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Posts posted by scootlaboot

  1. Doesn't the DSi also have like half the battery life of the Lite?

    Not half, but it definitely is significantly less than the DS lite (which is one of the reasons why the lite is better in each and every way).

    Well there is the whole, DSI supporting wpa encryptions. You know, so you can actually use your ds online without using an out of date hacker friendly wep key.

  2. Did you read this part of my post? "Since we're including 28 Days/Weeks Later, I guess I can throw in The Crazies (2010)."


    If you take The Crazies out of the zombie genre, then I take out 28 Days/Weeks Later.

    Technically, none of those films had zombies in them, 28 days/weeks later and the crazies have infected in them, but not all infected can be classified as in the zombie category. The infected in these films fall under the deranged lunatic category.

  3. Of course the wii is a toy, EVERY CONSOLE IS A TOY. It's a device you use to have fun, if grandma's are having fun with their wii playing wii sports resourt, no problem for me, as well as i dont have a problem of you chainsawing a guy in half in Gears, if you are having fun, why would i complain?


    (BTW, monster hunter tri is almost out :mrgreen: , can't wait)

    True, consoles are toy, semi-idiot proof versions of the PC. However the wii is actually better to associated with an emulator than a toy. What with its main selling point being all the roms it plays.

  4. IQ, in my opinion, is one of the most flawed ways to measure intelligence. To put it simply it doesn't measure all types of intelligence; it only measures "book" intelligence. And I'll be honest, some of the people who have a 'genius' IQ aren't exactly brimming with common sense.

  5. Resident Evil series? No offense but I would like to stab the directors of those movies with a rusty knife.


    My favorite zombie movie is probably 28 days later.

    The Resident Evil series is ok if you treat it as a separate entity from the games. It has its moments, but as a gamer I will agree it was a complete bastardization of the series that should have never seen the light of day.


    My favorite zombie/the infected flick is Shaun of the Dead.


    I am Legend really isn't a zombie flick though, the infected in it are more likely candidates to resemble vampires than zombies.


    That has to be one of the cheesiest, oddballiest english voiceover i've ever seen :blink:

    You sir are very talented to have seen a voice over. I am curious are you also capable of using echo location to find your way in the dark.

  7. To add to that, you've also got the older gamers who think they just aren't as challenging as the older ones, which they aren't. This isn't to say they aren't good. Some of us just prefer the original games.


    I personally am hoping that sonic 4 will breathe some life into the series, going back to the old 2d side scrolling game is probably a step in the right direction. As long as they never make a sequel to shadow the hedgehog *shudders* or ever think about utilizing werehog again they should be able to make a comeback.

  8. Just goes to show you that idiotic laws exist everywhere.




    On an unrelated note, I have noticed that several posts have referenced to dogs being in pet stores. If you want a dog DO NOT buy from a pet store, at least if you're in the US. The reason is that they are usually from Puppy Mills, a place where dogs are bred en-mass and live in horrible conditions(this is also illegal). As such the puppies/dogs born there are usually very ill, or have some horrible disorder that was easily preventable. If you want a dog adopt one from the pound, buy from a reputable breeder, or get one from a farmer(If you're in a rural area and the opportunity presents itself) giving them away for free. Also, if a pet store tries to tell you that their dogs are from a reputable breeder, don't trust them. No reputable breeder would ever sell to a pet store seeing as they can easily make more money selling them on their own.

  9. I need to buy a new ds anyway, crappy nintendo shoulder buttons of fail. 100 to get it fixed/replaced vs 90ish for a used ds light without the whole shipping it out bs.

  10. Guys, I have a problem.


    I have become seriously addicted to Voltorb Flip.



    I too, am like this. I play, then keep playing... it gets annoying. And you can get a porygon from it? I thought Dratini was the best one you can get... unless the one in Kanto gives it....

    Yep the one in kanto gives you a Porygon. 9999 coins.

  11. 1. Do I really need a reason why I don't like something. I just think it sucks. And every time I hear it I want to stab babies.


    2. I'm not southern. So go shove a prinny up your arse.


    My, oh my. Resorting to attacking someone, simply because someone showed you having faulty and frankly, [wagon]-backward logic, for lack of a better term. And I was merely stating an example, that ran off of your logic, being baseless and whatnot. I didn't explicitly state that you were a "southerner", instead, I was only stating the possibility for sake of an example. Nice going.


    Either way, you don't need a reason, but if you say "It sucks" and don't provide a good reason, it's trolling. So either provide a decent reason, or deal with the fact that I can refer to you as a terrible troll from this point forward. Your call.

    I was not trying to troll, it is merely a coincidence that it looks that way, and you can't say that it was completely one sided. I don't like it because it is basically a less depressing version of country music, in my opinion. And being forced to listen to basically nothing but stereotypical country growing up. You also tend to be biased towards rap when, at 2 am, for the last week, you get woken up by an inconsiderate neighbor who you can't reason with because he's one of those rich, well richer than me, white boys who thinks he is a gangster. All rap may not suck, however I will never look for rap to listen too. I will admit there are a few rap songs that don't make my gag reflex kick in, but those are few and far between. It just doesn't wow me.

  12. 1. Do I really need a reason why I don't like something. I just think it sucks. And every time I hear it I want to stab babies.


    2. I'm not southern. So go shove a prinny up your arse.

  13. Then you're an idiotic bigot. :thumbsup:

    Awe its so cute, he thinks he's people. =D>

    Great use of English there kid.

    So I have different views on rap than you, how is that wrong. I don't treat it as music, but as garbage instead. Are you so insecure that everyone has to have the same opinion as you or else your ego collapses in on itself. Most likely I am older than you, but seeing as you had to go straight to the insults then I saw no reason to give an intelligent response. To be honest, this argument should have died a long time ago. There is no reason that It should have gone on this long. Oh and you better get used to people like me, because, out here, in the real world we're everywhere. Just let the argument die.


    No not at all, you just don't need to insult it.

    If you want to talk about rap and why you like it, go to the rap thread. I'm pretty sure there is one. Read the original post, he asked for opinions, I gave mine. I'm a metal head, I hear the "it isn't music" speech all the time from various people. It's called freedom of speech, I have as much right to my opinions as anyone else. And really, do you want a world where everyone likes the exact same things? This is my last response to your constant badgering.

  14. Then you're an idiotic bigot. :thumbsup:

    Awe its so cute, he thinks he's people. =D>

    Great use of English there kid.

    So I have different views on rap than you, how is that wrong. I don't treat it as music, but as garbage instead. Are you so insecure that everyone has to have the same opinion as you or else your ego collapses in on itself. Most likely I am older than you, but seeing as you had to go straight to the insults then I saw no reason to give an intelligent response. To be honest, this argument should have died a long time ago. There is no reason that It should have gone on this long. Oh and you better get used to people like me, because, out here, in the real world we're everywhere. Just let the argument die.

  15. Nah, unless the federal law is unconstitutional or illegal, it supercede state laws.


    To be honest I really do not know much about this bill, obviously extending coverage to all Americans would be a good thing and I could care less if people freak out about government takeover. But can they really pay for all this? Supposely on the long term the deficit will go down because of the reform but in the short term we will see a huge increase in spending.



    Maybe, I've not really looked into what our law says, however I think they found a loophole. Also, 7 other states also made it illegal.

    Source? By which I mean a credible source.


    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.




    The underlined part is what I was referring to. Also wikipedia is not a credible source.

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