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Posts posted by hicky_mouse

  1. edit again--abortion shouldnt get federal funding, if an organization wants to work privately to fund abortions then thats their matter but tax dollars shouldnt go to it.




    He's right. The government will need that money to pay welfare to people born into poor families, who could not afford abortions.

  2. While killing wolves for my slayer assignment, I came across this griffin. I'm not sure if this was from some quest or something(just lock the thread if it is), or new for summoning.




    Here is his picture:




    Its from the quest Grim tales






    Thanks, this can be locked now.

  3. I want to die:


    a) in my sleep, painlessly.


    B) sucked into a jet-engine while hang-gliding.


    c) some rare illness that only I have. It would give me large amounts of media coverage, and I would be remembered for a long time.


    d) a and c together.

  4. :shame: We need to unite the ENTIRE earth under one banner, at least I feel that way. If we can get more people to understand each other, it wont matter about cultures or religions because everyone can understand why people in different parts of the world act differently.




    Think about it: If everyone was united, there would be no more war, there would be no more spending money on foreign countries as there is a single money poll to draw from.




    The prize goes to you for promoting the most boring Earth and existence imaginable.


    The most boring Earth yes, but not existence. With no war on Earth, we would develop greater programs for space exploration. While in space, we would discover intelligent aliens. We would do battle and win (of course), and begin colonizing their worlds. We would keep going from there, destroying alien species after alien species and spreading the human race.

  5. I normally just get falling nightmares. I'm at the top of a huge tower, and there is a wall missing with the floor slanted towards the hole. Somehow I drop something important to me, I can never tell what it is, and it slides down to the edge of the tower. I crawl down slowly to get it. Just as I reach it, I fall off. Of course, I wake up in a sweaty panic just before impact.

  6. I'd miss my thumbs. I've known them for as long as I can remember. I do everything with them. I don't know what I would do without them, imagine hitting the space key with your pointer finger.

  7. Grab both a big kitchen knife and a bat, you never know if clubbing will work better or worse than slashing/stabbing. Run out to the car, taking some food+clothing with me. Head over to a grocery store. Barricade the doors off, and block and the windows. Go grab all of their lighters and spray things, and set up some sort of flamethrower defense system.




    After everything is safe at my base, I would head out to get some guns and find other people that have survived. One day we would strike out at the zombies, after a period of training.

  8. I sadly will imply, that nowadays Coal prices are much too high. A year or two back, they were 100gp each! Nowadays they're I don't even want to know how much. 150 is fine by me. Freakin merchanters and whatnot cabbaging up the god cabbaged prices.


    Bah, coal should be 175 each. Do you know how annoying it is to mine that stuff? I used to mine it in f2p for mining, it takes forever to get coal.

  9. People keep saying the prices are decreasing, and that is a con. Is it really that bad to have deflation? If everything costs less to be, does it matter if you have less money? As well, it makes somethings easier to get.




    Say you want an obby cape. Before, it would cost you x gp for the chaos runes that you would trade for the tokkul. Now it costs you y(y being less money than x) for all of your chaos runes. Of course, this won't work if Jagex has changed the system for pricing tokkul, which I don't believe they have.

  10. 1. In your opinion, what is truth?


    The truth is anything that can be proven in some way.




    2. Do you believe in God or Allah or Buddha or any other deity or higher force, power, or being?


    Yes, I believe in God.




    3. Can you give any reasons for why you believe/disbelieve in the above?


    Because, I need to feel like life has some reason. I enjoy believing we are on Earth to do more than breath, eat, drink, sleep, and mate.




    4. How would you describe this being etc(the answer to number 2)? (If "yes to 3")


    Tough question. Similar to the force from Star Wars I guess. Everywhere at once, and always with you, but not a physical being.

  11. When I first thought of summoning, I jumped to something like "pokemon", where people summon monsters to fight for them. While this could be possible, and probably will happen, there are enough ideas about it, so I will leave it alone.




    My second thought was similar to Monkeyboo2, I thought summoned things would help with skills. For instance, you summon a low level donkey or something, and you place your ores/logs/fish in its pack. It acts similar to an essence pouch, so you empty it at the bank.


    At higher levels you would have something to pack your raw materials for you.




    My third, and most unlikely thought was horses. Go outside, summon a horse, ride around on it, fight on it. After a certain amount of time, or by going into a building, the horse leaves. Perhaps you could ride better monsters at higher levels.

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