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Posts posted by Diarkon

  1. Just so all these noob saying they started when it came out, like in 2000s and what not... :shame:








    Rsc was released-January 4,2001








    Wilderness- August 13, 2001








    Members- February 27,2002








    Runescape Beta- December 1,2003








    Runescape- March 29,2004












    Just some dates












    and no1 will ever know the first pure.... You are just naming the most famous pures...








    I picked the game up in december, and it was pre wilderness mate. That's a copyright on the Java game, if you noticed the entire site is copyright 1999.








    The game wasn't released that far back, but.. Copyrights don't mean [cabbage].












    As far as the first pure? It's a little hard to assess, there were PLENTY of pures around, just none were that hard hitting, and most of their stats were even. It wasn't until after the wilderness came out where high strengthers became popular, and the X,1,X characters rolled out.








    A lot of people trained to 40,40, X after that due to the stat requirements.








    The 25 prayer thing was pretty much a joke for a while, (I'm pretty sure it's pre wildy, I have memories for a few [wagon] running out 1 iteming in lumbridge), and didn't really become popular until rune, mostly the non-skulling 60s. Once bluerose started pumping rune baxes into the economy then PBs became popular.








    As far as the first "Pure pker"?








    Was probably someone who preferred low level pking, like I used to.








    I know Diarkon Jr was my first one defenser pure.


    I used to PK with Blick, Killa Priest back in pre-wildy days.








    I never saw Sexi Pa(k)i around until after rune was around, I always assumed he was somebodies twink.








    The biggest name I can really recall though, was Angel 2 Be, I know her and a couple buddies used to rock the lumbridge scene..








    This was back when people died and everyone could loot the pile, PKing was soooo much fun. Once people got to around the thirties they'd begin wandering around barb village and the towns nearby it, although catching was very rare at the time (only a handful of people knew how to) so many names probably won't be recallable.








    I'll see if I can get on Dyltor and pull up some oldschooler PKer's names for you guys.
















    Wait, I think I remember you... Didn't you used to pk with Dark Archer8 (sp?)... I don't remember the names, but there was a whole gang of "Dark Archers" and they would dominate lumbridge.








    Yeah, but I didn't see Dark Archer much after wildy was released.








    I logged on Dyltor but his friends list had been cleared, I looked and Diarkon and saw Silencer0 and Laws. Ni(gg)a K, but this was an alternate character to an old school PKer whom I can't recall his main. Let me see if I can get some names.

  3. I used to PK with Blick, Killa Priest back in pre-wildy days.








    I never saw Sexi Pa(k)i around until after rune was around, I always assumed he was somebodies twink.








    The biggest name I can really recall though, was Angel 2 Be, I know her and a couple buddies used to rock the lumbridge scene..








    This was back when people died and everyone could loot the pile, PKing was soooo much fun. Once people got to around the thirties they'd begin wandering around barb village and the towns nearby it, although catching was very rare at the time (only a handful of people knew how to) so many names probably won't be recallable.








    I'll see if I can get on Dyltor and pull up some oldschooler PKer's names for you guys.

  4. This is just a topic to see what have happend to all the old runescape classic players.








    Me myself have just started to play rs2, giving it a shoot, still all stuffs left in rsc, (probably removed by jagex)..












    I wonder where people like:...
















    Zorro Toy




    Robin Hood








    ... Have gone. And does some one really know what happend to TKS?








    Theres offcrouse alot of more famous rsc people but i just dont have time to think about more :)








    Bluerose wasn't an oldsch00ler.

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