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Posts posted by motocrossbri

  1. Life is too short, hmmm. Well needless to say I have put a lot of time into my account, almost a whole year worth of game play and I do not care. I have fun playing and its entertainment. To those people who calculate how much money you could of made working all the hours you put in a game is like computing how much you could do while your sleeping. Now I have spent 15hrs a day playing this game sometimes. Does that seem like it has consumed my life, I HAVE PLAYED A YEARS WORTH OF THIS GAME OMG. Wait in that time I have also done a lot more then just playing a game. Oh yeah that's right I got a college degree in that period too [cabbage] I forgot about that. This seems more like a person who has an addiction problem instead of a Video Game problem. If you let anything consume your life it is not a good thing whether it be Drugs, Work, Video Games, Fitness.


    He said he hasn't acquired any skills but I would be willing to beat if he did not play video games, he could not of made this animated youtube video.

  2. What is the best way to obtain a prom 2h and plate? I don't have any close friends with high enough smithing


    There used to be a cc for smithing items when DG first came out not sure if it is still around, or what it's called.


    I know I am a big help lol.

  3. I pretty much agree with this statement.


    I do try a couple worlds for when I do kill things, but I do not wish to spend and hour to find a DK world. So I try a max of 4 worlds go back to the one with the weakest person/team and just take it for me.



    To the comments on how is a low level supposed to make money when someone is crashing you? There has always been higher levels crashing lower levels. We persevered through it so can you. When your a lower level you just need to change your methods.

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