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Posts posted by tomato72

  1. ..Another way to collect Snape Grass:




    Have a house in Rimmington. There is a spawn on the hobgoblin isle (Near the crafting guild). 3 spawn there, and come back pretty fast. The walk is shorter than the Relleka method, but there are half as many respawns. Bank with a butler when needed.

  2. Can you use Dart? If so, do so.




    It also depends on your money. Barrows armour is an 'investment', not a loss. I, personally, do not use Prayer pots at all, and Verac melle the brothers (Or sometimes dart)




    I highly reccomend barrows armour, though. You get your money back, and it saves the money of buying P pots.




    Have a look at Leester's guide in the AOW. It's great for starters to Barrows.




    Also.. Feel free to PM me. I'm barrowing for the next hour or two, and will be tomorrow.

  3. It's obviously possible with those stats but:




    V helm for the Mitre?


    Ranger boots for snakeskin?


    Karil's top for dragonhide?


    Archer ring for Recoil?




    And maybe:




    80 range?


    Higher Defence?




    The levels arent too important, but you've got the basics right and it's a strong setup.

  4. Put it this way : 100 defences? - That's not the right amount. You'll need 250 to withstand hits at around 70 defence without prayer on the latter guys (You can't use anything lower than rune with no prayer, or you'll be torn apart by Karil, Verac, Torag + Guthan)




    I just thought that Verac, Torag + Guthan would tear through it (They would) and therefore using more food/P pots?




    I have about 300 and they still hit through it, but I don't use P pot doses.




    Btw, your other questions:




    Unholy Symbol


    Altar and Kharyll portal at house

  5. TBH the above setup is weak... That's a setup that probably uses 6+ doses of Prayer potions every trip?.. And, the prayer bonus should be higher than +8, of what I use it's 17.




    Anyway, on topic


    Veeery good guide, it's what I used when I started usinbg no P Pot doses. Now I've mixed up my armour setup a bit, but the basic ideas are the same.




    I'm at Barrows atm... No drops in 37 runs :(

  6. The Warrior's Guild Guide - Fast Melee Experience.


    This guide is made for those bored of PC, tired of Dusties and taking a break from Fire giants. It's fun, and not as repetetive as other guilds.


    Also, there's a great method to getting magic Xp. Read on for more info!
















    -Getting There










    High Strength Bonus


    Common Warrior


    How to Stun, Enfeeble and Cast Vunerability!






    Drop List


    Experience (Unfinished)


    Defender Infomation




    -Tips + Tricks












    - 130 Attack and strength level (Combined - The usual setups are 70,60 and 65, 65)


    - A melee weapon and armour (Ranging and Maging inside always splats/ hits 0)


    - An armour set (Preferably Mith +)






    Nature runes and Fire runes ((If you can cast High Alchemy)Not needed, but highly reccomended)




    Guthan's Setup




    - Full Guthan


    - Money for repairs


    - Money for potions (Not required)




    High Strength Bonus Setup




    - High strength bonus (Setup mentioned below)


    - Low money for food


    - Money for potions (Reccomended)




    Poorer Warrior's Setup (Rune or Barrows)




    - Full Rune or Barrows armour - Dragon Scimmy + Whip


    - Low money for food


    - Money for potions (Highly reccomended for Warriors in Rune)




    Getting there








    - The new combat bracelet teleports straight there.


    - The games necklace also teleports just to the east. Climb both stairs and walk outside. Turn left and enter.




    The Setups








    - Very strong defence and loses the need for food.


    - But, it costs to repair.








    In inventory:


    - Guthan's spear


    - Attack + Strength potions from shop downstairs




    Very simple to use. Use your normal weapon and defender until low Hp, Wield spear and heal. Over and over. Simple, and very effective.




    High Strength Bonus




    - High hitting


    - But, lower defence








    In inventory:


    - Food


    - Potions




    Simple setup. Attack and hit high, drink potions when needed.




    Common Warrior




    - No Repair cost


    - But, Lower defence






    (Swap out Salve for Fury etc.- That was an accident as I'd been slaying undead earlier :anxious: )




    In inventory:


    - Food


    - Potions




    Simple. Attack, Attack, Attack. Drink potions when needed etc..












    IGotGrapes had the idea that this may work. As every spell splats, you can cast stun, enfeeble + vunerability as many times as you like.




    Basically, All you need is :




    Soul runes


    Water + Earth Runes / Mud Staff (Highly Reccomended)


    Bronze Helm, Plate + Legs (Highly reccomended as it hardly hits)




    All you need to do is put the bronze set down n the animator, and cast away.


    Any spell can be used, but I reccomend stun as it's 90 XP per cast. You can use anything else, like wind strike.. (Just bring minds + Earth staff) and set autocast on the armour set.


    -- Look above at picture. I've positioned it so it can't hit me and I can mage it. works the same for any other spell/bow.




    I'd like to see if it works on your accounts - Any thoughts , please post below.












    It's very simple. When you enter, go west and south, to the Animator (See above), and use your armour set on it. I reccomend mith:


    - I've never lost a piece


    - 25 tokens reward


    - Easy and low level


    - Easy to buy (Jatizo armour shop - 5 sets in stock)








    I get around 1000 tokens, but 610 is fine (60 Minutes inside)


    Then, go upstairs (Above). Take your current defender, and let Kamfreena talk to you about your current defender. Then, enter. From here, it's very simple. Use the strategy I mentioned in the setup section.




    The Rewards




    Drop List




    Adamant 2h sword - Alch


    Adamant defender


    Adamant mace - Alch


    Black 2h sword - Alch


    Black dagger


    Black defender


    Black knife (4-12) - Keep


    Black longsword - Alch


    Black sword


    Bronze defender


    Clue scroll (level 2 or 3) - Keep


    Coins (13 - 151)


    Half of a key (loop) - Keep


    Half of a key (teeth) - Keep


    Herb - I'd and drop/keep Or Keep as Unid


    Iron 2h sword


    Iron chainbody


    Iron defender


    Long bone - Keep (Sellin in Dorgreshuun-Kahn)


    Mithril 2h sword - Alch


    Mithril dagger - Alch


    Mithril defender


    Nature talisman - Keep




    Rune defender


    Rune javelin (5) - Keep


    Steel 2h sword - Alch


    Steel chainbody - Alch


    Steel dagger


    Steel defender


    Steel mace - Alch


    Steel med helm - Alch


    Steel sword


    Uncut diamond - Keep


    Uncut emerald - Keep


    Uncut ruby - Keep


    Uncut sapphire - Keep








    Start XP: 1572547


    Finish XP: 1586371










    Duration: 15 Minutes


    13824 x 4 = 55296 Per hour










    Bronze Defender


    Attack: Stab +3, Slash +2, Crush +1, Mage -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +3, Slash +2, Crush +1, Mage -3, Range -2.


    Other bonuses: Strength +0, Prayer +0.




    Iron Defender


    Attack: Stab +5; Slash +4, Crush +3, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +5; Slash +4, Crush +3, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other bonuses: Strength +0, Prayer +0.




    Steel Defender


    Attack: Stab +7, Slash +6, Crush +5, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +7; Slash +6, Crush +5, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other Bonuses: Strength +1; Prayer +0.




    Black Defender


    Attack: Stab +9, Slash +8, Crush +7, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +9, Slash +8, Crush +7, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other Bonuses: Strength +2, Prayer +0.




    Mithril Defender


    Attack: Stab +10, Slash +9, Crush +8, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +10, Slash +9, Crush +8, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other Bonuses: Strength +3; Prayer +0.




    Adamant Defender


    Attack: Stab +13, Slash +12, Crush +11, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +13, Slash +12, Crush +11, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other Bonuses: Strength +4, Prayer +0.




    Rune Defender


    Attack: Stab +20, Slash +19, Crush +18, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Defence: Stab +20, Slash +19, Crush +18, Magic -3, Range -2.


    Other Bonuses: Strength +5, Prayer +0.




    It took me 2,000 tokens to get to Rune (Now have 37 :)) - But, I seemed to be unlucky, as most got theirs in much less time.[/u]




    Final Notes : Tips and Tricks




    - If you need to, you can degrade crystal bows here.


    - If you don't have a house repair stand, repair armour by Dunstan to the East.


    - Collect tokens, Don't use them up too fast.


    - I don't reccomend defence pots. They cost higher and should only be used for players in Rune.




    - Have fun!




    With thanks to:




    - The reader :)


    - Jagex :D


    - Tip. It :wink:


    - Tomato72 (Currently on 37 Rune Defenders) \:D/




    - Please, find the time to post a reply. It'll take only 1 minute! :roll:




    ~ Tomato72

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