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Posts posted by fly_to_fall

  1. Runescape's chat filter will now actually block your password, if you try to say your pass you'll get the message: "You appear to be telling someone your password -please don't! If you are not, please change your password to something more obscure!"

  2. 1. I don't think ebay should ban ALL sales of "fake" gold/money; as some games do not have this rule.








    2. I dont really care about rtm in Runescape..Even if it does change the price of RS "in-game" items, i will always have enough "in-game" gold to by whatever i need.








    3. I think that if you have enough money in real life, you should be able to spend it on whatever you want to; fake or real.









  3. So what do you do if some one has a glitch where they can attack anywhere and teleblock you?




    Im sure you would be like "oh well i lost a blue hat but it was my own fault".




    Think before you post.








    Regular magic doesnt do much damage anyway. And it would be my fault, you should always be prepared for anything. And besides that, its just a game. (oh my gawd!!!1one my fake hat, that wont help me at all irl is gone!!! ahh!!)


    They should leave it the way it is..




    Ifs your fault if you die from a glitch. (because its so hard to go upstairs/teleport away from someone attacking you..)








    I, unlike you apparently, do not carry 10 sharks adn a teletablet aeverywhere I go.








    Well maybe you should. (i carry 3 monkfish btw) >.>




    PS3=Awesome system. By the end of 2007 it will have a very competitive library.








    I hope so...I have already bought all the games for my ps3 and it gets a bit boring at times.








    Wii sucks btw..








    And the oblivon for ps3 is VERY MUCH worth the $65. Its much better than the one for the 360. The graphics, and the gameplay is so much smoother. i love it!

  6. Pfft, stop being such a depressed nihilist.








    You're no idea how lucky you are to be alive, and this is all we've got, so make the most of it and enjoy it. Stand for beauty and righteousness, be happy, love, spread joy.








    Pass the weed, please. "lucky"? I think not. :wall:








    it will pass like most things.











    You lie, [bleep]!! I am currently 27 years old,(HEY KIDS, SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO --->) 12 years of the same [cabbage].








    Edit: Cabbage..once again... 3


    rebdragon, why can't you just accept people for who they are..




    I am not a murderer, nor do i intend to be one. Im just expressing my feelings..




    I know that, or least I hope that. It's just, dude:









    Umm, psychotic?








    Going back to the example you used about pulling the trigger on someone, even if you could "detach yourself" for the moment, you would have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life. If you kept detaching, it would probably all build up inside of you and drive you crazy, although I'm not sure if you would be much different than you are now.








    But seriously, I would see a psychologist or a neuro-doctor type person. There might be something wrong inside of your head that controls guilt








    Actually its pretty easy not to feel guilty.




    All you have to do is pretend it didn't happen. If you tell yourself "i never did (so and so)" enough times. you will believe you have never done it. and it will not affect you at all.








    You think something is wrong with that? Please explain whats so bad about it..

  8. Umm, psychotic?








    Going back to the example you used about pulling the trigger on someone, even if you could "detach yourself" for the moment, you would have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life. If you kept detaching, it would probably all build up inside of you and drive you crazy, although I'm not sure if you would be much different than you are now.








    But seriously, I would see a psychologist or a neuro-doctor type person. There might be something wrong inside of your head that controls guilt








    Actually its pretty easy not to feel guilty.




    All you have to do is pretend it didn't happen. If you tell yourself "i never did (so and so)" enough times. you will believe you have never done it. and it will not affect you at all.




    How old are you, you maladjusted, pretentious dingbat?








    Oh dear, it seems you're a [wagon].








    hehe. He was probably joking, being as pretentious means using big words to seem smart...








    I wasn't joking.








    This fatalist crap is what I expect to see from angsty fourteen year-olds who want to sound profound by spouting some crap about how nothing in life matters, and they're so hardcore they're willing to kill themselves or anyone without a second thought. It's indicative of an individual who hasn't actually taken the time to formulate their own honest opinions about life, and thus fall back to a fatalist philosophy.








    There's no logical reason for a well-adjusted member of society to say that life sucks, nothing matters and they'll do whatever they want, and the hell with what anyone else says because nothing matters.








    Besides, if they actually believed the absurd rhetoric that comes out of their mouths half as much as they like to say they do, they would have put themselves on the end of a short rope long ago. Except they haven't.








    Because they're stubborn cowards who refuse to admit that they don't actually have anything profound to contribute.








    Be assured my thoughts (posts on this thread) are sincere, they are my true thoughts. As you can see if we wanted to be "accepted" we wouldn't leak out thoughts like this, to be flamed by close minded people like you.




    If i wanted to be accepted i would have said the same things as most of you all have said.

  10. Okay, here's an argument for the people who seem to feel the need to repeat themselves over and over in saying that what they do means nothing to the universe.








    What we do, no matter how little we do, we always make a difference on every level. Whether it being moving our arms to slightly change the course of the wind, or putting an end to the Civil War. It doesn't matter how little or great something seems from your limited perspective, our existence makes a difference.








    Think of it like voting, if you can't understand it. When you vote, you add one measly number to the millions of votes going towards candidates. To our minds, it seems like nothing, pointless. To use, 1/300 million = 0. Wana know why? It's not because it's true, it's because our mind comprehend their size and magnitude of what we do at such small levels. Same goes for high levels- like how one fails to understand the size of something once you starting going into the trillions. Our minds can't comprehend it at those levels (such as our arm blocking), but the difference is there. If the difference wasn't there, then every election would be a draw.








    For those of you who are lazy to do anything right now, think of the world five hundred years from now. Now, think of what you can do now that can make that world in the future better. Try to WANT to make a difference in the world of today, and of later generations. Personally, I want the world five hundred years from now to be worse without me existing today than if I did exist today. I want to make things better for other people, and you should too if you aren't heartless [bleep].








    Stop giving into fatalism, get off your [wagon], and do something for the world.








    I never said it doesnt make a difference, i just said that the difference we make would not matter at the end of life. Who honestly cares what happens 500 years from now, you won be able to know about it. You wont exist anymore and everyone will have forgotten you. You think anyone will remember (insert ANY famous person here) 500 years from now? No. why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE MOVED ON!




    Not true, physical restrictions and advantages may play key roles in some types of fame (say for example wealth and Paris Hilton) but the only true thing stopping you from achieving something great is yourself. Yea, so it's easier for other people than you, but get over it, life's not fair, you have to fight for what you want. Persistence is key.








    You=said person.








    What if "said person" doesn't want anything at all? then what? in the end of it all, nothing from this life will matter.








    Continuum, do you mind if i hug you? heh >.>


    How old are you, you maladjusted, pretentious dingbat?








    Oh dear, it seems you're a [wagon].








    hehe. He was probably joking, being as pretentious means using big words to seem smart...








    Also LOL@the"censor"











    Bill Gates, Lincoln, Mandella, have you heard of these people? Yes, because they did something. Sitting back and not doing anything isn't going to make you remembered, isn't going to make you have an impact on the world and others lives, it only makes you another dust particle under the couch, So get off your lazy [wagon] and make a difference in the world for yourself and for others, and so you won't get swept up by the vacuum and instead will become a dust bunny.








    Whats wrong with dust bunnies! ?








    Just playing..I know what you mean but not everyone can be as great as you expect them to be.

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