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Posts posted by ArmadylArcher

  1. This is an example of what you can see during the Perseid meteor shower that's happening between Aug 12-22nd. It should be able to be viewed all over after midnight, as long as it's dark out you should probably be able to see it.


    Check out this shot of a couple of Perseid meteors some aurora borealis.




    more info on times, locations and what the perseids actually are:





  2. I went dungeoneering with a weird guy recently who had a flip out that I wasn't helping kill stuff as often as the rest of the team during a rush....I was keying.


    :D lol. MASS asterix spam!


    pures suck when dungeoneering...why? you can't skill, you can't open doors, and often enough you die right away

  3. I love BW photographs. There's a really good magazine you should look into for some hq stuff; BW magazine. Pretty easy to remember! Love the tones, shadow and detail in this shot. Would make a great print. Though I'm not too sure about the shadow on the left of the stone, to me that almost takes away the sprawling landscape and disrupts the balance of the picture But critique is very subjective and it's a very nice image overall.

  4. all canon in bag 1..


    5D mark II

    21 2.8 zeiss

    kenko 2x TC

    70-200 2.8 L

    100 2.8 macro

    f stop satori bag

    580 ex


    numerous studio lighting equipment and accessories.


    occasionally i shoot with digital medium format camera systems, but i prefer the 5D mark II for how well i know the system

    and thanks :)

  5. Some of you may remember me, some of you probably not. I posted a few of my shots of the aurora on here a while ago, for which I got a lot of press for...1.6 years now shooting portrait, wedding, advertising and spreading the beauty of the land...here's some of my work





    be sure to check out my facebook fan page and twiter, i post a lot of updates on where i am and what im doing/shooting.

  6. Hehe, I PM'ed you about this on flickr :P


    And thanks so much :D


    Ahh beautiful, this is some truly inspiring stuff.


    My photography teacher asked us to bring in some photos and do a few minutes presentation of a photographer and you sprang up in my mind because I never really forgot those Aurora photos you posted before <3:


    Aww thank you that means a lot :)




    Absolutely stunning photo. I'm also very jealous as I went to Iceland a few years ago and I really hoped to see the aurora borealis but we saw nothing until the last night and it was only a slightly greeny-blue hue to the sky :( Good work, I've seen the picture before and never knew it was taken by someone from Tip.It :D




    Just goes to show how many cool people there are on here, eh?

  7. I was waiting for you to post again :D I'm roughly 43 miles away if I go up the M25, so I'm sure that I could manage to go and see it :)


    Sweet! Be at the presentation for me on the 9th (couple of days) :D I'll be over there within the next couple of months :( but won't be able to see it right now.

  8. Thanks guys sorry for the copy and paste..I suck taking pictures of myself as much as I do writing about myself, lol.




    Metro news is running it too? Didn't know that, but cool ! Have you got a link to the article? They have a transferable licensing agreement with me, so it'll be literally spreading everywhere (all around the world) :D

  9. I will be presented at the gallery of the Royal Observatory of Greenwich this year (International Astronomy Year). If you are in the area, or will be traveling to the UK then click here for directions.



    One of my shots Bow Of Orion




    made it to the final shortlist of the competition which ran all over the world and received shots from over 450 photographers worldwide.




    I have not yet been informed if I am the grand prize winner ($2500/title of astrophotographer of the year) but I will be being exhibited at the gallery between September 09th, 2009 to January 10th, 2010.




    I'm very excited to hear the winning results but am otherwise overjoyed at the press I have been receiving all over the world. People are blogging and talking about this image and really appreciating it, like I intended it to be when I shoot all of my photographs.




    That said, please do not take these images straight off the web and print them yourself! For one thing it's difficult to do without the proper printing equipment, in order to bring out the true resolution and image that was captured, and I do need to make a living in order to keep creating and enriching peoples' lives with these prints! Thanks, but feel free to make it your desktop if you want.




    I am hoping to hear of the selection of the winner of the competition in the next few days..judging on that I will decide whether or not I can afford to take to go over and see the exhibit with my own eyes. I'd love to but it's very very very expensive to travel to the UK and stay. If I were to win first place I would use the money towards buying an ultra-good lens that i have my eye on, specifically for aurora photography.




    If not then I will still try to buy this lens when it makes itself available.




    Just a few more days now...


    From my website at:




    Also Facebook fanpage:






    magazine newscientist




    guardian UK newspaper



  10. Hi elias;




    I used to shoot with a nikon d40x, d300 and d3. I strongly recommend the 50D; it's what I use primarily to create these shots. I also use the canon 5D mark II. I'm strictly canon and never going back to nikon!




    Both cameras are great cameras, but I find nikon's lenses extremely expensive for the higher grade G glass ..more than canon's L lenses and I don't believe they're worth it.




    I have a new website, I am from the NWT of Canada. Between August-May is when the aurora kicks up around here, with abo[bleep]e 0 active during the summer, practically.




    check me out on http://www.synergystudiosphotography.com




    My blog tells you all about the shoots I have, or the places I go to shoot, or any other stories of relevance that come up.




    Glad you enjoy.

  11. I went to the gym today and surprised myself; I can't bench worth anything anymore ...only 150lbs for barely 10 reps.




    Though, for whatever reason my biceps are a lot stronger and I maxed 145lbs for barbell curls (x4).




    Strange, you'd think my chest would get worked out with my biceps ...maybe it's from holding cameras and heavy lenses really steady all the time. Who knows?




    I also weigh 118 now. I've been in pretty rough shape and am about to hit the highway to travel to ...god knows where, anywhere away from this place. I haven't eaten in about three days from stress and recalculating my finances to get ready to hit the road.




    I've seen some pretty heavy guys that can't lift worth a damn and some very lightweight guys (an old karate sensei I had; christ what a TANK...but he had a beer belly and was very thin in the shoulders and chest...still he showed me this techique where he punched a wall and it shuddered the whole room!)




    I'll leave einstein to figure out the theory of relativity, though, just goes to show your age/weight/look/size/bulk ratio doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how strong you are or how strong you can be.




    I remember hearing a quote somewhere that in terms of mind over matter you only use about 50% of your capable strength with regular, fairly intensive lifting. When you really apply the focus of your mind do you bring out the other 50%. I think I saw that on the show "World's strongest man" where these MASSIVE guys lift incredible weights in this endurance race..anyway just giving this thread more fuel for thought.

  12. I think it'd help a lot if you stopped reading the news, there's nothing you can do about it anyway.




    Stop worrying about what god knows country is doing with god knows another country...in the grand scheme you've been dying since you were born, just live life and enjoy your time...forget the [cabbage] that doesn't concern you.




    The world? Cabbage the world. Stop caring about what you can't fix.




    Just live in your own world and be happy.




    That certainly wouldn't make me happy. If you don't like the world and it's making you unhappy, change it. Or try your best anyway. Not even reading the news because you dislike some of it is just about as ignorant as you can get; where would society be if everybody took that attitude?


    Change your perception of how you see the world; it's not black and white. There are good, there is bad, there are things that are neither there nor here.




    You can do whatever you want but for most, ignorance is bliss. If you don't want ignorance, then change what you can..but the OP (topic author, cant remember who they were) quoted a lot of things he hated or she hated about the world; most of them global issues that they have relatively no control over.




    That's not to say they never will, but my point is:




    Fix what you can


    Cabbage what you can't


    Have a good time


    Cause you're going to die anyway




    There's my poor attempt at being poetic with a flu

  13. All depends on the machine and how its laid out, for simplicity sake its all relative anyway. I've been on machines and only able to do 20-30 lbs under what I could on the other machine ... a friend in the military once told me that if I do work out then not to regulate my workouts; just work out. Work out till your muscles fail and dont count. I think thats what worked for him, though I got better results from not doing that

  14. Lot of my workout comes from just hiking about and walking, navigating the land and going for long long walks into the wilderness.




    The last time I was in a gym was about 6 months ago and I remember being able to do 180 lbsx10 reps for bench press.




    I used to have extremely strong legs when I was younger from running, but over time and lack of exercise I could only do 200 lbs x8 on leg press (sort of like a reverse squat, I just call it a leg press I'm not sure if anyone else does).




    For biceps I would do barbell curls and I usually do about 120-130 for reps of 6 (two arms, duh, barbell).




    About it really...I haven't worked my shoulders since I was 12 and it shows... I can only do like 50 lbs shoulder pressing...they're very very weak.






    A lot of my body doesn't get any work at all, such as my forearms...Honestly how the hell do you work them? I've just let them grow naturally and they're really really weak, too, sometimes when I lift the bar I wonder if they're going to snap. :roll:




    I don't know what I weigh, but last time I checked I was 5'6" and 120 lbs (my bones are very thin). I used to be really self concious about my weight, being so small, but my dad was like that too and then all of a sudden when he hit 30 his metabolism slowed right down. I once visited a doc about it and he said that I just had a really really high metabolism; I'm the guy that can eat a whole pizza and loose a pound the next day :roll:

  15. I spend a lot of time on the internet, myself, but my work encompasses needing to network with other professionals online as well as my own e-mail and business is greatly aided by the assistance and networking available on the web.




    I wouldn't say I am addicted to it, though, I really enjoy browsing and reading as much intelligent conversations as I can. Learning new techniques for myself, how to do something, asking for help or assistance, networking with models...the list goes on




    I play online games like runescape to relax and have fun; and they really do help me chill.




    Not sure if you guys heard but there was a 14 year old kid that ran away from home after his parents took away COD4 (Call Of Duty 4) and his xbox gaming system. He died in the woods and a lot of people believed it was suicide, though, most believe it was accidental and just chance that he died. The trigger was taking away the call of duty 4 game, however, and the makers of the game were under fire from the press for a bit.




    Another popular case study was the Chinese kid that killed himself after WoW


    http://www.techspot.com/news/19487-chin ... craft.html




    Do you guys forsee this happening with runescape, sometime in the future?

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