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Posts posted by Hexbot

  1. Default clothing, yes i'm that poor lol.




    But my ideal outfit




    black cav,


    Amulet of glory (t)


    White elegant top, female


    Flared trousers


    Ring of life (just incase)








    That will take a while to save up for...

  2. Statistically, people play more in the summer. Even people that say they play much less in the summer probably play more This is due to the fact that it feels like you are playing less because of the ratio of free time to runescape.




    In the school/workyear, you get, say, 8 hours of free time per day (assuming your not in college and that you actually go to sleep at night). That free time is spent doing homework, studying, sports, extracurricular activities, hanging out with friends, etc. Lets say a person plays runescape 2 hours a day during the schoolyear (many people play 3-5). Thats 1:4th of their free time, or 25%; thats a big commitment, and it feels like one.


    However, in the summer, you have as much free time as you want. You go to sleep late, wake up late, hang out and be lazy, etc. During your 16+ hours of free time each day, you may play runescape for 3 hours, 1 hour longer than during the schoolyear. Thats 3:16, or 18.75% of their free time. Even though your are playing a whole hour more, you are playing 6.25% less compared to free time. Thats why it feels like you play less or equal to the schoolyear.






    As for the actual topic, I strongly believe rares are going to go up over the summer. The ratio of rares to players playing at the moment is keeping the price low. Once people come back during the summer, the ratio of rares to players playing during the summer will cause a price increase. Statistically, because of the ratio of rares to players, rares become more rare even though there are no less or no more rares.






    Somone loves ratios...

  3. Keep the combat a three, i know with autoers an stuff but if theres trivia questions there not getting in? Why not have a wood cutting minigame? the person who gets the most logs keeps all of everyone elses, and these logs could be used to buy woodcutting stuff, i dunno, just throwing ideas out there

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