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Posts posted by CLSJoe90

  1. Well my username is two fold, I really used to like the TV Puppet Series by Gerry & Sylvia Anderson which was of course Joe90, also CLS which is Combat Life Saver which is because I am Ex Military, by the way I use this in most games but in AAO it is now just Joe90 because I left the CLS Clan but Warrock account is clsjoe90, I just use the same username where possible to create an online identity...... I would have been just Joe90 but it was taken when I first started playing online.

  2. I play other online games & although it doesn't get rid of all cheats would punkbuster be compatible with RS, then when caught cheating there GUID is banned & if they wanted to play RS again they would need a new pc to do so?




    That would make em think....... urm if i macro & get caught I got to buy a new pc??? :boohoo:

  3. So what actually makes you a Famous RS Player, people see me and think I'm awesome but I just play & have fun like most people. I am 126 cb does that help, or is it something else that makes you Famous?




    I have a huge friendslist which people are asking to be on all the time, however alot just want free stuff which can get annoying at times but I have streamlined my bank, only have what I need & use........




    So please explain what exactly makes a player a famous rs player.




    By the way have met and spoken to most of the top players on the overall highscore list, does your position on this list make you famous?




    Most people just say I am a nice person to talk too & they love my stats as I have only played for a short time.

  4. Well I am 43, wouldnt say obsessed but love the game. Started RS Feb 15th 2005, Member by 15th March 2005. Mainly a quester but due to the wait for quest releases have had to concentrate on skills too.








    Been a gamer since "Elite" on the Commodore64 but most recently was heavily hooked with "Americas Army Operations" which is a free 1st person shooter. But now quite happy to runescape when time is available.

  5. Although I agree with the need for more bank space, it is very easy to keep the bank tidy....








    I have at least 2 of every item I need or use thus it remains in the same place at all times, after a period of time you get use to where objects are and the bank is easy to navigate.








    However base 3 or 4 rows is a bit of a mess with quest items & armour which you cant stack guthans etc... Also still need more cash to get my second d chain & fury

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