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Posts posted by ethan634

  1. I support :thumbsup: , but one thing i would change:


    I would have it so there is a button in the trade screen that if you press it, it automatically shows every item that you have previously selected on a feature called a "view list". So this way you can choose to not show specific items. You can disable your "view list" settings by clicking one simple button. But otherways this is a good idea.

  2. No clue if anyone's said this, but...




    You're walking around the wild pking, some guy attacks you and gets your hp pretty low.




    You somehow manage to snarf down 3 sharks, each of which are as big as you...? Not really a useless fact but wierd o.O




    There's a king of varrock, king roald... where's the king of lumby?




    Also, I've gotten a slayer task to kill skeletons... I went and killed some... no slayer exp. apparently there are like 10 types of skeletons, how do we know which ones to slay?




    Snakes on Karamja drop bones if you kill them... since when do snakes have bones?




    Actually, there is no king of lumbridge, but there is the duke, who is treated like the king







    OMG did he become a member just to say that? because u have to be a member to use the forums lol... :lol:




    i was looking through the topic and ethan stole my avatar! <.<




    anyway that forum guy was stupid


    Lol... sorry i can take it off if u want.

  4. Well, maybe it is not that funny, but I'll type it. These guys are definitely mod wannabes... I wrote it with normal spelling as I can't be bothered to reproduce the spelling they wrote.


    *Me cutting willows, others try to use bronze and iron axes to do the same but sorta fail*


    Noob1: Hey, this guy is taking all the logs (aka me)! He must be an autoer.


    Noob2: Ya, let's report him!


    Noob1: Reported


    Noob2: I report him too.


    Noob2: Rofl!


    Noob1: Lol, this autoer's gonna get his *** banned.


    Noob2: Yea, lol.


    Me: Hi guys! Wc levels?


    Noob1: O ****


    *Noob1 logs out.*


    *Noob2 logs out.*




    LOL!!! haha good joke lol!

  5. yea... maybey you are reading these... i didnt think anyone would waste that much time.... but hey... im a noob right? so what do i know??








    btw this whole thread is about making fun of begginers who know nothing about the game who someday will all be lvl 126 and pwn us all so this thread is really dumb.... but successful








    im one of each.....





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