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Posts posted by incognito

  1. I'm 5'8'. It may not be that tall, but considering I *am* 12...Yeah. I guess it does make a difference.








    One of the 5 Tallest people in my grade... <3:

    I was 5'8" when I was twelve. I'm 18 now and I havn't grown a single cenitmeter. I'm still hoping to reach the big 5'10" though.. wishful thinking.

    I'm using a laptop and it has a S video component so you're saying that would work?








    It MIGHT. Can't guarantee it though. Best way would be to try ;)








    Ive only got experience using it in the other direction.








    My external HD with movies => my gfs laptop => the DVD-player (tv didnt have the right connections) => the TV.








    And yes that worked :D

    how was the quality? I've used my s cable and hooked it up to my computer but it look really really bad.
  3. The question shouldn't be if he is dead or not. The question should be why is he dead.








    He is dead because Harry Potter needs to finish this thing off by himself. No more headmaster to hold his hand.








    The purpose of dumbldore was to instruct, teach, encourage HP. He fulfilled that role and now he is worthless (Well not really, but j.k. likes killing her best characters.)

  4. Hey I want to make a mix for someone and I need some help. Alternative is what she likes and I want probably about 20-23 songs on the cd.








    I want it to be very upbeat but serious. At the most I only want 2-3 songs that even mention christmas. I want it to be fun.








    This is kind of a big project, I'll probably spend hours searching for good music and probably just as long to get it in the order I want. I want it done before the 23rd of december.








    Hope you can help me.








    And if you can't maybe give me some advice that helped you make good mixes in the past.

  5. Let's just ignore, for a moment, the fact that they aren't taken from abortions.








    If they WERE taken from an abortion, and the abortion had already happened, it would not be high regard for human life to say "incinerate it" when it could be used to help humans.

    Correct, but by doing that does that justify abortions? Personally I don't think any abortion is justified.

    Is it wrong for me to hold someones life in high regard? Should I just be heartless?








    It isn't holding someone's life in high regard. The embryo is dead whether it is used for stem cell research or not. It has been said time and time again - if it isn't used for stem cell research it is disposed of.








    Holding someone's life in high regard would be allowing it to be used for research, to possibly facilitate the development of medical treatments in the future - and if not, then to advance our understanding of the human body.

    I understand that. But I was saying that because someone gets an abortion does that make it ok to use it for stem cell research. My opinion is no because you are doing more evil with evil because I hold life in high regard. It wouldn't be evil to someone who let's say didn't think it is evil to prevent something that is going to have life.








    Abortion=wrong, and embronic research is just going further down the abortion ladder so it is also wrong.








    You can disagree with me but that doesn't change my opinion.

  7. Not slightly, entirely. But here you go:








    1. Just a personal interpretation - there is no reason to assume the belief death suggested was accurate or inaccurate.








    2. Already responded to.








    3. Who cares if it endorses astrology? For thousands of years people did use the stars as signs for navigation and other things - that was very helpful. Before technological advancement - they were used to track dates and times and such - why is that wrong? That point doesn't even make sense to me. Not even mentioning that the sun, which causes us to rotate around it, and is surely effected by everything else in the galaxy and the universe by the force of gravity - affects seasons. So what's your point?








    4. Never says night is the lack of light - just that there is less light in the night. What can we see during the night? Stars and the sun reflecting off of the moon. Those lights are less than seeing the sun.








    5. Don't even understand what the point of that is.








    6. Seems apparent to me that we do. We have the ability to reason and such, and we might not be physically stronger than them - we overcome them with our ability to design through reason - much like the image of our God who designs.








    7. You're forgetting the context of the creation. Everything in the beginning was perfect - it is the belief that sin - the rejection of God - caused all the problems that we now see in the world. At the beginning, where everything is perfect - it is possible that we weren't susceptible to poisonous plants like we are now.








    8. You should know that the food cycle is all dependent on producers - which are plants.








    9. Sure - why would it not be good? There are plenty of people who see the cycle of life as good. Not to mention that "pain" and "suffering" wouldn't have existed in the original context of a perfect habitat. You're also leaving out the context that many theologians believe in (not all) that remembers that Hebrew tradition is very strong on storytelling and symbolic use of words - meaning six days doesn't have to mean a literal six days. For some people who believe that it was done in six days - if you believe in an all-powerful God than that is perfectly possible. Context of what it is written in is clutch.








    Sorry Tigra- I didn't think you wanted to read every response - but there you go.

    I'm sorry you took the time to do that ghost. Obviosly if he trys to ignore the fact that light was created before plants he isn't looking at all the facts.








    Good job though, I wanted to say the same thing but I didn't want to take the time.



    So preventing something from devolping is ok because it doesn't have a mind yet? The reason why its ok to get your apendix removed (ethically speaking) is because it isn't devolping into a seperate life.








    Am I wrong that I hold life in very high regards? I am very thankful that I wasn't used in stem cell research.








    You must remember that these things were unwanted. Technically speaking, it is the mother's choice what to do.




    Think of the progress being made because of these women, lives may be saved by the bucketful. These embryos would have been destroyed anyway, atleast they aren't going to waste.
















    Yes, exactly. They aren't going to just start popping babies out for stem cells, its still from abortions.








    So yes, they would be destroyed either way. Thats why we should at least do something with them.












    And, for the record, I think I'd rather just be aborted that live in a family that didn't want to have me as a child anyways.

    So do more evil with evil?








    Is it ok to steal from a dead guy?








    I don't understand why I'm wrong. Obviously if its ok to do abortions I'm wrong because I'm againts it. Is it wrong for me to hold someones life in high regard? Should I just be heartless?

  9. But a blastocyst dosent have a brain and hence no cognitive 'mind.'








    just another thought.

    So preventing something from devolping is ok because it doesn't have a mind yet? The reason why its ok to get your apendix removed (ethically speaking) is because it isn't devolping into a seperate life.








    Am I wrong that I hold life in very high regards? I am very thankful that I wasn't used in stem cell research.

  10. Last I read, it would take 100 billion years and 100 quadrillion dollars to make 1 gram of anti-matter with the current methods and funding it's recieving...Not exactly "reasonable" yet. :P








    CERN created only several picograms of anti-matter and it cost $20 million to do so. That was in 2004.

    CERN is real? For some reason it seems very fictitious in the book Angels and Demons. Granted I've only read the first few pages.
  11. I don't understand why people need to play God? I can understand why someone that is crippled would want to walk again. I just don't understand how that has anything to taking life into your own hands. Obviously a fetus is life. Does anyone have a right to take anyone else's life into their own hands before or after its finished devolping? Example The Truman Show.








    How is a fetus any different then a baby? THEY ARE BOTH HELPLESS.








    Sorry my post is random but I feel all of it is very important to the topic.


    Oh that game! I forgot it totally. Was there a way to avoid that monster? Hitting the dogs was superb








    Yep, if you were lucky and there was a jump, you could jump over him and set him on fire.








    For some reason everyone was referring to it as "that skiing game". I didn't mention the name because I thought it was funny no one else was, until this last post I didn't realize people may have forgot. It's called SkiFree. :P

    after you set him on fire he still came back.
  13. I have a couple of goals that I would like to accomplish within the next 5 years. Its always good to have long term goals so you can look back at what you have done and feel a sence of accomplishment.















    Get my BS degree.








    Get engaged.








    Gain a better understanding of c++.








    Make a portfolio of my art work.








    Stick with practicing the guitar over all 5 years. With out breaks.








    I'm sure I'll come up with more goals before 5 years is up. I'm also sure most of this will happen well before 5 years but somethings like my BS degree is just going to take time.








    What are some of your goals for over the next 5 years?

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