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Posts posted by mikephoto

  1. OK first of all im hoping everyone knows what a chav is.


    If you don't then here is a quick definition:




    C.H.A.V = council house associated vermin.




    They fail at school, think they are "gangstas", all smoke and drink and do other things your not allowed to at 15. They all wear tracksuits, usually lacoste.




    You all know who i mean? Yes those ones at the bus stop shouting pointless abuse at you right now.




    Anyway, i got chased home by 5 of them yesterday.


    Man i hate them!


    They are low life scum, and they think they are "hard" because there is 5 of them and one of you, and you don't have a knife and they do.




    Because I'm a "stupid skater mayte" they don't like me. Im a surfer anyway.




    Whenever you see them just ignore them they are useless.




    Thanks i feel better for that.






    lacoste lol as if they cannot afford that and anyway lacoste is normally run about with football hooligans not your chav kids your on about

  2. My problem with the BNP is that they are pandering to the current movement in the UK against immigration and youth crime with tough policies towards these problems.


    they have always been like this not just because of the current movement and all the rage.

  3. god i find it funny how people come on a forum where 90% of the people are 8 year old runescape players and ask serious advice. man up, i mean god, your little band that would never amount to anything broke up, your gf who you wouldn't have gotten married to in the first place broke up w/ you, your mom's tires got slashed oh wow! there's 300 dollars to fix them. You're thinking of killing yourself over that kind of stuff? [what the heck] is wrong with you you've gotta be the weakest person on the forums.




    most people on this thread are like this though

  4. do you agree?


    i dont agree with everything they do i dont think they should kick ever one whos not english out, or beat up people who are not english





    They don't beat up people that aren't English. They have extreme views yes but they don't go round assaulting different races.




    I would't want the BNP in power at all. However we do need a stricter and more competent immigration policy. The Aussie points system is probably the best bet.




    haha mate yes the do the more extream do its not there view to do it know thats right, but they have groups that link up to the national front and go about doing it. Just a few weeks ago in the town i live in we had a french market and so many people got attacked that day because where i live BNp is the main runners

  5. we get alot of polish people as well but fair play to them they come in the right way set up there own shops and some of the stuff they sell actually iks nice to eat

  6. exactly people think well they will work for nothing really but that english guy will not so we can save money by giving the other guy the job!?!

  7. i mean how like the people come off the back of the trucks not even come in legally and get jobs right away when they shouldnt even be in england


    my views are not as extream as the bnp they say anyone who is not british should not get jobs etc thats [cabbage] they should but not the people that come in iligally

  8. I read over their policies and some of them are very poor. Let British people get a pick over people other other ethnicities for jobs? Thats horrible, what happens when someone who moves over there and isn't British wants to get a job? He may be much more qualified but wouldn't be considered over a British person.






    this is the bit i DO agree with indeed






    edit: not so much people who have actually worked hard to do it but people who come over and walk right into a job .

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