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Posts posted by coolhead

  1. Tigra, these 2 counter-arguments are to what u have just mentioned. :)








    To your 1st point:




    By natural selection, where the notion of 'survival of the fittest' holds, people with these life-threatening illnesses will die as these diseases ulitmately ravage their body to the point of no return, where they cease to live. Only people with relatively minor disabilites such as asthma, colour blindness, lactose intolerance, albinism will tend to be able to survive with the fittest.








    To your 2nd point:








    Note that i did not include physical disabilites and intellectual disabilities as it would be an outright rejection of human rights.

  2. To Pault:




    Your point is true that most pharmaceutical companies create drugs that helps to relieve a person's symptoms at the expense of another person's health. Afterall, they are more profit-oriented than spent lumps of research funds futilely finding a wonder drug that does all good and no harm.








    However, as we grow old, our body degenerate and being prescribed with drugs may just be a necessity becoz we don't treat our bodies well when we are young or simply the process of natural aging. Your grandpa has past his prime and requires medication to continue living. If u r able to fight with the doctor for your grandpa's life, it shows that your grandpa has lived to a ripe old age and i congratulate your grandpa for that!








    My point is that patients can benefit from those medical science technologies to treat the symptoms of serious illness but does not treat the root of the problem which is due to bad genes and that allowing bad genes to propagate only declines the overall genetic health of humanity. In this case, more human problems due to genetic defects occur and isn't the function of medical science contradicting itself? of course there are other solutions to this such as genetic engineering or others i have not thought of.








    With regard to your point that it is false to assume that doctors are actually trying to save people, i believe it only represents a minority of all the doctors. If u have bought a large batch of fresh eggs, a few of the eggs may have gone bad, if u know what i mean. If most of the doctors are bad eggs, then it's a problem with the government or their education and upbringing or perhaps other factors.








    It's true that medication for ADD, high cholesterol etc are 'crap' in the sense that they are only treating superficial symptoms. I'm diving deeper into the fact that if such illness are caused by bad genes and are allowed to propagate, won't it cause the decline of overall genetic human health?

  3. erm...u guys have gotten the original meaning of lol wrong. initially, when these abbreviations came about, it meant 'lots of love'. However, people came to mock or tease ppl who used such an abbreviation as a sign of love by saying 'laughing out loud'. Over time, it came to replace 'lots of love' as the main function of lol.

  4. i'll talk about my thoughts on human rights, euthanasia, bad genes=> cancer, quality of the human race and probably abit of the superior race thingy..








    First, i'll touch on how medical science has helped us improve the quality of our lifes, how natural selection let us live to who we are today, followed by how medical science may lead to our downfall in genetic health, possible solution to this decline in genetic health and finally, a backlash to this possible solution. Finally, you have the choice of making a decision.








    So, we all agree that medical science has allowed us to achieve miracles untold or probably not even dreamt before half a decade ago. These huge leaps in technological advancements have allowed humans a reality to live past 100s, be cured of diseases, be cured of cancers which have saved millions of lives, which otherwise may not have their dreams realised. These advancements has given us more time, security to fulfil our everyday tasks, achieve dreams which may take a lifetime and for some, a second chance to enjoy life more sweetly and wholesomely once again. In the midst of all the good times which are rolling in, there lies a probably dark side to all these events. That is high-tech medical science may eventually be a victim unto itself as it tries to bring us better health.








    Everyone of us feels good that medical science act as a backup when we have illnesses, flus, colds, viral infections etc. However, the point will be more deep-rooted->genes. Each of us have genes. Of course, almost all the important genes are good, otherwise, we will be dead before we even reach infancy or adulthood. Some of these bad genes at some point in our life may start to show itself in many forms. Some take on as minor problems where other genes may cause more serious forms of health impact such as cause cancer, increased risk of chronic illness such as hypertension, diabetes type1, abnormally thin arteries and veins etc.








    By natural selection, where the notion of 'survival of the fittest' holds, people with these life-threatening illnesses will die as these diseases ulitmately ravage their body to the point of no return, where they cease to live. Only people with relatively minor disabilites such as asthma, colour blindness, lactose intolerance, albinism will tend to be able to survive with the fittest. In this way, humanity will continue to prosper with natural selection helping to bring us up the genetic ladder as the people with serious disabilites are not able to condition their bodies to live as well as those who are the fittest.








    However, with the help of medical science, it seems that overall population of human health has prospered and benefited greatly from it. In helping humankind 'benefit', we have medical detection devices which help us identify illnesses before they get serious such as the blood pressure counter, colonoscopy to detect cancers in the colon(nearing the gut after the large intestine), mammograms(to detect breast cancers), blood test(to check for any abnormalities in the blood) etc. In addition, we have another branch of medical science which deals with the treatment of such illnesses such chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, surgery to remove cancerous tissues, oral medication(medicine taken orally) to lower high blood pressure, injections of insulin to cope with diabetes etc. Ultimately, the aim is to provide these patients a better life.




    Such illnesses may be caused by many factors such as environments or genetics, but i'll touch on these points later.




    If these patients were to procreate(reproduce to give birth to more offsprings), they would create a next generation of humans who bear the genetic defects of their parents. This is especially so if the parent has these serious illness due to spoiled genes. Then their offsprings would be likely to carry on having this serious illness which would then be passed on to the next generation. We have heard of families whose generations have suffered from a peculiar illness such as hypertension/diabetes/breast or liver cancers or people who die young naturally and have passed these to the younger generations, who are very likely to catch these illness, unless by a miraculous miracle, their spoiled genes become good again. If these families are cured off these illness by their symptoms(their genes are the root of the problem), it will create a whole new generation of people who have these bad genes. There has been alot of research done by scientists by conducting clinical studies on people with certain genes which produce a certain trait or have increased chance or certain chance ofcontracting cancers.








    From the above paragraph, we would have seen that bad genes in humankind will be allowed to propagate due to medical science, which are supposed to lead us a better life. However, because it opposes natural selection, a better life for everyone due to human rights has led to a general decline in the genetic health of our humans. Of course, this problem is one that will threaten us or even in the near future as we are not rabbits who multiply generations quickly.








    In addition, we do not forget that such genetic problems are not caused by simply a pass from one generation to another. This is because there are a host of other catalysts which hasten such propagation of defective genetic effects. Even genetically healthy humans are not spared from these catalysts as mutations are random and these catalyst hasten genetic mutations. Just to name a few, they are a possible nuclear fallout, increase in atmospheric pollution, higher degree of DNA damage due to free radicals from heavier consumption of richer foods and cigarette smoking.








    One solution to this problem would be to advocate the research of genetic engineering, where people with defective genes would now gain new healthy genes to replace those defective genes. Therefore, the ill population would be back in the race of the 'survival of the fittest' with the ill people being genetically healthy again. They too would help to propagate a healthy human race.








    However, a backlash from such an approach would be that controling the normal genetic mutations from happening would lead to decrease in biodiversity among the human population. That means that for example(ONLY as an EXAMPLE), out of 10 eye colours, 3 eye colours were found to be in some ways more superior than the other eye colours. In that case, people might want to change their eye colour to those 3 for their own good. In that case, the human population would be more and more populated with people with those 3 eye colours. In the event of a random genetic mutation or virus attack which affects one of these eye colour, a large population of the human race would be affected. Note that such an occurence as happened in rice species. For those who took geography, you would have known that genetic engineering in Green Revolution has led to production of a few strains of rice plants which have much higher productivities, more resistant to pestilence and germs. Therefore, Genetically Modified(GM) rice plants are more in favour of being grown than traditional rice plants due to lesser rice output. There are a few cases where these GM rice plants are not as able to cope well from new strains of germs and have been wiped out, resulting in mass famine. Similarly, this is what might occur due to genetic engineering where there is a loss of biodiversity.








    Note that i did not include physical disabilites and intellectual disabilities as it would be an outright rejection of human rights.




    Let's imagine you as someone chairing this discussion and you have a few options available to you, would you:




    ---1) allow human rights to prosper and allow medical science to treat the symptoms of the person with bad genes and allow him to reproduce at the possible expense of the human genetic health








    ---2) stop medical science from advancing and be a hard-core advocate of natural selection.








    ---3) sacrifice human rights(such as stopping reproduction) and adopt measures which prevent humans with bad genes to reproduce for the betterment of human genetic health.








    ---4) adopt genetic engineering as an approach in addition to medical science while trying to take measures to ensure genetic biodiversity.








    If u choose any options above, you may like to explain why or if u have better or alternative options, better still, voice them out here!

  5. so i was killing cows at the crafting guild. Later on, this cute newb was asking around where do he find a needle for cowhides. Then there was this lvl 20 who replied like this..




    (word type and spelling is original)








    newb: Hi! need help!!!




    lvl 20: ...




    newb: need help for leder!




    lvl20:oh how?




    newb: were i get needer for leder?




    lvl20: hmm....leather or ladder?




    newb:do u know?




    lvl 20: yea, a needle is easily found. Try finding it in a haystack.




    newb: were is haystack?




    lvl20:hmm....that's like finding a needle in a haystack...




    newb:oh...okey, tanks very much!








    lmao!!! I was laughing so darn loud lol!!! funny newbtalk convos sometimess...

  6. If you are buying an edible rare, and the person hasn't noted it, decline the trade then trade him again and decline really quickly. Then watch him to see if he does the eating animation...








    Out of 5 ppl who sell edible items at varrock world 1 today, 4 are easters and 1 is pumpkin. No one fell for it except the guy with the pumpkin...1 pumpkin down the drain...the rest had it noted except this guy lol...




    And guess wat? This guy who ate his pump kin was like "hey! I didn't do that! Not my fault!! U lag?!!" U idiot!!




    he rattled on with obscenities, which i shadn't mention..I pitied him, so i gave him 50k..he reported me for item scamming..lol....

  7. i remembered the good ole days in RSC when needles were not so well known to newbies. So there i was telling a newb that a needle could be used to poke cows and kill them. so i gave him the needle, in return, he gave me a bronze sword. I was so happy and laughing away coz i got my bronze sword back which i lost when i died. I was lvl 13 that time.

  8. Someone is called 'guard' and 'ninja' and 'hilterchan'.




    'hilterchan' is amazing though, he's total F2P and he's got lvl 85 mining!!!








































    FYI, hilterchan is me main.

  9. perhaps u guys have not pked with full anchovy pizza in your inventory yet...U will be surprised... I use swordies for training, anchovy pizzas for pking. Those who think that eating anchovy pizza is slower compared to eating swordfish in terms of healing life OBVIOUSLY haven't pked with anchovy pizzas before. Those who have, would stick to what i said, period.

  10. actually, most of u guys are wrong...




    I use anchovy pizzas when pking. When u guys say it heals 9 as compared to 14 for swordfish, u didn't take into consideration the time taken to eat a anchovy pizza and swordfish. Amazingly, taking a single bite off a anchovy pizza is faster than eating a whole swordfish.








    I've never died when eating anchovy pizzas while pking and being pked by clans. However, the downside of anchovy pizzas is that it's heavy compared to swordies. Therefore, always use anchovypizzas when deathmatching. I have 500+ anchovy pizzas and it takes slightly longer time to collect An pizzas than swordies.








    Out of 8 deathmatches so far, 3 have fled the scene and 5 have been pwned by me, largely due to anchovy pizzas. there ya go..

  11. Are u sure Jagex doesn't listen to its players enough to make decisions?








    Think polls. They have polls conducted weekly for members to find out their preferences. It's a good way to keep in touch and satisfy the majority of the players' taste.




    In addition, when players come up with updates, it's not the players who think what are the bad and good points of a suggestion, they don't really see the big picture except the jagex team. I'm sure Jagex does view suggestions offered from players in runescape forums from time to time(look at the jmod's replys), but the thing is these suggestions need time to implement, probably 6 months and furthermore, when they r implemented, they must not compromise the future developments and interests of Jagex.








    That being said, i definitely disagree that jagex has reached a plateau. If u think of the market that jagex is catering to, it's quite small but it's only the majority of english players who are attracted to this game. Think of the explosion of players who play runescape when it is more language friendly with people who dun speak or use english well.

  12. Making swear words out of logs that are fired up on the runescape floor. Some emo kid saw the swear words and said "lol". After that, he wanted to report me for offensive language. But i didn't say anything so he couldn't report me for offensive language. Then after that, he went on a reporting rampage with macroing, encourageing others to break rules, bug abuse. I didn't know how he came to the conclusion that i 'broke' those rules. Maybe coz i didn't talk so he reported me for macroing. i tot He tot i was abusing bugs coz maybe the swear words on the burning logs should have been censored. I tot he tot i may be encouraging others to do this evil swear word fire art and report me for encouragement of breaking rules...








    This happened 3 days ago, so i guess my main acc's case is pending...




    Stupid emo kids.

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