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Posts posted by deserttreausrepure

  1. What I want F2P to have the most is be able to post on the forums, and have halberds. They could even keep rune halberds members, like rune arrows. I REALLY like halberds! :thumbsup:












    if f2p could post on fourms there would be more spam then then 3 people spammed the rants fourm












    ex: selling burnt chicken 10m (realy said that)








    it was spam \'


















































    Ok you got to Quote the person with the last post above you, and say something about the post. Well, some one Quote me!




    This is fun








    I don't get it, anyway I'll start some statement.








    Tyranitar Owns ya, ok?








    No, I own!








    I doubt you could kill quatrillion Tyranitars though. :twisted:








    Ownage is through noobyness. Like the noob_guys! Woot! Oh and Cabbage owns your soul, k?








    I can see this thread turning into a massive nested quote very quickly. Interesting experiment :D And btw - Ownage comes only through the use of Toothpicks.




    I can kill people with toothpicks. :twisted:












    I would kill people with toothpicks- but I find them too delicious to be wasted that way. I chew on toothpicks. I chew on paper clips too. I chew on most everything!

    and i chew your head off








    Rolls on the floor laughing.








    You don't have a single skill that reached 90 yet.








    next time try not being slow or i'll chew off your head








    Not if I call the FBI first.

    Starts ROFLing because he cant sthu about pokemon and your 18... seriously shtu pokemon is for 5 year olds and is the gayest thing i can think of








    If you don't like it ignore my posts, it can't be more simple than that.

    No its that no1 cares just stop making every post pokemon related... people are going to think your very messed up for being super addicted at 18








    Jeez, you really got a problem. This 'Forum Games' is to have fun, not to be stressed out. I can ignore you that's what I'll do. Stop caring.

    i know but please just stop making every post related to it all im asking








    What are you gonna forbid next?








    You live in Ardougne? HOW'D YOU GET THERE?








    I think that this game is a rip off of the ... ... ... join the party game.

    holy crap thats alot of boxes im dizy erm... i get to ardougne!








    AshKaYu you were suppose to be quoting the post at the bottom of 2nd page, not the one you quoted.








    nice quotes, gentlemen.
























    You Just Got Quoted




    Gosh this is scary, took forever to load up the page, crap computers ftl.




    DID 1 HE4R P0K3M0N~!?!?!!??!?!?!?!








    They can kill you too, real easy.
















    Pokemon can kill star_in_the_sky really easily.








    I like pie.




    You do? (I dare someone to put this quote war in his/her sig :P )








    Hail To Darkluniux, our leader, our master, our emperor. King of Kings, God of Gods, he shall guide us to our infinite victory.




    wewt i'm getting 85 mining, now it's only 51 though, wish gl to me








    You were supposed to be quoting me, not Darkluniux.












    Blaz just got pwnt!








    This is fun








    yay i m gonna get quoted




    Honored now?








    Did I see you put poisonous snakes in my car last night? :shame:




    Umm what :$ No err.. eh, just, you know, nothing :-#




    So you admit it? You ARE guilty. :shame:




    Hey, that reminds me that I still have to learn French for tomorrow!








    *runs away




    Holy cabbage! THAT is the biggest quote i ever saw! And silly me i just made it bigger :XD:




    Actually, it seems as if there's a 30 quote maximum. Each time one is added after 30, the oldest one goes away.




    Hopefully theres a cap because the pages would be unloadable




    And because of all these quotes i cant add any smiley D:








    Which reminds me, you haven't been on the Games Forum for a long time, welcome back.








    Grr, someone screwed up the quotes and replaced my name with "Bob", aoe, how many times do I have to tell you that my name is NOT Bob? Stop calling me Bob, or at least don't screw up quote chain like that. :wall:




    Sorry i couldnt resist the temptation! =D




    edit : and for some odd reason my post exploded the forum layout O.o












    bob bob bob bob bob bob bob bob




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    this is where the next person that posts "quotes" me and says somthing and then the next person quotes them resulting in a tripple quote, the process will repeat.




















    This has been done many times before, your just copyign other people threads












    i didnt know that im new here :-X


    this is where the next person that posts "quotes" me and says somthing and then the next person quotes them resulting in a tripple quote, the process will repeat.

























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