they do, I'm definitely sure that I'm off this list. Been thinking about another clan for a while, but one that's more balanced and into things like just talking while skilling instead of solid pk trips.

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